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World Food Safety Day 2023 will highlight food standards

The World Food Safety Day 2023 campaign has started today, with the theme “Food standards save lives”. The theme coincides with the 60th anniversary of Codex Alimentarius this year and encourages food safety advocates around the world to focus on the importance of applying standards in every aspect of food production - from the source to the table. The launch saw the publication of this year’s guide in all six UN languages, which provides information on the theme and Codex Alimentarius, [...]
06 March 2023


世界食品安全日每年都在扩展,今年也不例外。2022年的庆祝活动在至少109个国家举办了450余场活动,世界食品安全日标签在推特上的曝光量超过8亿次,表明了全世界对世界粮食安全日的认识与日俱增。这些活动和社交媒体的参与放大了关于食品安全的关键信息,以及集体责任对于所有人的健康和福祉的重要性,显示了世界食品安全日对这一全球重大问题产生影响的潜力。 读者现在可以在题为“2022年世界食品安全日图片和数字”的报告中,一睹为第四届世界食品安全日举行的诸多庆祝活动。这份长达8页的报告以六种联合国官方语言提供,包含来自世界各地的照片、粮农组织和世界卫生组织高级官员的视频信息链接,以及关于网络研讨会、会议、步行、视频等主题的信息。   下载报告   相关链接 您可以在世界食品安全日网站上阅读有关不同活动的深入信息 来自世界各地的照片请见2022年世界食品安全日相册      
26 October 2022

For EatSafe, safer food and better health intersect in the traditional market

USAID’s Feed the Future Initiative, EatSafe: Evidence and Action Towards Safe, Nutritious Food, has honored this year’s World Food Safety Day (WFSD) with a special focus on traditional markets. The program’s aim is to to enable lasting improvements in the safety of nutritious foods in informal markets by focusing on the consumer. To commemorate this year’s WFSD, EatSafe led a series of activities, including blogs, events, resources, and even a podcast discussing what it means to “foster a culture of [...]
27 June 2022

WHO and FAO celebrate the fourth annual World Food Safety Day on Zoom

Thanking participants for their commitment to safer food and better health, WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus opened the 7 June webinar by sharing the news that countries approved the updated WHO Global Strategy for Food Safety. In late May 2022, the World Health Assembly committed “for the first time to concrete targets for reducing foodborne diarrhoea, strengthening surveillance, and improving coordination,” he announced. Also relaying World Food Safety Day greetings via video message at the opening of the online event [...]
07 June 2022

World Food safety Day / Codex Chairperson calls for the transformation of food systems

“Our mission in Codex is to be where the world comes together to create food safety and quality standards that protect everyone everywhere.  Food safety is at the core of our work,” said Codex Chairperson Steve Wearne as celebrations got underway across the globe for World Food Safety Day 2022. One in ten people worldwide fall ill from contaminated food each year and the magnitude of the global public health burden of foodborne disease is comparable to that of malaria, or [...]
07 June 2022

FAO and WHO food safety experts debunk myths live on social media

As part of this year’s World Food Safety Day celebrations, the World Health Organization (WHO), together with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), hosted a social media live Question-and-Answer (Q&A) event for the public on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. WHO Scientist, Simone Moraes Raszl, and Jeffrey LeJeune, FAO Food Safety Officer, discussed key facts about food safety and debunked some popular myths on Monday, 6 June 2022. The event was moderated by WHO Communications officer Yanawit [...]
06 June 2022

Join the FAO and WHO World Food Safety Day social media live Q&A

As part of this year’s World Food Safety Day celebrations, the World Health Organization (WHO), together with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), will host a social media live Q&A event for the public on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The event speakers, WHO Scientist, Simone Moraes Raszl, and Jeffrey LeJeune, FAO Food Safety Officer, will answer questions around this year’s theme of “safer food, better health”. Tune in to FAO and WHO social media channels on Monday 6 [...]
05 June 2022

New FAO-WHO leaflets now available to help us all improve on food safety

Food safety is everyone’s business, and to underline this fact, new information leaflets have been released in advance of this year’s World Food Safety Day. The leaflets examine five settings where food is sold or consumed: workplaces, traditional food markets, street food vending, schools and daycare centres and the home. Each leaflet explains why food safety is important in that environment and then explains easy ways for authorities, producers and consumers to keep food safe. They all end with an idea [...]
03 June 2022

Tom Heilandt speaks to FAO in Brussels ahead of World Food Safety Day

World Food safety Day will be celebrated on 7 June 2022. Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt spoke to the FAO liason office in Brussels about the theme for this year's celebration - safer food better health - and about a range of issues on his agenda in Codex.   Read the full article here.
03 June 2022

The 2022 World Food Safety Day guide now available in Portuguese

O Guia para o Dia Mundial da Segurança dos Alimentos 2022 está aqui! The World Food Safety Day guide in Portuguese is now out and available for download. This means the 300 000 Portuguese speaking people across Africa, Asia and Latin America have direct access to information about how to participate in the UN Day that is marked on 7 June, making it easier for food safety advocates to raise awareness and inspire action. Since the first World Food Safety Day [...]
11 April 2022