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codexalimentarius > 新闻和活动

New FAO-WHO leaflets now available to help us all improve on food safety

Food safety is everyone’s business, and to underline this fact, new information leaflets have been released in advance of this year’s World Food Safety Day. The leaflets examine five settings where food is sold or consumed: workplaces, traditional food markets, street food vending, schools and daycare centres and the home. Each leaflet explains why food safety is important in that environment and then explains easy ways for authorities, producers and consumers to keep food safe. They all end with an idea [...]
03 June 2022

Tom Heilandt speaks to FAO in Brussels ahead of World Food Safety Day

World Food safety Day will be celebrated on 7 June 2022. Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt spoke to the FAO liason office in Brussels about the theme for this year's celebration - safer food better health - and about a range of issues on his agenda in Codex.   Read the full article here.
03 June 2022

The 2022 World Food Safety Day guide now available in Portuguese

O Guia para o Dia Mundial da Segurança dos Alimentos 2022 está aqui! The World Food Safety Day guide in Portuguese is now out and available for download. This means the 300 000 Portuguese speaking people across Africa, Asia and Latin America have direct access to information about how to participate in the UN Day that is marked on 7 June, making it easier for food safety advocates to raise awareness and inspire action. Since the first World Food Safety Day [...]
11 April 2022


2022年6月7日被定为今年的世界食品安全日,庆祝活动的主题已于3月7日宣布。世界食品安全日指南 对“加强食品安全,增进人类健康”这一主题作了阐释,并就庆祝活动的内容和参与方式提供了指导。 2022年的活动将侧重于宣传更安全的食品如何增进健康和福祉,不仅是人类健康,还包括动物和环境健康。另将关注整个粮食系统需要改进的方式,以便我们能够种植、交易和消费健康和营养丰富的食品。在去年九月的联合国粮食系统峰会上,专家、专业人士、学者和民间组织讨论了全球社会应如何改变我们的粮食系统,以帮助实现可持续发展目标(SDG),并解决与气候变化相关的问题。食品安全是健康和可持续粮食系统的基础,也是实现可持续发展目标的基础。 联合国粮农组织(FAO)首席经济学家马克西莫·托雷罗在视频讲话中重点介绍了食品安全如何成为实现该组织所有四大支柱的关键,这四大支柱是:更好的生产、更好的营养、更好的环境和更好的生活。他呼吁观众投入时间和精力来改善各地的食品安全。 世卫组织负责全民健康保障/更健康人口工作的副总干事山本直子博士在她的视频致辞中指出,必须把食品安全作为更多人的优先事项,使他们更健康、更具生产力,同时减少对医疗保健系统的压力,建立更健康的粮食系统。 世界食品安全日的口号是“食品安全,人人有责”。考虑到这一点,指南和活动网站面向食品行业、学术界、学校、政府部门和公众。有一系列材料可用于帮助组织世界食品安全日活动,包括社交媒体卡片和六种语言的海报,可从Trello board下载。还有可用于制作世界食品安全日纪念品(例如帽子、T 恤衫、围裙和杯子)的模板。   鼓励所有活动组织者就活动细节和照片和我们联系。请洽:[email protected] 关于世界食品安全日用品,请洽:
07 March 2022

2021年世界食品安全日报告 — 节日与创意概述

今年至少有90个国家举办了300多场活动来庆祝世界食品安全日。一份24页的报告记录了政府当局、食品链参与者、消费者、学术界和其他方努力促进食品安全的活动,这些活动提供了丰富的信息,体现了创造性和包容性。这份报告以联合国所有六种官方语言提供,于9月7日在由食典委推特账户@FAOWHOCodex发起的24小时“食品安全专题推文”期间发布。 每小时发布的专题推文摘要展示了构成《2021年世界食品安全》活动的众多视频、照片、比赛、网络研讨会和其他活动,以及有关食品安全的“常青信息”。 上述报告简要介绍了2021年世界食品安全日,其中包括一系列活动和相关媒体报道、在社交媒体上产生的影响力以及关于世界食品安全日重要性的论述。这次活动的口号“食品安全,人人有责”和今年的主题“保障食品安全,构筑健康未来”激发了在线讨论、讲座、视频、讲习班、员工培训、学校课程和竞赛。 在世界食品安全日的第三年庆祝活动中,特别令人瞩目的是信息的传达非常富有创意。除了为比赛制作的海报和照片之外,社交媒体平台还发布了无数GIF图片、动画和图像。这些努力最终惠及了亿万在线用户 — #WorldFoodSafetyDay标签的曝光量高达3.112亿次。 报告的最后一篇文章提醒读者,世界食品安全日旨在推动全年努力,以促进和确保所有人的食品安全。 世界食品安全日由联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)和世界卫生组织(WHO)在食典委秘书处和国际食品安全当局网络(INFOSAN)秘书处的支持下共同主办。   用以下语言阅读报告文本:阿拉伯语、中文、英文、法语、俄语、西班牙语
08 September 2021

Join the Tweet-a-thon for food safety on 7 September 2021

A 24-hour ‘Tweet-a-thon for food safety’ will be held on 7 September, during which the report documenting World Food Safety Day 2021 in all six official UN languages will be launched.  Follow the Codex Twitter account, @FAOWHOCodex, for this virtual conversation starting at midnight (00:00 CET on 7 September 2021). Webinars, videos, attention-grabbing GIFs and artistic images created by international organizations, governments, businesses, non-governmental organizations and individuals involved and inspired millions of people across the world. Now, three months later, this day [...]
02 September 2021

Jollibee Group marks World Food Safety Day and recognizes food safety heroes

The Jollibee Foods Corp. (Jollibee Group) organized a series of insightful activities centered around the “5 Calls to Action of World Food Safety Day” from June 1-10, 2021. Representatives from different regions, including restaurant managers, operation and support teams, and top executives participated in the activities, which were designed to help build capacities and highlight the importance of food safety throughout the organization. Under the theme “Ensure it’s Safe”, SGS Global Customised Solutions Manager Evangelia Komitopoulou, PhD spoke about “Emerging Trends [...]
30 July 2021

World Food Safety Day / Each one builds on the last

by Tom Heilandt Codex Secretary Like so many, I have now spent more than a year teleworking away from my office in Rome. Conversely, my meeting attendance has probably never been so high which has some benefits.  I have been able to advocate for and witness first hand so much more of our work but I have also been suffering from days overbooked by virtual meetings and the absence of “real” meetings. In addition, the insecurity of when we will be able to [...]
15 July 2021

India’s KAHER Institute of Physiotherapy, Belagavi organizes World Food Safety Day awareness

The KAHER Institute of Physiotherapy, Belagavi, India, organized a “Virtual Awareness Programme-Panel Discussion” on the occasion of “World Food Safety Day" on 7 June 2021. In line with the theme for this year, ‘Safe food today for a healthy tomorrow’, the Literary and Education committee of the institute organized a virtual programme and had speakers such as Chef Vijay Bhaskar, Vice President, Indian Food Culinary Association, who spoke on the importance of this day and gave an overview of Food Quality [...]
07 July 2021

Food Safety Forum convened in Africa to support small businesses

On 15 June this year, for the second consecutive year, the Ivorian company, ICAF, which specializes in training, advice and auditing in the field of food quality and safety, convened an Africa Food Safety Forum for World Food Safety Day. The physical and virtual event held in Côte d’Ivoire’s capital, Abidjan, was aimed at sensitizing “all actors in the food chain (from farm to table) on the dangers relating to product health safety and their impact on the competitiveness of [...]
07 July 2021