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29/04/2019 - 03/05/2019 | 日惹, 印度尼西亚


The 13th Session of Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods will be held at the Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel, Kasultanan Ballroom, Jalan Laksda Adisucipto No.81, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. The session will start at 10:00 on Monday, 29 April.
The session will be conducted in English, French and Spanish.


The Working Group on risk analysis of contaminants with no regulatory level or risk management framework will meet on Sunday, 28 April from 09:00 to 13:00 in the plenary hall of Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel.
The PWG meeting is open to all interested Codex members and observer organizations and will work in English only.

The purpose of the PWG meeting will be to consider any comments and feedback on the Guidelines submitted in reply to CL 2019/10-CF (see Agenda Item 10) in advance of the plenary and facilitate its consideration in the formal session.
No formal registration is required for the event but for catering purposes, New Zealand and the Netherlands would be interested in receiving the names and addresses of delegates and observers planning to attend the meeting by sending this information to: [email protected] with a copy to [email protected].


Codex Contact Points and international organizations with observer status are kindly requested to use the online registration system by accessing the link here below.

Please note that the invitation to CCCF13 issued by FAO and WHO requests that delegates register by March 29, 2019.
Login and password for the online registration have been provided to all Codex Contact Points and Contact Point of Observers Organizations. If the login and password have not been received, please contact [email protected].
We would encourage all delegates who expect to attend CCCF13 to register well in advance to ensure that appropriate seating arrangements will be available for them at the meeting.

Participants are advised to enquire at the nearest Embassy or Consulate of Indonesia to determine whether visas or other documents are required to enter the country, at least 30 days before the start of the meeting. Additional information on Procedures to obtain entry visa to Indonesia will be included in the information notes for the participants.


Please note that there will be no distribution of working documents through the Codex mailing list (Codex-L). Only the invitation and the provisional agenda will be distributed to members and observers. All working documents, and any subsequent new documents not referenced on this Provisional Agenda, including any other information for delegates, will be published on the Codex website as they become available. Working documents will not be printed and delegates are kindly requested to bring with them to the meeting all documents which have been distributed as no printed copies will be made available at the session.

More information are available in the Information for Delegates document in the table here below.


