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Comité du Codex sur l'hygiène alimentaire
28/02/2022 - 09/03/2022 | Virtuel ,


The 52nd Session of the Committee on Food Hygiene has been rescheduled to 28 February to 4 March 2022 with report adoption on 9 March 2022. The session will be held virtually from 14:00 – 17:00 (CET).
All work scheduled for consideration by CCFH52 will continue through mechanisms agreed by CCFH51 (e.g. EWG within the mandates given by CCFH51).

Additional information on the next steps, the programme and other updates will be published here as soon as they become available.

A tentative timetable/programme is available in the right column and here in EnglishFrench and Spanish.


The Codex Secretariat has prepared a guidance for Members and Observers to facilitate the smooth running of Codex virtual meetings. Codex members and observers participating in the upcoming virtual meeting are kindly invited to consult the "Information for Delegates" webpage and in particular to read the Guidance to participants of virtual meetings available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian.


A working group on the Guidelines for the control of STEC in raw beef, fresh leafy vegetables, raw milk and raw milk cheeses and sprouts: annexes is scheduled for Sunday, 27 February from 14:00 to 17:00. The JEMRA secretariat will provide feedback on JEMRA’s work on STEC. The programme for this working group is available here in English, French and Spanish. Interpretation services will be available in English, French and Spanish. Access to the pre-session meeting is included in your registration to CCFH52.
Related Presentations
Co-chairs presentation on the STEC Annexes English, French, Spanish
Information package for STEC working group participants English
JEMRA presentation on STEC work English, French, Spanish.


All participants should provide their information (names and addresses) through the Online Registration System by accessing the link below, latest by 48 hours in advance of the start of the plenary meeting i.e. 26 February 14:00 CET.

Login and password for the online registration to the plenary meeting and the meetings of the working groups have been provided to all Codex Contact Points of Member Countries and Observer Organizations. If the login and password have not been received, please contact [email protected].


Dr. J. Emilio Esteban, Chief Scientist in the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service and Chairperson of CCFH, welcomes delegates to the upcoming session and explains how the meeting will be managed.

Download the letter: English, French, Spanish


Item 2 Matters referred English
Item 3 Matters arising from the Work of FAO and WHO English, French, Spanish.
Item 5 Draft guidelines for the management of biological foodborne outbreaks English, French, Spanish.
Item 6 Proposed Draft Decision Tree – General Principles Of Food Hygiene English, French, Spanish.
Item 7 Draft Guidelines for the control of STEC English, French, Spanish.
Item 8 Draft Guidelines for the safe use and re-use of water in food production – EWG Report English, French, Spanish.
Item 8 Draft Guidelines for the safe use and re-use of water in food production – JEMRA Report English, French, Spanish.



