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codexalimentarius > 新闻和活动

CAC46/ Maximum residue limits for zilpaterol adopted by Codex Alimentarius Commission

The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) has voted to adopt maximum residue limits (MRLs) for zilpaterol hydrochloride. The MRLs have been the subject of debate within the Commission for some years and Chairperson Steve Wearne had made it clear that he and the Vice-Chairpersons had perceived among the Members “a recognition that time is now growing short, and a sense of impatience that this issue should be resolved at CAC46.” This impatience was reflected in discussions during the plenary session. The decision [...]
28 November 2023

Did you know? Spain hosted a 2-session Meeting on table olives in 1971 & 1973

The 46th Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) opened 27 November with a celebration of the 60th anniversary of the first CAC meeting. As part of the festivities, all countries that host or have ever hosted a Codex committee were honoured. Among them was Spain, as host of the little-known Joint Codex/International Olive Oil Council (IOOC – formerly IOC) Meeting on the Standardization of Table Olives (CXTO), which worked over two sessions in 1971 and 1973. The CXTO is mentioned briefly in this [...]
28 November 2023

CODEX magazine 2023 edition out now!

The 2023 edition of the CODEX magazine has been published ahead of the 60th anniversary Codex Alimentarius Commission meeting, CAC46, which will take place 27 November–2 December at FAO headquarters in Rome. In addition to the regular CODEX magazine features, this “bumper” edition of the magazine takes a look at key milestones throughout Codex’s history, from its first Commission meeting in 1963 through to this anniversary year, and explores different opinions on what the future may and must hold for a [...]
28 November 2023

CAC46/ Codex celebrates 60 years of standards setting

The 46th meeting of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) has opened with a celebration of the Commission’s 60 years of standards setting, in which the past, future and relevance of Codex were discussed by a range of experts, and long-standing contributions to Codex were recognized. The opening session, facilitated by Corinna Hawkes, Director of the FAO Food Systems and Food Safety Division and Codex Secretary ad interim, heard from the FAO and WHO Directors-General Qu Dongyu and Tedros Ghebreyesus on the [...]
27 November 2023

CAC46/ Directors-General of FAO and WHO open this year’s Codex Alimentarius Commission meeting with 60th anniversary wishes

The 46th session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission was opened at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on 27 November by the Directors-General of FAO and the World Health Organization (WHO) with celebrations for the 60th anniversary of the first Commission meeting in 1963. Dr Qu Dongyu, FAO’s Director-General welcomed the more-than 700 delegates from Codex Member Countries and Observer Organizations who have travelled from almost 160 countries to attend the Commission meeting in [...]
27 November 2023

CAC46 / A time to celebrate – and to consider key new texts

The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) meets this week, in Rome, for the 46th time  – 60 years after its very first meeting in 1963. Codex Members and Observers will be celebrating this anniversary, revisiting past milestones along the journey to this year’s meeting, considering at the same time what the next 60 years might hold for Codex.   CAC also has much work to discuss during this week. Proposed texts under adoption include the guidelines for the control of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC), the [...]
26 November 2023

Codex plays an important part in the mission to end hunger

This year's edition of the CODEX magazine, titled "60 years of standards", is out now! Read some of our articles online and click on the link below to download the full publication. Maria Helena Semedo, FAO Deputy Director-General, spoke with us about the important role Codex plays in achieving the FAO mandate – and how she sees Codex evolving in the coming years. Q: What is the role of the Codex Alimentarius in achieving the mandate of FAO improving global food security?One [...]
26 November 2023

For healthier populations, we will rely on Codex to continue its work

This year's edition of the CODEX magazine, titled "60 years of standards", is out now! Read some of our articles online and click on the link below to download the full publication. Dr Ailan Li, WHO Assistant Director-General, Universal Health Coverage, Healthier Populations answered questions about why Codex is important to global public health.Q: What is the role of the Codex Alimentarius in improving global public health?Food safety is a major global challenge. The 2015 WHO Estimates of the Global Burden [...]
26 November 2023

Codex Looks Good at 60

This year's edition of the CODEX magazine, titled "60 years of standards", is out now! Read some of our articles online and click on the link below to download the full publication. This article by Nick Gardner, Long-time Codex delegateSix decades is a long time for an organization to remain relevant and effective. Yet, the Codex Alimentarius, a concept developed at a time when global food trade looked very different than it does today, continues to deliver a multitude of benefits [...]
26 November 2023

Steve Wearne: "Ensuring an effective and efficient Commission meeting is a shared responsibility"

With the 46th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC46) starting next week at FAO HQ, Rome, the Codex Secretariat sat down with the CAC Chairperson, Steve Wearne (United Kingdom), to talk about the Commission, how he intends to chair the meeting and the 60th anniversary of Codex.   Steve, 2023 was yet another intense year for Codex, with 14 committees returning to physical meetings. How would you describe the outcomes of this year so far? Well, you are centainly right. It was a [...]
24 November 2023