For media photos please visit FAO Forestry Flickr – XV World Forestry Congress.
More images for each session and other events can be found at World Forest Voices and IISD Earth Negotiation Bulletin.
XV World Forestry Congress media photos
FAO photographs are provided for one-time editorial use and for the specified purpose only. No commercial use, advertising, marketing, storage or third-party distribution of FAO photographs is allowed. Photographs may not be modified without prior permission. We reserve the right to withhold distribution and/or permission to reproduce FAO photographic material should intended use be considered inappropriate. FAO photographs must be credited each time they are published. Proper format is ©FAO/name of photographer.
Please provide a complimentary copy of the publication, article, or URL address in which the image/s appear to: Photo Library, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153, Rome, Italy, email: [email protected].
XV World Forestry Congress videos
Including interviews, tree talks and all main session recordings in English, French, Spanish and Korean.
For footage from the Congress, video news releases and B-roll, please contact [email protected]