Congress outcomes
After a week of rich discussions in ministerial dialogues, technical sessions under six sub-themes and numerous special and plenary events, participants endorsed the Seoul Forest Declaration and about 150 “action points” – steps that need to be taken to solve challenges and seize opportunities. These outcomes were complemented by the Youth Call for Action and the Ministerial Call on Sustainable Wood.
The publication Building a green, healthy and resilient future with forests summarizes these outcomes, prioritizing six key areas to accelerate and scale-up global commitments and action on forests.
Outcome news
- Press release: Newly adopted Seoul Forest Declaration identifies priority action areas
- Earth Negotiations Bulletin summary report
- Editorial: Forests can heal an ailing planet - but champions are needed
Process for producing the outcome documents
The XV World Forestry Congress will have outcomes intended to support policy decisions and implementation on the ground, including an overall summary and a short statement with key messages, proposed to be called the Seoul Forest Declaration.
The outcomes will not be negotiated texts; their purpose is to summarize and highlight the key issues and identify priority actions. The content will be derived from the Congress’ deliberations as follows:
Detailed notes of the deliberations at all sessions and events (excluding side-events). These notes will comprise the raw material for the outcomes.
Congress attendees will help generate the content of the outcomes through their active participation in sessions and events.
The findings from the sessions and events (excluding side-events) held throughout the week will be presented to the plenary on the morning of Friday 6 May, for the consideration of, and feedback from, all Congress participants.