Letter From The Chair
Chair's letter

Documents apparentés

PointDescriptionDate de téléchargement
Référence du document
5Avant-projet de Directives pour la gestion des épidémies biologiques d’origine alimentaire05/08/2021
REP20/FH, Appendix III
1Ordre du jour provisoire05/08/2021
CX/FH 22/52/1
5.1Projet de Directives pour la gestion des épidémies biologiques d’origine alimentaire: observations16/08/2021
CX/FH 22/52/5
8Avant-projet de Directives de sécurité sanitaire pour l’utilisation et le recyclage de l’eau dans la production des aliments à l’étape10/11/2021
CX/FH 22/52/8
5.2Projet de Directives pour la gestion des épidémies biologiques d’origine alimentaire27/10/2021
CX/FH 22/52/5 Add.1
6Avant-projet d’arbre de décision (révision des Principes généraux d’hygiène alimentaire (CXC 1-1969)) 30/10/2021
CX/FH 22/52/6
7Avant-projet de Directives pour la maîtrise des Escherichia coli producteurs de shigatoxines (STEC) dans la viande de bœuf crue, les légumes-feuilles frais, le lait cru et les fromages produits à partir de lait cru et les graines germées17/12/2021
CX/FH 22/52/7
5.3Projet de Directives pour la gestion des épidémies biologiques d’origine alimentaire: observations20/01/2022
CX/FH 22/52/5 Add.2
3Questions découlant des travaux de la FAO et de l'OMS (y compris JEMRA)31/01/2022
CX/FH 22/52/3
2Questions soumises au Comité par la Commission du Codex Alimentarius et/ou d'autres organes subsidiaires du Codex03/02/2022
CX/FH 22/52/2
6.1Avant-projet d'arbre de décision: observations 31/01/2022
CX/FH 22/52/6 Add.1
7.2Avant-projet de Directives pour la maîtrise des Escherichia coli producteurs de shigatoxines (STEC) dans la viande de bœuf crue, les légumes-feuilles frais, le lait cru et les fromages produits à partir de lait cru et les graines germées: observations09/02/2022
CX/FH 22/52/7 Add.1
8.1Avant-projet de Directives de sécurité sanitaire pour l’utilisation et le recyclage de l’eau dans la production des aliments: observations08/02/2022
CX/FH 22/52/8 Add.1
104Avant-projet de directives pour la maîtrise des escherichia coli producteurs de shiga-toxines (STEC) dans le bœuf cru, les légumes-feuilles frais, le lait cru et les fromages au lait cru, ainsi que les graines germées : section générale15/02/2022
102Avant-projet de directives pour la gestion des épidémies biologiques d’origine alimentaire17/02/2022
103Avant-projet d’arbre de décision (Révision des Principes généraux d’hygiène alimentaire (CXC 1-1969))15/02/2022
101Répartition des compétences entre l'Union Européenne et ses etats membres18/02/2022
105Rapport du groupe de travail sur l’avant-projet de directives pour la maîtrise des escherichia coli producteurs de shiga-toxines (stec) dans le bœuf cru, les légumes-feuilles frais, le lait cru et les fromages au lait cru, ainsi que les graines germées01/03/2022
Rapport de la 52e session du Comité du Codex sur l’hygiène alimentaire07/04/2022
106Comments from Dominican Republic, New Zealand, Perú and Rwanda on Agenda Item 523/02/2022
107Comments from Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Malaysia, Rwanda and ISO on Agenda Item 623/02/2022
108Comments from Dominican Republic and Rwanda on Agenda Item 723/02/2022
109Comments from Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Malaysia, Philippines and Rwanda on Agenda Item 823/02/2022
110Comments from El Salvador on Agenda Item 7 and 824/02/2022
111Comments from Indonesia on Agenda Item 5, 6, 7 and 824/02/2022
112Comments from Ghana on Agenda Item 5, 6, 7 and 8 25/02/2022
113Comments from Argentina on Agenda Item 725/02/2022
114Comments from Morocco on Agenda Item 5, 6, 7 and 825/02/2022
115Comments from Uganda on Agenda Item 5, 6, 7 and 825/02/2022
116Comments from the East African Community on Agenda Item 5, 6, 7 and 825/02/2022
117Comments from Senegal on Agenda Item 5, 6, 7 and 826/02/2022
118Comments from Burundi on Agenda Item 5, 6, 7 and 8 26/02/2022
119Comments from United Kingdom on Agenda Item 5 and 726/02/2022
120Comments from the African Union (AU) on Agenda Item 5, 6, 7 and 8 27/02/2022
121Comments from Saudi Arabia on Agenda Item 5, 6, 7 and 827/02/2022
122Comments from Nigeria on Agenda Item 5, 6, 7 and 8 28/02/2022
123Comments from the Republic of Korea on Agenda Item 828/02/2022
124Comments from Tanzania on Agenda Item 5, 6, 7 and 828/02/2022
125Comments from South Africa on Agenda Item 5, 6, 7 and 828/02/2022
126Comments from the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) on Agenda Item 901/03/2022
127Opening remark01/03/2022
128Comments from United Kingdom on Agenda Item 802/03/2022
129All files zip collection