XV World Forestry Congress

©FAO/Pilar Valbuena


The period of registering online for in person participation through the WFC official website is closed and access to the main WFC registration platform is no longer possible. However, there are still two ways you can join the Congress!

In person participation

It will still be possible to come in person to the Congress venue, Coex, and register from 01–06 May in order to participate.

Virtual attendance

It is possible to join the Congress through virtual attendance, free of charge, by registering online. Once registered on the Congress programme platform, participants can log in and create their own account. This will enable participants to bookmark favourite sessions, set up a personal agenda, join chats during sessions and network with other virtual participants. 

Registration Fee

Discounts are offered to participants from low- and lower-middle-income countries based on their nationality (please click  here for the latest income classification of countries as published by the World Bank).

Online registration payments should be made by credit/debit card (VISA, Mastercard, Diners Club, JCB and AMEX) only.

All payments should be made in Korean currency (KRW) and no VAT applies. All registration deadlines are Korea Standard Time.

Registration CategoryEarly BirdLate BirdOn-site
26 August 2020–
15 January 2022
16 January 2022–
15 April 2022
1 May–
6 May 2022
Full StandardFull access, high- and upper-middle-income countriesKRW 510 000KRW 680 000KRW 940 000
Full SpecialFull access, low- and lower-middle-income countriesKRW 320 000KRW 440 000KRW 610 000
Partial StandardUp to 3 days, high- and upper-middle-income countriesKRW 340 000KRW 448 000KRW 620 000
Partial SpecialUp to 3 days, low- and lower-middle-income countriesKRW 220 000KRW 296 000KRW 400 000
Student / RetireeStudents and retirees, all countriesKRW 200 000KRW 272 000KRW 380 000
CompanionCompanions of participantsKRW 120 000KRW 168 000KRW 230 000

Day Pass (One day only)
Student living in KoreaOne-day access for students living in KoreaKRW 20 000KRW 20 000KRW 30 000
Participants living in KoreaOne-day access for participants living in KoreaKRW 40 000KRW 40 000KRW 50 000
Participants living outside of KoreaOne-day access for participants living outside of KoreaKRW 180 000KRW 220 000KRW 240 000

* Any category of registration shown above includes access to the pre-congress events

Benefits by registration category

CategoryRegistration KitSession accessWelcome ReceptionSide eventsExhibitionTransportation between hotels and venues
Full StandardVVVVVV
Full SpecialVVVVVV
Partial StandardVV VVV
Partial SpecialVV VVV
Student / RetireeVVVVVV
CompanionV V VV
Day Pass V VVV
On-site RegistrationVV VVV

* Please note that the registration fee does not cover the closing dinner.


Closing Dinner

You can sign up for the closing dinner after completing your registration. Due to the limited number of seats, availability will be on a first come, first served basis.

5 May 2022Hall DKRW 100 000

Donation for participants from low-income countries

If you wish to donate, please select a category on the Options menu and make the corresponding payment in addition to your registration fee.

Donation CategoryAmount
Full SpecialKRW 320 000
Partial Special (3 days max per person)KRW 220 000

Upon registering for the XV World Forestry Congress, you agree to the terms and conditions of registration. Your registration will be complete when you pay the registration fee and receive the confirmation email.

※ Only an electronic receipt will be issued for online registration and VAT is not added to the registration fee.