Tratado Internacional sobre los Recursos Fitogenéticos para la Alimentación y la Agricultura

Latin America and Caribbean Training Workshop on Conservation, Sustainable Use of PGRFA and Farmers’ Rights

05/08/2019 to 08/08/2019

Uruguay (Montevideo)

Thanks to the generous funding by the Government of Italy, the Secretariat of the Plant Treaty convened a regional training workshop on the conservation and sustainable use of crop germplasm and Farmers' Rights for countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Representatives from 14 countries and numerous non-governmental organizations attended the workshop and expressed appreciation for the capacity development initiative.

Link to the news


Documentos de trabajo


Documentos informativos

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Overview of the International Treaty and Conservation and Sustainable Use of PGRFA
Toward a new Programme of Work on Conservation and Sustainable Use of PGRFA (PoW 2020-2023)


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Invitaciones y Notificaciones

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