114Draft Guidelines for risk analysis of instances of contaminants in food where there is no regulatory level or risk management framework established (at Step 7)11/04/2019
1Adoption of the Agenda25/01/2019
CX/CF 19/13/1
2Matters referred to the CCCF CAC and/or its subsidiary bodies01/02/2019
CX/CF 19/13/2
10.2Draft Guidelines for risk analysis of instances of contaminants in food where there is no regulatory level or risk management framework established (at Step 7)27/02/2019
CX/CF 19/13/8
3Matters of interest arising from FAO and WHO (including JECFA)19/02/2019
CX/CF 18/13/3
13Discussion paper on the revision of the COP for the prevention and reduction of lead contamination in foods27/02/2019
CX/CF 19/13/11
15Discussion paper on the establishment of MLs for methylmercury in additional fish species27/02/2019
CX/CF 19/13/13
7.2Draft COP for the reduction of 3-MCPDEs and GEs in refined oils and food products made with refined oils (at Step 7 )05/03/2019
CX/CF 19/13/7
10.1Request for comments at Step 6 on the draft Guidelines for Risk Analysis of Contaminants in Food where there is no Regulatory Level or Risk Management Framework Established05/03/2019
CL 2019/10-CF
5.2Proposed draft MLs for lead in selected commodities in the GSCTFF (CXS 193-1995) (at Step 4)29/03/2019
CX/CF 19/13/5
5.1Request for comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft maximum levels for lead in selected commodities in the General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food and Feed (CXS 193-1995)14/03/2019
CL 2019/07-CF
7.1Request for comments at Step 6 on the Proposed draft code of practice for the reduction of 3-MCPDEs and GE in refined oils and food products made with refine oils14/03/2019
CL 2019/09-CF
11Discussion paper on the establishment of new maximum evels for lead in commodities according to a prioritization approach18/03/2019
CX/CF 19/13/9
17Discussion paper on the establishment of MLs for AFTs in cereals (wheat, maize, sorghum and rice), flour and cereal-based foods for infants and young children18/03/2019
CX/CF 19/13/15
16Discussion paper on the establishment of MLs for HCN in cassava and cassava-based products and occurrence of mycotoxins in these products25/03/2019
CX/CF 19/13/14
19.11Request for comments on the Priority list of contaminants and naturally occurring toxicants for evaluation by JECFA26/03/2019
CL 2019/11-CF
19.2Report of the 12th Session of CCCF26/03/2019
14Development of a Code of practice for the prevention and reduction of cadmium contamination in cocoa04/04/2019
CX/CF 19/13/12
6.2Proposed draft MLs for cadmium in chocolate and cocoa-derived products (at Step 4)04/04/2019
CX/CF 19/13/6
6.1Request for comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft maximum levels for cadmium in chocolates and cocoa-derived products04/04/2019
CL 2019/08-CF
4Matters of interest arising from other international organisations07/04/2019
CX/CF 19/13/4
20Forward workplan for CCCF10/04/2019
CX/CF 19/13/18
2.1Matters referred to CCCF by CAC and/or its subsidiary bodies01/02/2019
CX/CF 19/13/2 Add.1
12Lead and cadmium in quinoa19/04/2019
CX/CF 19/13/10
101Division of Competence between the European Union and its Member States24/04/2019
7.3Draft Code of Practice for the reduction of 3-MCPED and GE in refined oils and food products made with refined oils24/04/2019
CX/CF 19/13/7-Add.1
10.3Draft Guidelines for Risk analysis of instances of contaminants in food where there is no regulatory level or risk management framework established24/04/2019
CX/CF 19/13/8-Add. 1
0.1Information for delegates25/01/2019
0.2Hotel Reservation Form07/02/2019
104Comments on Agenda item 224/04/2019
105Comments on Agenda item 424/04/2019
106Comments on Agenda item 1124/04/2019
107Comments on Agenda item 1224/04/2019
108Comments on Agenda item 1324/04/2019
109Comments on Agenda item 1424/04/2019
110Comments on Agenda item 1524/04/2019
111Comments on Agenda item 1624/04/2019
112Comments on Agenda item 1724/04/2019
113Comments on Agenda item 2024/04/2019
115Comments on Agenda item 2 24/04/2019
100Information documents for use in discussions related to contaminants and toxins in the GSCTFF24/04/2019
CF/13 INF/1
6.3Proposed draft MLs for cadmium in chocolate and cocoa derived products24/04/2019
CX/CF 19/13/6-Add.1
18General Guidance on Data analysis for ML development24/04/2019
CX/CF 19/13/16
116Comments of Japan26/04/2019
117Comments of Indonesia26/04/2019
118Comments of India26/04/2019
119Comments of Thailand26/04/2019
120Comments of Malaysia26/04/2019
121Comments of Nigeria26/04/2019
123Revised comments of Republic of Korea26/04/2019
122Comments of Egypt26/04/2019
19.3Priority list of contaminants and naturally occuring toxicants for evaluation by JECFA27/04/2019
CX/CF 19/13/17
5.3Proposed draft MLs for lead in selected commodities in the GSCTFF(CXS 193-1995)27/04/2019
CX/CF 19/13/5- Add.1
124Comments of Ghana27/04/2019
125Comments of Uganda27/04/2019
126Revision of draft COP for the reduction of 3-MCPDE and GE in refined oils and food products made iwth refined oils (prepared by the United States of America as an EWG chair)28/04/2019
127Comments of the Dominican Republic 29/04/2019
128Comments of Senegal29/04/2019
129Comments of Cuba29/04/2019
130Comments of ICA29/04/2019
131Comments of Ecuador29/04/2019
132Comments of El Salvador29/04/2019
133Comments of Nicaragua29/04/2019
134Comments of African Union29/04/2019
103Report of PWG on agenda item 1029/04/2019
135Outcomes of the informal working group to address comments submitted on the sampling plan for methylmercury in fish 29/04/2019
136Comments of Philippines30/04/2019
137Comments of ICGA30/04/2019
102Report of the In-session WG on priority list of contaminats and naturally occuring toxicants proposed for evaluation by JECFA01/05/2019
138Opening Remarks, Purwiyatno Hariyadi02/05/2019
139All files zip collection