Traité international sur les ressources phytogénétiques pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture

Assessing the implementation of Article 9 (Farmers’ Rights) in the Philippines

PARAGOS-PILIPINAS is a civil society organization engaging in education and awareness campaigns on land rights and sustainable agriculture practices, often in partnership with other NGOs. In 2018, a study was conducted with the aim to assess the level of implementation of Article 9 of the ITPGRFA in the Philippines and to support farmers in their role as seed developers. A number of policies and laws were found to be relevant, including laws targeting the seed industry, phytosanitary regulations, organic farming as well as rights of women and indigenous peoples. Farmers are recognized as seed growers but are not dynamically supported in their role as biodiversity managers; relevant legal provisions view farmers as mere beneficiaries. There are no limitations for farmers in the Philippines to save, use, exchange and sell seed, but the government policies endorse mainly certified seeds, so that farmers’ seed production and exchange tends to be discouraged. Community Intellectual Property Rights, including for seeds, genetic resources and related traditional knowledge, are legally recognized through several provisions of the Indigenous People’s Rights Act (IPRA), 1997. Lessons learned include that the links between land rights and peasants’ and indigenous communities’ rights to seeds and genetic resources would deserve more attention.

Institution/organization Farmers Organization
Provision of Art. 9 addressed Art. 9.1, Art. 9.2a, Art. 9.2b, Art. 9.2c, Art. 9.3
Type of measure/practice Others
Country Philippines
Region Asia
Link(s) to further information about the measure/practice
Keyword(s) Farmers’ Rights, PGRFA, Seed system, Sustainable use

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