Mercados y Comercio

FAO e-learning - Strengthening capacities for effective trade and market-related policies in agriculture

Year of publication2022
AbstractThis brochure presents two e-learning courses offered by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The Trade, Food Security and Nutrition (TFSN) course addresses the linkages between trade and food security, and seeks to strengthen capacities to develop and implement evidence-based trade policies taking into consideration the need for economic growth and structural transformation, as well as food security and nutrition concerns. The Agriculture in International Trade Agreements (AITA) course explores the treatment of agriculture in the multilateral trading system and in regional trade agreements (RTAs) and aims to support policy makers to develop and implement appropriate agricultural development and food security strategies. Information about the courses and contacts for enrolment are provided in the brochure.
Available inEnglish
Product typeBrochure (factsheet; flyer/leaflet; Poster; banner)
RegionEurope and Central Asia
Keywordsagricultural sector; international trade policies; trade agreements; agricultural development; food security; e-learning