Statistics Technical Network webinar "Unlocking food and agriculture microdata to achieve the SDGs: the FAM Catalogue"

Hybrid Event, 20/10/2020

The Statistics Technical Network webinar provided insights about the functionalities and benefits of the FAM Catalogue, FAO's microdata platform on food security and agriculture.

FAO's microdata database on food security and agriculture was launched in July 2019 to increase access to food security, nutrition and agriculture data. A little over a year later, the platform provides free access to more than 650 datasets, including those used to compute the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES), as well as national level datasets on agricultural census and surveys.

Targeted to both data providers and users (individuals, research institutions, international organizations and governments), the Statistics Technical Network webinar "Unlocking food and agriculture microdata to achieve the SDGs: the FAM Catalogue", attended by 209 participants, was aimed at raising awareness of FAO’s initiative and its potentialities.

During the hour and a half event, Pietro Gennari, FAO Chief Statistician, together with the FAM team were able to:

  1. Give a brief overview of the initiative and familiarize the audience with the main features of the platform, and procedures to ensure the confidentiality of the microdata disseminated through the FAM;
  2. Talk about the latest collections that have been released and future plans, and provide information on the process for submitting datasets/studies to the FAM ; and
  3. Identify users’ needs and gather feedback to further improve the tool.

 The presentation was then followed by a questions and answers session.





3:00  –  3:10

Welcoming Note and introduction to FAM Webinar

Valerie Bizier

3:10  –  3:25

Overview of FAM Catalogue

Pietro Gennari

3:25  –  3:45

Providing and Accessing Data in FAM including Quick Tour to FAM Platform

Oluwakayode Anidi


3:45 –  3:55

Data Anonymization Procedures

Natalia Piedrahita


3:55  –  4:25

Questions and Discussions

Valerie Bizier

4:25  –   4:30


Pietro Gennari

Find out more:



Events page

FAO’s call to action for unlocking agricultural data to achieve the SDGs

For further information, please contact the FAM team at: [email protected].