المعاهدة الدولية بشأن الموارد الوراثية النباتية للأغذية والزراعة

Third Meeting of the Platform for the co-development and transfer of technologies

07/09/2015 to

Italy (Rome)

Following some implementing actions by Partner institutions in the biennium 2014-2015 and Treaty-system wide developments of actual and potential relevance to the Platform, this third meeting of the Platform was convened in Rome on 7 September 2015 to plan the activities for the following biennium, taking into account the overall evolution of the Treaty as well as other concrete activities already planned.

مستندات العمل

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مستندات المعلومات

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مستندات أخرى

African Agricultural Technology Foundation - Presentation
Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety - Presentation
Brasilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) - Presentation
CGIAR evolving role in generating and transferring technologies related to PGRFA - Presentation
The BSF project: Multi-country projects lead by Indonesia - Presentation
Workshop on DOI’s applied to rice germplasm and co-development and transfer of rice technologies - Presentation
Bean Adapt. Evolution in a changing environment: the genetic architecture of adaptation outside centers of domestication of Phaseolus vulgaris and P. coccineus - Presentation
The Italian contribution to the conservation, characterization and use of plant genetic resources - Presentation
Third Project cycle of the Benefit-sharing Fund. Window 3: Co-development and transfer of technologies projects - Presentation
Platform for Technology Co-Development and Transfer - Presentation
Private sector delivery of public-bred germplasm. Report back to Int. Treaty TT platform on SFSA Seeds2B activities - Presentation
German National Evaluation Programme for Plant Genetic Resources (EVA II) - Presentation


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