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RUTF / New Codex guideline will protect vulnerable children

The agreement reached at the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses on a new guideline on Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods (RUTF) means there will now be an official document that can serve as a reference for national governments to use in their policies for nutritional treatment of childhood wasting, says Alison Fleet of UNICEF’s supply division. This guideline is expected to be used as a tool for regulation of RUTF products that are given to vulnerable populations, and [...]
03 December 2021

Guilherme Da Costa and Steve Wearne on chairing Codex

"He always listens. He is open to reason and debate. He is open to thinking differently if the facts change". These the words of Chairperson-elect Steve Wearne on his predecessor Guilherme Da Costa in an interview held as CAC44 came to a close in November 2021. With a collective emphasis on listening and an awareness of the need to draw on the different views held within the Codex membership the "two chairs" underline the importance of collaboration and teamwork as Codex [...]
29 November 2021

CCNFSDU42 / Committee agrees on a final text for new guidelines on ready-to-use therapeutic foods

The decision to concentrate on a reduced agenda has paid off as the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses concludes its discussions on a guideline for ready-to-use therapeutic foods and closes in on finalizing the revised standard for follow up formula. Verna Carolissen, Codex Secretariat said on the completion of the text on ready-to-use therapeutic foods, that the principles under which Codex operates in developing a guideline of this nature are to “set the scene, and that [...]
25 November 2021

Global Launch of FAO/WHO Food Control System Assessment Tool

The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) hosted the global launch of the FAO/WHO Food Control System Assessment Tool, to introduce the tool and promote the benefits of assessing a national food control system. The event was designed for senior officials and technical officers from competent authorities involved in the operation of the national food control system, but was open to anybody with an interest to find out more about the [...]
24 November 2021

CCNFSDU42 / Codex central role in health protection and removal of trade barriers

Welcoming delegates to the opening of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU), taking place virtually from 19 November to 1 December 2021, Julia Klöckner, Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, Germany, said food and health policy must respond to the need to fight hunger as well as combat overweight and obesity at international level. CCNFSDU plays a central role in this and “health protection and the removal of trade barriers are more important than ever [...]
20 November 2021

CAC44 / Final report adoption delayed as Commission ends

Day nine of the 44th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC44) was unable to see completion of report adoption in the time allotted and the Codex Secretariat will now outline a process to enable this final part of the business of the Commission to be completed. With agreement on a series of new and revised Codex texts, the Commission has demonstrated for the second year in succession that it is able to face the challenge of working online and throughout [...]
18 November 2021

FAO/WHO Food control system assessment tool: webinar 16 November 12pm CET

FAO and WHO will launch their Food Control Assessment Tool which assists countries in assessing the effectiveness of their food control system, on Tuesday 16 November 2021 with an online event. The tool was published in 2019 and is based on the Codex Principles and Guidelines for National Food Control Systems (CAC/GL 82-2013). During the launch, participants will learn more about the tool, its application and the potential outcomes of an assessment.  National food control systems play a pivotal role in protecting the [...]
15 November 2021

CAC44 / what foods may Codex be dealing with in the future?

The 44th Codex Alimentarius Commission taking place virtually for the second year in succession has successfully adopted a range of international standards on topics as broad as antimicrobial resistance, cadmium contamination in chocolate and third-party assurance. Highlights of standards adopted at CAC44 As day six got underway from the Rome studio, with over 450 delegates participating on a Saturday, discussions moved from standards already set to the future of food and an innovative area labelled “new foods and production systems” (NFPS). FAO [...]
14 November 2021

CAC44 / Three new Vice-Chairpersons elected in a single round of voting in Geneva

Allan Azegele from Kenya, Raj Rajasekar, New Zealand and Diego Varela, Chile have been elected to serve as the new Vice-Chairpersons of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, The second day of elections at the 44th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission once again highlighted how rapid take up of technological innovation – hastened by the conditions created by the COVID-19 pandemic – has made Codex both more agile and more entertaining. Over 600 delegates online were able to watch on the big [...]
11 November 2021

CAC44 / Four candidates running for three Vice-Chairperson positions

There are four candidates standing to be one of three new Vice-Chairpersons of the Codex Alimentarius Commission in elections which will take place by secret ballot in Geneva on Thursday 11 November 2021. The Codex membership agreed to proceed with elections even though the forty-fourth Commission is meeting virtually and a procedure has been put in place to ensure that Codex Members vote through an official physically present in their Geneva Mission or by appointing a proxy. About the candidates (pictured left [...]
11 November 2021