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欧洲协调委员会区域:区域协调员 - 德国

1964 年,食品法典委员会在其第二届会议上 ,以接替“欧洲食品法典理事会”,并取代 1963 年第一届会议上设立的“欧洲咨询小组”。

欧洲协调委员会第一次会议于 1965 年 7 月在瑞士伯尔尼举行,来自该地区的 16 个国家参加了会议。

现任协调员为德国,常驻联邦食品和农业部 (BMEL).


  • 减少该地区成员积极参与食典委工作的障碍,
  • 提高人们认识食典委和食品安全在向可持续食品系统过渡期间的作用,以及
  • 促进在抗菌素耐药性(AMR)等优先领域使用食品法典标准。




Finland food industry fair confirms Codex is 60 but far from retirement

As part of the global celebrations of Codex Alimentarius turning 60, the Finnish government hosted a session at the annual Food Industry fair in Helsinki, Finland, on 23 May 2023. Titled “Codex – Far From Retirement”, the session attracted over 100 food professionals out of approximately 550 people attending the fair. The session was led by Sebastian Hielm, Finland’s Food safety Director and European member of the Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and included presentations by Tom Heilandt, Secretary [...]
04 June 2023

International Training for Safer Food - ITS Food Online 2023

Food Safety and risk management training with a focus on residues and contaminants by BVL Germany In October 2023 Germany’s Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) will once again host the International Training for Safer Food. ITS Food is a training on food safety risk management, aimed at staff working in public authorities of non-EU countries handling issues related to food safety. ITS Food 2023 will focus on “Residues and Contaminants”. Practitioners from competent authorities, official laboratories and research institutions [...]
15 February 2023

Portugal’s Sumol+Campol organizes World Food Safety Day event to promote company-wide food safety awareness

Sumol+Compal, the Portuguese fruit and vegetable juice and snack company, promoted World Food Safety Day on 8 June with a webinar for all employees, which aimed to promote and consolidate the culture of quality and food safety within the organization. The webinar, which took place in collaboration with Sumol+Compal partners and official entities, addressed a number of food safety issues. The first presentation was from Filipa Melo de Vasconcelos, Sub-inspector General of the Portuguese Economic and Food Safety Authority (ASAE) and Portugal’s representative to [...]
12 December 2022

ACT project part of One Health approach to combat antimicrobial resistance in foodborne pathogens

WHO roundtable discussion in Croatia Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is not only a human health threat, but also a food safety issue. Antimicrobial use in food animals – for treatment, disease prevention or, in some countries outside the European Union, growth promotion – allows resistant bacteria and resistance genes to emerge and spread from food animals to humans through the food chain. To address this issue, the World Health Organization (WHO) organized a roundtable discussion on 10 November 2022, in close collaboration [...]
11 November 2022

Artificial Intelligence for detecting food fraud - promoting Codex standards through AI

The international conference "Artificial Intelligence (AI) for detecting food fraud" was held on 13 September 2022 in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. The conference was organized by the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Europe (CCEURO) of the Codex Alimentarius, the European Center for Peace and Development of the United Nations University for Peace (ECPD), the International Food Standards Certification Organization (IFSCO), with the support of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The conference, attended by 1680 participants from Europe and Asia adopted a [...]
14 September 2022

FAO and partners hold World Food Safety Day activities in Tajikistan

In celebration of World Food Safety Day – 7 June 2022, the FAO office in Tajikistan led a scientific conference on the theme "Safer food, better health" with the participation of the national Committee on Food Safety (CFS), Association of Veterinaries of Tajikistan (TVA), scientific institutions, World Health Organization (WHO) and other stakeholders. Issues related to food safety, prevention of zoonoses, AMR were discussed during the conference. The organizers recognize, in particular, Dr Eran for support. The conference was attended [...]
16 August 2022

European Food Safety Authority raises consumer awareness for World Food Safety Day

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) together with national food safety bodies across Europe highlighted their joint communication campaign #EUChooseSafeFood for World Food Safety Day 2022. The focus was to inspire Europeans to make food choices with confidence by raising awareness about the science behind food safety.  The partners also marked World Food Safety Day by  recognising the efforts of food safety actors to safeguard consumer health every day of the year. Among EFSA’s activities were: Cross-promotion with international partners - coordinating [...]
25 July 2022

World Food Safety Day celebrated by airline caterers

LSG Group celebrated World Food Safety Day with special events happening at LSG Sky Chefs facilities around the world. Many of the company’s employees joined in the celebration. Together, they not only created awareness for food safety but also showed their commitment. As a quality and technology leader in airline catering, food safety is an integral part of the LSG Group’s business. “It is only logical that we shine a spotlight on this highly important topic and celebrate World Food [...]
22 July 2022

CCEURO / Regional Meeting reviews achievements and looks to the future

On July 13, 2022, Nailya Karsybekova, Regional Coordinator for Europe, arranged a meeting with Codex contact persons of the post-Soviet countries - Central Asia, the Caucasus, Ukraine, and Russia. Those in attendance carried out an analysis of the work for the entire period of Kazakhstan’s coordination since August 2017 and discussed achievements, lessons learned, an arsenal of new tasks, and proposed solutions. Participating countries also discussed the current work of Codex at the national level, and the importance of countries taking an [...]
20 July 2022

A lesson in food safety for World Food Safety Day

At a school in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, students celebrated World Food Safety Day this year by learning all about the WHO’s Five Keys to Safer Food. They then made posters and videos about what they had learned in order to raise awareness in their families and amongst their peers. The activities were an initiative from Corbridge Middle School’s science teacher, Meryl Batchelder, who said “Our Year 7 pupils love getting creative in science. Raising awareness [...]
04 July 2022

Video Message




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