Tratado Internacional sobre los Recursos Fitogenéticos para la Alimentación y la Agricultura

Material available in the Multilateral System

The Secretariat publishes on this page the information and notifications received on material available in the Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing. The information has been received from Contracting Parties, the International Agriculture Research Centres of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), other International Centres and natural and legal persons within the jurisdiction of Contracting Parties. A sample notification letter of material available in the Multilateral System can be downloaded from this page in four languages: 
 لعربية | english | français | español 

Since September 2017, the notification of material available can also be made through the registration of the material in the Global Information System, during the assignation of a Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Type of holder


Association of Communities in the Potato Park

Association of Communities in the Potato Park

Date of notification: 04/07/2008
  • Joint Division

Mutant Germplasm Repository of the FAO/IAEA Joint Division

Mutant Germplasm Repository of the FAO/IAEA Joint Division

Date of notification: 18/07/2007
  • South Pacific

International Coconut Genebank for the South Pacific

Bioversity lnternational has transferred the obligations undertaken on behalf of COGENT pursuant to the agreements with FAO and the host governments of Brazil, India, Indonesia, lvory Coast and Papua New Guinea regarding coconut germplasm collections, to the lnternational Coconut Community. 

Date of notification: 09/05/2007
  • African and the Indian Ocean

International Coconut Genebank for African and the Indian Ocean

Bioversity lnternational has transferred the obligations undertaken on behalf of COGENT pursuant to the agreements with FAO and the host governments of Brazil, India, Indonesia, lvory Coast and Papua New Guinea regarding coconut germplasm collections, to the lnternational Coconut Community. 

Date of notification: 05/02/2007

Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center

Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center

Date of notification: 16/10/2006

World Agroforestry Centre

World Agroforestry Centre

Updated number of accessions: 1 996
Date of notification: 16/10/2006

International Rice Research Institute

International Rice Research Institute

Updated number of accessions: 117417
Date of notification: 16/10/2006

International Potato Center

International Potato Center

Updated number of accessions: 16061
Date of notification: 16/10/2006

International Livestock Research Institute

International Livestock Research Institute

Updated number of accessions: 19215
Date of notification: 16/10/2006

International Institute of Tropical Agriculture

International Institute of Tropical Agriculture

Updated number of accessions: 27280
Date of notification: 16/10/2006

International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics

International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics

Updated number of accessions: 119613
Date of notification: 16/10/2006

International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas

International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas

Updated number of accessions: 134741
Date of notification: 16/10/2006
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