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codexalimentarius > 新闻和活动

Codex podcast / Looking back, looking forward

This edition of the Codex podcast highlights the results of the 46th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, which adopted 500 new and revised Codex standards - including numerical standards - guidelines and codes of practice. We talk to Steve Wearne, Chairperson of CAC, United Kingdom, and Sarah Cahill, Senior Food Standards Officer, looking back to what happened at CAC46, 60 years of Codex and looking forward to the new work and meetings in 2024. “My wish for Codex Members and [...]
30 December 2023

Codex@60 / Celebrating the international forum for food safety standards

Throughout this year, Codex Members and Observers have celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), which held its first meeting in June 1963. The celebrations began in January at the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for North America and the South West Pacific, in Fiji, and then continued across the world and in the various Codex regions, before culminating in the opening ceremony of the 46th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC46).  A 60-year journey that has witnessed the transformation and [...]
22 December 2023

How new Codex guidelines will help food business operators address hazards in water

Earlier this month, the 46th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission agreed to adopt key new guidelines on the safe use and re-use of water in food production and processing. These guidelines provide a framework of general principles and examples for applying a risk-based approach to determine if the water to be sourced, used, and re-used by food business operators involved in food production and processing is fit for purpose from a microbiological safety perspective. “Access to potable water is not always [...]
14 December 2023

“The fire must start within the countries” to see the impact of Codex standards

As part of a series of side events held at the 46th session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission in Rome, 1 December, five countries offered examples from their national experiences that demonstrate the impact of Codex standards. In introducing the event, FAO Food Safety Officer Catherine Bessy outlined the four strategic outcomes FAO is aiming for as part of efforts to develop capacity on food safety. Madagascar, Kyrgyzstan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Uganda then all provided different perspectives and different examples of [...]
06 December 2023

CAC46 / A side session on reducing foodborne antimicrobial resistance

Global experts convened to address the critical issue of reducing foodborne antimicrobial resistance (AMR) at the side event on 1 December 2023, as part of the 46th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC46) at FAO headquarters, Rome.   The panelists discussed how Codex standards help to tackle foodborne AMR, the medically important antimicrobial list by the World Health Organization (WHO), and tools for risk communication about antimicrobial use in plants/crops. Furthermore, participants gained insights into the International FAO Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring [...]
05 December 2023

Codex adopts new food safety and quality standards at 46th Commission

For the first time after the Covid-19 pandemic, the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) has concluded with a physical report adoption. This brings to a close a momentous meeting that opened with festivities celebrating the 60th anniversary of the first CAC in 1963. The 46th session of CAC adopted a series of new food safety and quality standards including: the new Guidelines for the Control of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in Raw Beef, Fresh Leafy Vegetables, Raw Milk and Raw Milk [...]
02 December 2023

How can Codex standards help to tackle foodborne antimicrobial resistance?

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has launched a new brochure "How can Codex standards help tackle foodborne antimicrobial resistance (AMR)?" which explains how Codex standards help tackle foodborne antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This new reference document describes the three core texts Codex has developed specifically on foodborne AMR: The Guidelines for Risk Analysis of Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance (CXG 77-2011) enable countries to identify issues specific to their own contexts, establish priorities and implement targeted interventions. The Guidelines on the [...]
01 December 2023

FAO releases a report on food safety implications of environmental inhibitors

FAO has published a report called Food safety implications from the use of environmental inhibitors in agrifood systems which offers an overview of substances that are used to reduce methane emissions from livestock and limit the loss of nitrogen from farmlands and pastures. The report focuses on their possible food safety-related concerns and gives examples of legal frameworks regulating these compounds at national and regional level. It also highlights regulatory needs and steps to move forward. This publication falls within the [...]
29 November 2023

CAC46/ “A wonderful bouquet of proposals” from youth and former Chairpersons

A well-attended side event was held at the 46th Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC46) 28 November which heard from young people and former Codex Chairpersons on the subject of how to sustain the work of Codex by engaging young people in its activities. The event was held at the invitation of former Codex Chairperson, Awilo Ochieng Pernet who also chaired the event, with the support of the Government of Switzerland. Ochieng Pernet opened the event with a story she had heard from [...]
28 November 2023

CAC46/ Revisions to Standard for Follow up Formula adopted

Revisions to the Codex Standard for Follow-up Formula (CXS 156-1987) were adopted 28 November by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The text has been renamed to the Standard for Follow-up Formula for Older Infants and Product for Young Children in order to highlight the point of differentiation at 12 months of age due to different nutritional requirements of older infants and young children. The adoption of this text concludes over 10 years of deliberations within the Codex Committee on Nutrition and [...]
28 November 2023