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Bolivia / Series of workshops by the National Codex Committee strengthen capacities on Codex


Bolivia's National Codex Alimentarius Committee, with the support of the Codex Trust Fund and PANAFTOSA-PAHO/WHO, conducted a initiative aimed at raising awareness and expertise on Codex standards with a series of workshops held between June and September 2023. The workshops, titled "Strengthening of Capacities in Codex Alimentarius Topics," were held in the cities of Trinidad, Tarija, Sucre, Potosí, and Oruro.

The initiative was attended by more than two hundred participants representing various sectors including food Industries, food laboratories, municipal autonomous governments, municipal intendencies, business associations, academia, and independent professionals specializing in Codex-related areas.

The goal of these series of workshops was to increase the use and impact of Codex texts as well as to enhance the participation in the National Codex Technical Committees, contributing to the objectives outlined in the National Strategic Plan and in the Codex Strategic Plan 2020-2025.