The contribution of a forest circular bioeconomy to sustainable development
May 5, 2022 | 11:30 AM KST - 1:30 PM KST
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Transitioning to a circular bioeconomy that is based on sustainably sourced renewable bioresources is key to meet the sustainable development goals. Forests, being our most important biological infrastructure, are the main source of renewable biomaterials and bioenergies and are central in achieving the new circular bioeconomy paradigm.
Rapid advances in science and technology offer potential for new sustainable business opportunities in a wide range of sectors including construction, chemicals, transport, textiles, energy and plastics. Accelerating and scaling up these innovations into market solutions require public and private investments, and a mobilized financial system. It also requires an enabling regulatory framework and a sustainable marketplace that generates long-term value through the balanced integration of natural, social and financial capital.
This special session will showcase key contributions that the forest sector provides to the sustainable circular bioeconomy and identify options for upscaling. The session is organized as keynote interventions, key messages from business and a moderated panel discussion, designed to bring together different perspectives from the public and private sector, academia and civil society, from various contexts and regions. Transitioning to a circular bioeconomy that is based on sustainably sourced renewable bioresources is key to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.
Forest-based bioecomony at the heart of building back better
- Eduardo Mansur, Director, Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment, FAO
- Marc Palahí, Director, European Forest Institute
- Carlos Faroppa, Director, Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and F isheries of Uruguay
- Virginia Puzzolo, Head of Programme, Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking
Forest bioeconomy in practice - key messages from business
- Jane Molony, Executive Director, South-African Paper Manufacturers Association
- Mariana Royer, CEO, BioStratège, Guyana
- Robert Leon, Board Chairman, Arbiom, France
- Doris Wang, General Manager, Bambkin, China
- Stéphane Hallaire, CEO and Founder, Reforest’Action, France
Panel discussion
- Jim Chamberlain, Research scientist, USDA Forest Service and IUFRO Task Force
- Gijs Breukink, Senior Advisor Responsible Forestry, WWF
- Sandra Regina Afonso, Researcher, Brazilian Forest Service
- Jörg Schweinle, Forest scientist, Thünen Institute
- Mokena Makeka, Principal, Dalberg Advisors
- Frederic Staat, Coordinator, Woodrise Alliance
- Robert Nasi, Director General, CIFOR, Managing Director, CIFOR-ICRAF