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New team running nutrition committee

The Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU) will meet in Berlin, Germany on 26-30 November 2018. A new team has been appointed by the host government, Germany, and the session will be chaired by Anja Brönstrup (top left), who has a background in nutrition. Prior to joining the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture in 2016, Anja worked for national and international scientific authorities, including the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Hilke Thordsen is the new co-chair of CCNFSDU. She has broad experience in general food law, especially with respect to food labelling having worked for the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture in a range of roles. The new chair’s assistant is Klara Jirzik, a Food Chemist currently working at the German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety. The familiar face behind the scenes in the Host Secretariat is Alina Steinert (top right) who has managed CCNFSDU for the past five years. During the course of the meeting, the Committee will be discussing a review of the Standard for Follow-up Formula (CXS 156-1987), a Proposed Draft Definition for Biofortification and a series of other matters relating to nutrition labelling, food additives and harmonized probiotic guidelines for use in foods and dietary supplements. CCNFSDU is always well attended with over 60 countries and 40 observer organizations sending delegates. Food Standards Officer Verna Carolissen of the Codex Secretariat said, “The Nutrition Committee always attracts interest from a broad cross-section of the Codex community, bringing together not only Members but interest groups from both industry and consumer associations. We expect the new Chair and her team will find a dynamic environment and a collective desire to make good progress on the agenda this year”. In welcoming the new team, Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt spoke about the importance of the Committee in safeguarding that the food we eat is safe. “Nutrition is about ensuring long-term health and wellbeing for everyone”, he said. “I am particularly happy that this Committee is at the centre of important discussions on this topic. The new team has a challenging task ahead and I am sure they will do well”. Read more on the CCNFSDU web page