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11/11/2019 - 15/11/2019 | 罗马, 意大利


The 10th Session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Near East will be held from November 11th-15th 2019 at FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy.
The Session will begin at 09:00, Monday, November 11th. The Session will be conducted in Arabic, English and French.


All participants should provide their information (names and addresses) through the online registration system by accessing the link below, latest by 11th October 2019.

Login and password for the online registration have been provided to all Codex Contact Points and Contact Point of Observers Organizations. If the login and password have not been received, please contact [email protected].
Only in case of technical difficulty, the registration form should be sent directly to the CCNE Secretariat.


Pre-meeting workshop: Enhancing participation in Codex through effective use of Codex on-line tools.
9-10 November 2019, Iraq room, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy.
Preliminary programme available here in English and Arabic.


Thursday 14th 9-12 AM - Multi-disciplinary insights on addressing food fraud (Interpretation in English and Arabic). Programme is here available.
Thursday 14th 2-5 PM - Codex Trust Fund: FAO/WHO Diagnostic Tool for National Codex Programmes (Interpretation in English and Arabic). Programme is here available.


The documents for the session are available in English, French and Arabic. They will be placed on the Codex website as soon as they are prepared.
NB! We kindly remind you to obtain all documentation from the Codex website prior to the meeting.


1Provisional Agenda30/07/2019
CX/NE 19/10/1
3.2The future of food safety: Outcome of the first FAO/WHO/AU International Food Safety Conference and the International Forum on Food Safety and Trade - What's next?13/08/2019
CX/NE 19/10/4
14Nomination of the Coordinator20/08/2019
CX/Ne 19/10/17
5Matters arising from the Codex Alimentarius Commission and other Codex Committees07/10/2019
CX/NE 19/10/7
7.1Implementation of the Codex Strategic Plan 2014-2019 (including Strategic Plan for CCNE 2014-2019)08/10/2019
CX/NE 19/10/9
4Use of Codex standards in the region08/10/2019
CX/NE 19/10/6
8Codex Communications work plan21/10/2019
CX/NE 19/10/11
7.2Codex Strategic Plan 2020-2025 - Roadmap to implementation24/10/2019
CX/NE 19/10/10
3.3Food safety and quality situation in countries in the region: Use of the online platform for information sharing on food safety control systems - status of information and future plans/prospects 30/10/2019
CX/NE 19/10/05
9Food additive provisions for the Regional Standard for Doogh31/10/2019
11Discussion paper on a Codex text for ready-to-eat pre-packaged salads31/10/2019
CX/NE 19/10/14
6Codex work relevant to the region04/11/2019
CX/NE 19/10/8
3.1Food safety and quality situation in the countries of the region: current and emerging issues in the region04/11/2019
CX/NE 19/10/03
2Keynote address and discussion: Chemicals in food - the invisible challenge, when do we need to be worried and what we need to know? 04/11/2019
CX/NE 19/10/2
13Discussion paper on the development of a regional standard for maamoul05/11/2019
CX/NE 19/10/16
10.1Comments at Step 606/11/2019
CX/NE 19/10/13Add.1
10Draft regional standard for mixed zaatar (step 6)08/11/2019
CX/NE 19/10/13
12Discussion paper on the development of a standard for halal products08/11/2019
CX/NE 19/10/15
105Comments of Egypt (Arabic Republic of) on Items 2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4, 6, 7.1, 7.2 and 10 11/11/2019
110Report of the in-session working group on the implementation of the Strategic Plan 2020-202513/11/2019
Report of the 10th Session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for the Near East10/01/2020
103Comments of Algeria on Item 1201/11/2019
104Comments of Iran (Islamic Republic of) on items 9, 10 and 1204/11/2019
106Comments of the International Dairy Federation (FIL/IDF) on item 910/11/2019
101Speeches at the opening ceremony11/11/2019
102Keynote address by Prof. Mark Feeley11/11/2019
108Comments of Palestine on item 3.211/11/2019
107Report of the In-session Working Group on the draft regional standard for mixed zaatar12/11/2019
109Information on the Arab Food Safety Initiative for Trade Facilitation (SAFE) and results achieved under the FAO-led components12/11/2019
111All files zip collection