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codexalimentarius > 新闻和活动

World Veterinary Day / recognizing the essential contributions of veterinarians to Codex

By Brandi Robinson, Food and Drug Administration, United States of AmericaChairperson Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Food (CCRVDF) Veterinarians have contributed to the development of Codex codes of practice, guidelines, and standards on many topics ranging from animal feeding to contaminants in feed, to residues of veterinary drugs in food, to antimicrobial resistance. With their expertise, veterinarians are integral to the ongoing work of the CCRVD which is charged with developing standards for veterinary drug residues found in food [...]
30 April 2022

Codex committee on fresh fruits and vegetables facilitates harmonization of international trade

The twenty-second session of the Codex Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (CCFFV) is taking place virtually from 25 April to 4 May 2022 and was opened in front of more than 200 participants by Dr Alfonso Guati-Rojo Sánchez, Director General in the General Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economy of Mexico and Chairperson of the committee. In 34 years CCFFV has developed 42 international standards, which have served as the technical basis for the development of national regulations [...]
25 April 2022

The 2022 World Food Safety Day guide now available in Portuguese

O Guia para o Dia Mundial da Segurança dos Alimentos 2022 está aqui! The World Food Safety Day guide in Portuguese is now out and available for download. This means the 300 000 Portuguese speaking people across Africa, Asia and Latin America have direct access to information about how to participate in the UN Day that is marked on 7 June, making it easier for food safety advocates to raise awareness and inspire action. Since the first World Food Safety Day [...]
11 April 2022

ISDI event on food additives in infant formula - 19 April 2022

ISDI – the International Special Dietary Foods Industries, a Codex Observer, is holding an event on 19 April 2022 from 15.00 to 16.30 CEST, entitled ‘Food Additives in Infant Formula – A journey through the technological need and evaluation of safety’. The event will consider the Codex process for, and principles behind, authorizing the use of additives in infant formula. The event is open to Codex Members and delegates, particularly those from CCNFSDU and CCFA.   Learn more Visit the ISDI website for details Registration     [...]
05 April 2022

Codex Chairperson on shared goals of Codex and GFSI

Speaking at the opening session of The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) Conference taking place from 29 to 31 March 2022 in Barcelona, Spain, the Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, Steve Wearne (United Kingdom) called on industry to join with Codex in advocating for the adoption and deployment of Codex standards. “Together, we have an opportunity to further develop and foster food safety practices throughout the entire food system – from shaping policies to incentivizing private enterprises in traditional and [...]
30 March 2022

International Women’s Day / Women in Codex leading technical work on food hygiene

International Women’s Day 2022 calls for a world “free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated.” The Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CFH52) will adopt its final report on Wednesday 9 March 2022. The food safety standards featured at this session include guidance on management of biological foodborne outbreaks; guidelines for the control of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in a range of foods; an approach for the [...]
08 March 2022


2022年6月7日被定为今年的世界食品安全日,庆祝活动的主题已于3月7日宣布。世界食品安全日指南 对“加强食品安全,增进人类健康”这一主题作了阐释,并就庆祝活动的内容和参与方式提供了指导。 2022年的活动将侧重于宣传更安全的食品如何增进健康和福祉,不仅是人类健康,还包括动物和环境健康。另将关注整个粮食系统需要改进的方式,以便我们能够种植、交易和消费健康和营养丰富的食品。在去年九月的联合国粮食系统峰会上,专家、专业人士、学者和民间组织讨论了全球社会应如何改变我们的粮食系统,以帮助实现可持续发展目标(SDG),并解决与气候变化相关的问题。食品安全是健康和可持续粮食系统的基础,也是实现可持续发展目标的基础。 联合国粮农组织(FAO)首席经济学家马克西莫·托雷罗在视频讲话中重点介绍了食品安全如何成为实现该组织所有四大支柱的关键,这四大支柱是:更好的生产、更好的营养、更好的环境和更好的生活。他呼吁观众投入时间和精力来改善各地的食品安全。 世卫组织负责全民健康保障/更健康人口工作的副总干事山本直子博士在她的视频致辞中指出,必须把食品安全作为更多人的优先事项,使他们更健康、更具生产力,同时减少对医疗保健系统的压力,建立更健康的粮食系统。 世界食品安全日的口号是“食品安全,人人有责”。考虑到这一点,指南和活动网站面向食品行业、学术界、学校、政府部门和公众。有一系列材料可用于帮助组织世界食品安全日活动,包括社交媒体卡片和六种语言的海报,可从Trello board下载。还有可用于制作世界食品安全日纪念品(例如帽子、T 恤衫、围裙和杯子)的模板。   鼓励所有活动组织者就活动细节和照片和我们联系。请洽:[email protected] 关于世界食品安全日用品,请洽:
07 March 2022

New Codex guideline / Preparedness and communication critical to managing foodborne outbreaks

The Codex Committee on Food Hygiene has finished work on a new guideline on microbiological foodborne outbreaks which provides countries with a structured approach to preparedness and management for when an outbreak takes place. The contamination of food may occur at any stage, from primary production through to the consumer, causing illness and in some chronic cases serious health effects or death. An outbreak may be swiftly identified at a particular event or source but may also be much harder to [...]
03 March 2022

Food hygiene committee shows appetite for advancement of consensus-driven and science-based standards

Over 400 delegates joined online for the opening session of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH52) which runs from 28 February to 9 March 2022, hosted by the United States of America from Washington DC. In opening remarks, Steve Wearne, Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, applauded the committee’s “appetite for advancement of consensus-driven and science-based standards and texts, and the willingness to compromise where necessary in the interests of Codex and the people everywhere that our work will protect.” Codex [...]
28 February 2022

Compendium of Codex AMR texts provides complete framework for decision makers to address foodborne AMR

A timely new compendium of Codex texts to support countries in the fight against foodborne antimicrobial resistance (AMR) was published on Thursday 17 February 2022 at a launch event of a new FAO project, sponsored by the Republic of Korea, that will support implementation of Codex guidance in this field. Countries have different approaches and interests when it comes to use of antimicrobials for animal and plant health and the potential for AMR carry-over or transmission into foods. The overarching international [...]
17 February 2022