Tratado Internacional sobre los Recursos Fitogenéticos para la Alimentación y la Agricultura

Material available in the Multilateral System

The Secretariat publishes on this page the information and notifications received on material available in the Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing. The information has been received from Contracting Parties, the International Agriculture Research Centres of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), other International Centres and natural and legal persons within the jurisdiction of Contracting Parties. A sample notification letter of material available in the Multilateral System can be downloaded from this page in four languages: 
 لعربية | english | français | español 

Since September 2017, the notification of material available can also be made through the registration of the material in the Global Information System, during the assignation of a Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Type of holder

  • Italy

Istituto di Genetica Vegetale

The Italian Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche notified the Secretary that the Triticum and Hordeum collection held by Istituto di Genetica Vegetale the located in Via Amendola, 165/a 70126 Bari -Italy and consisting of 27.743 Triticum and 2.102 Hordeum have been included in the Multilateral System. The information on the collections will be displyed at the web site eco.igv.cnr.itlphpmyadmin by the end of 2011.

Updated number of accessions: 29845
Date of notification: 27/07/2011
  • Kenya

Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARl)

The Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARl) of Kenya notified the Secretary that a total of 30 genera comprising of 12,873 accessions listed in the Annex I of the International Treaty and maintained in the National Genebank of Kenya are included in the Multilateral System.

Updated number of accessions: 12873
Date of notification: 07/03/2011
  • Cyprus

Director of the Agricultural Research Institute of Cyprus

The Director of the Agricultural Research Institute on behalf of Cyprus notified the Secretarythat 485 accessions maintained in the collections held by the Genebank of the Agricultural Research Institute (Cyprus)areincluded in the Multilateral System. The number of accessions per crop are listed in the appendix to the notification. The information can be found online at:

Updated number of accessions: 485
Date of notification: 17/02/2011
  • Malawi

Malawi Plant Genetic Resources Centre

The Ministry of Agriculture of Malawi has notified the Secretary of the International Treaty that 1419 accessions of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture belonging to 17 genera listed in Annex I have been included in the Multilateral System. The accessions are maintained by the Malawi Plant Genetic Resources Centre at Chitedze Research Station, except for the banana collection which is at Bvumbwe Research Station.

Updated number of accessions: 1419
Date of notification: 08/02/2011
  • Spain

Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs of Spain

The Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs of Spain has notified the Secretary of 16.157 accessions of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty included in the Multilateral System. Through the website Centro de Recursos Fitogenéticos detailed data on the composition of the collections is readily available.

Updated number of accessions: 16157
Date of notification: 24/11/2010
  • United Kingdom

Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs of the UK

The Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs of the UK has notified the Secretary that a number of accession of genetic resources for food and agriculture listed in Annex I and maintained in colection of the United Kingdom are included in the Multilateral System. The number of accessions per crop and collection are summarized in the notification. Detailed data of material currently available can be found at: Eurisco.

Updated number of accessions: 42722
Date of notification: 04/10/2010
Website: EURISCO
  • Lebanon

Agriculture Research Institute of the Republic of Lebanon

The Agriculture Research Institute of the Republic of Lebanon has notified the Secretary of the Treaty of 47 accessions of 44 species of 19 crops that are maintained in Tal Amara Rayak are included in the Multilateral System.

Updated number of accessions: 47
Date of notification: 26/09/2010
  • Sudan

Plant Genetic Resources Unit of the Agricultural Research Corporation in Wad Medani - Sudan

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of The Sudan has notified the Secretary that 6351 samples of sorghum, pearl millet, banana and other plant genetic resources for food and agriculture listed in Annex I and maintained in the Plant Genetic Resources Unit of the Agricultural Research Corporation in Wad Medani, Sudan, have been included in the Multilateral System.

Updated number of accessions: 6351
Date of notification: 23/09/2010
  • Madagascar

Ministry of Agriculture of Madagascar

The Ministry of Agriculture of Madagascar has notified the Secretary of the International Treaty that 7 999 accessions of various crops listed in Annex I of the Treaty and conserved in several national collections are included in the Multilateral System. The number of accessions per crop and collection are summarized in the notification.

Updated number of accessions: 7999
Date of notification: 01/09/2010
  • Czech Republic

Research Institute of Crop Production - Czech Republic

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic has notified the Secretary that plant genetic resources for food and agriculture listed in Annex I and maintained in the Research Institute of Crop Production in Prague are included in the Multilateral system. Detailed data on the composition of the collection and user procedures to order samples are available at the website of EVIGEZ.

Updated number of accessions: 32616
Date of notification: 31/08/2010
  • Estonia

Ministry of Agriculture of Estonia

The Ministry of Agriculture of Estonia has notified the Secretary of the International Treaty that the following plant genetic resources for food and agriculture listed in Annex I and maintained in Estonia have been included in the Multilateral System: 1. The collections held by the Genebank of the Jogeva Plant Breeding Institute, located in Jogeva; 2. The Potato collection held by the Department of Plant Biotechnology of EVIKA of the Estonian Agricultural Research Centre, located in Saku. 3. The Malus, Prunus, Pryrus, Ribes, Rubus, Fragaria collection held by the Polli Horticultural Research Centre of the Estonian University of Life Science, located in Polli.

Updated number of accessions: 2496
Date of notification: 29/01/2010
  • Romania

National Gene Bank - Romania

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development of Romania has notified the Secretary that the following plant genetic resources for food and agriculture listed in Annex I and maintained in the Suceava Gene bank have been included in the Multilateral System: -The collection held by National Gene bank, Romania, located in Suceava. The website provides access to the collection’s database, and detailed data on the composition of the collection is readily available.

Updated number of accessions: 6363
Date of notification: 05/06/2009
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