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食品进出口检验和认证系统法典委员会 (CCFICS)

职责范围:(a) 制定食品进出口检验和认证系统的原则和准则,以便使各种保护消费者健康,确保公平交易,促进国际食品贸易的方法和程序协调一致;
(b) 为进出口国家主管部门制定应用原则和准则,以提供必要的保证,确保食品符合要求,特别是法定的卫生要求;
(c) 制定在适当时运用质量保证系统*的准则以保证食品符合要求,并促进认可这些系统以利于各国根据双边或多边安排开展食品贸易;
(d) 根据各国的需要,制定关于这种官方证书格式、申报和语言的准则和标准,以便国际上协调一致;
(e) 提出与食品进出口管理相关的信息交流的建议;
(f) 必要时与从事有关食品检验和认可系统事务工作的其他国际机构协商;
(g) 审议食典委指定的与食品检验和认证系统相关的其他事项。*质量保证指的是所有那些能提供充分信心,以使一项产品或服务满足质量要求所需采取的有计划的和系统的行动(ISO-8402质量-词汇表)
状态: 活动


Code Issued Title Deadline EN FR ES AR ZH RU
CL 2010/05-FICS02/10Distribution of the Report of the Eighteenth Session of the Codex Committee on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certificacion Systems (ALINORM 10/33/30)29/04/2010
CL 2011/05-FICS02/11Request for proposals for future work for the CCFICS (for consideration by the 19th CCFICS – Cairn31/08/2011
CL 2012/27-FICS08/12CCFICS Questionnaire on how to Assess and Manage the Performance of National Food Control Systems01/11/2012
CL 2013/04-FICS01/13Distribution of the Report of the Twentieth Session of the Codex Committee on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems (REP13/FICS)30/05/2013
CL 2016/03-FICS02/16Distribution of the report of the Twenty-second Session of the Committee on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems (REP16/FICS)31/05/2016
CL 2016/26/OCS-FICS07/16Request for Comments at Step 6 on the Draft Guidance for Monitoring the Performance of National Food Control Systems31/01/2017
CL 2017/51/OCS-FICS05/17Request for comments at Step 8 on the draft principles and guidelines for monitoring the performance of national food control systems15/06/2017
CL 2018/51/OCS-FICS08/18Request for Comments at Step 3 on the Proposed Draft Guidance on the use of Systems Equivalence28/09/2018
CL 2018/52/OCS-FICS08/18Request for Comments at Step 3 on the Proposed Draft Guidance on Paperless Use of electronic certificates 28/09/2018
CL 2018/53/OCS-FICS08/18Request for Comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft guidance on regulatory approaches to third party assurance schemes in food safety and fair practices in the food trade28/09/2018
CL 2018/96/OCS-FICS12/18Request for Comments at Step 5 on the Draft Principles and Guidelines for the assessment and use of voluntary Third-Party Assurance (vTPA) programmes 31/05/2019
CL 2019/93/OCS-FICS10/19Request for Comments at Step 6 on the Draft Principles and Guidelines for the assessment and use of voluntary Third-Party Assurance (vTPA) programmes 31/12/2019
CL 2020/02/OCS-FICS01/20Request for Comments at Step 3 on the Proposed Draft Guidelines on recognition and maintenance of equivalence of National Food Control Systems (NFCS)01/05/2020
CL 2020/03/OCS-FICS02/20Request for Comments at Step 3 on the Proposed Draft Consolidated Codex Guidelines related to Equivalence01/05/2020
CL 2020/01/OCS-FICS02/20Request for Comments, at Step 3, on the Proposed Draft Guidance on Paperless use of electronic certificates – (Revision of the Guidelines for Design, Production, Issuance and Use of Generic Official Certificates – CXG 38-2001)01/05/2020
CL 2020/26/OCS-FICS02/20Request for Comments on the Draft Principles and Guidelines for the assessment and use of voluntary Third-Party Assurance (vTPA) programmes (Updated Text)01/05/2020
CL 2020/41/OCS-FICS07/20Request for comments on the Recommendations included in the Discussion Paper on the Role of CCFICS with Respect to Tackling Food Fraud in the Context of Food Safety and Fair Practices in Food and Appendix 130/09/2020
CL 2021/17/OCS-FICS03/21Request for comments, at Step 3, on the proposed draft guidelines on recognition and maintenance of equivalence of National Food Control Systems (NFCS) – Updated text30/04/2021
CL 2021/18/OCS-FICS03/21Request for Comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft consolidated Codex guidelines related to equivalence30/04/2021
CL 2021/16/OCS-FICS03/21Request for Comments, at Step 3, on the Proposed Draft Guidance on Paperless use of electronic certificates - (Revision to CXG 38-2001)30/04/2021
CL 2021/52/OCS-FICS07/21Request for Comments, at Step 8, on the Draft Principles and Guidelines for the assessment and use of voluntary Third-Party Assurance (vTPA) programmes 30/09/2021
CL 2021/53/OCS-FICS07/21Request for Comments at Step 5/8 on the Proposed Draft Guidance on paperless use of electronic certificates (revised Guidelines for Design, Production, Issuance and Use of Generic Official Certificates (CXG 38-2001)30/09/2021
CL 2022/05-FICS03/22Request for comments on Appendix A and proposals for new work on emerging issues30/06/2022
CL 2022/59-FICS09/22Request for Comments on a New Work Proposal for the Development of Principles and Guidelines on the Use of Remote Audit and Verification in Regulatory Frameworks 14/10/2022
CL 2023/09-FICS02/23Request for comments on the proposed draft guidelines on recognition and maintenance of equivalence of National Food Control Systems (NFCS)05/04/2023
CL 2023/11/OCS-FICS04/23Request for comments, at Step 3, on the proposed draft guidelines on the prevention and control of food fraud.24/04/2023
CL 2023/10/OCS-FICS0/Request for comments, at Step 3, on the proposed draft consolidated Codex guidelines related to equivalence24/04/2023
CL 2023/12/OCS-FICS03/23Request for comments, at Step 3, on the proposed draft Principles and Guidelines on the Use of Remote Audit and Verification in Regulatory Frameworks 24/04/2023
CL 2023/49/OCS-FICS06/23Request for comments, at Step 5/8, on the proposed draft Guidelines on recognition and maintenance of equivalence of National Food Control Systems (NFCS) 06/10/2023
CL 2023/50/OCS-FICS06/23Request for comments, at Step 5/8, on the proposed draft principles and guidelines on the use of remote audit and inspection in regulatory frameworks06/10/2023
CL 2023/66-FICS12/23Request for Comments on Appendix A and Proposals for New Work on Emerging Issues 30/04/2024
CL 2024/70-FICS07/24Request for comments, at Step 3/4, on the proposed draft consolidated Codex guidelines related to equivalence23/08/2024
CL 2024/72-FICS07/24Draft revision and updating of the Principles for Traceability/Product Tracing as a Tool Within a Food Inspection and Certification System (CXG 60-2006)03/09/2024
CL 2024/71-FICS08/24Request for comments, at Step 3/4, on the draft Guidelines on the Prevention and Control of Food Fraud03/09/2024