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لجنة الدستور الغذائي المعنية بالتغذية والأغذية للاستخدامات التغذوية الخاصة
23/11/2015 - 27/11/2015 | سيئة سودن صباحا تاونوس, ألمانيا

Welcome to Bad Soden

The German CCNFSDU Secretariat welcomes you to the 37th Session of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU).

For more information please check the document Information for Delegates in the table below which provides more information on the session, the venue and transportation from the airport. We wish you a pleasant visit as well as a productive session.

Session Date

The 37th Session of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses will be held at the Ramada Hotel from 23rd-27th November.
The opening session will commence at 10:00 am on Monday, 23rd November 2015. The Physical Working Group on the Revision of the Standard for Follow-up Formula will be held on Saturday, 21st November 2015 from 9:00 to 17:00.


The participants of the meeting should provide the relevant information (names, official titles and addresses) through the online registration system by accessing the following link, at the latest by 23rd October 2015:

The login and password for the online registration have been provided to all Codex Contact Points and Contact Point of Observers Organizations. If the login and password have not been received, please contact: [email protected]
Instructions for registration can be found at:

At the meeting, participants will be able to complete the mandatory second part of the registration procedure. This will take place in the lobby of the Hotel on:

Saturday 21 November 2015, starting at 8 am

Monday 23 November 2015, starting at 7.30 am

The participants will receive identification badges and all necessary organisational information. Identification badges must be visible and worn during the whole meeting.


Delegates are requested to bring their own documentation to the meeting.
This documentation is available in English, French and Spanish in the table here below.
Conference Room Documents and any additional documents will be available in the Conference Room.


Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English, French, Spanish and German during the meeting.


Wi-Fi will be available at the meeting venue so working documents and other information can also be downloaded during the meeting.

المستندات ذات الصلة

العنصروصفتاريخ التحميل
الوثيقة المرجعية
7Proposed Draft NRV-NCD for EPA and DHA long chain omega-3 fatty acids at Step 402/10/2015
CX/NFSDU 15/37/7
2Matters Referred to the Committee by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and/or Other Subsidiary Bodies02/10/2015
CX/NFSDU 15/37/2
0Information notes for delegates02/10/2015
11Methods of analysis in the Standard for Infant Formula and Formulas for Special Medical Purposes Intended for Infants (CODEX STAN 72-1981)05/10/2015
CX/NFSDU 15/37/10 (Rev)
4Proposed Draft Additional or Revised Nutrient Reference Values for Labelling Purposes in the Guidelines on Nutrition Labelling (Vitamin A, D, E, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Chromium, Copper, Chloride and Iron) at Step 402/10/2015
CX/NFSDU 15/37/4
5Review of the Standard for follow-up formula (CODEX STAN 156-1987)07/10/2015
CX/NFSDU 15/37/5
6Proposed draft definition for biofortification08/10/2015
CX/NFSDU 15/37/6
10Food Additives in the Standard for Infant Formula and Formulas for Special Medical Purposes Intended for Infants (CODEX STAN 72-1981)09/10/2015
1Provisional Agenda03/11/2015
8Discussion paper on a standard for ready-to-use foods05/11/2015
CX/NFSDU 15/37/8
4.1Comments on proposed draft additional or revised nutrient reference values for labelling purposes in the Guidelines on Nutrition Labelling (vitamin A, D, E, magnesium, phosphorous, chromium, copper, chloride and iron) 09/11/2015
CX/NFSDU 15/37/4 Add.1
6.1Comments on the proposed draft definition for biofortification 11/11/2015
CX/NFSDU 15/37/6 Add.1
7.1Comments on the proposed draft NRV-NCD for EPA and DHA long chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids11/11/2015
CX/NFSDU 15/37/7 Add.1
101Division of Competence13/11/2015
CRD1 - Opening
3Matters of interest arising from FAO and WHO16/11/2015
5.1Comments on review of the standard for follow-up formula (CODEX STAN 156-1987)18/11/2015
CX/NFSDU 15/37/5-Add.1
102Physical working group report on review of the Standard for Follow-up Formula (CODEX STAN 156-1987)22/11/2015
CRD2-Agenda item 5
100List of CRDs 23/11/2015
List of CRDs
200Report of the 37th Session of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses21/12/2015
4.2Comments on proposed draft additional or revised nutrient reference values for labelling purposes in the Guidelines on Nutrition Labelling (vitamin A, D, E, magnesium, phosphorous, chromium, copper, chloride and iron) 09/11/2015
CX/NFSDU 15/37/4 Add.2
5.2Comments on review of the Standard for Follow-up Formula (CODEX STAN 156-1987) 09/11/2015
CX/NFSDU 15/37/5 Add.2
7.2Comments on the proposed draft NRV-NCD for EPA and DHA long chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids13/11/2015
CX/NFSDU 15/37/7-Add.2
111Comments of ISDI21/11/2015
CRD11-Agenda item 5
112Comments of AOAC, ISO and IDF21/11/2015
CRD12-Agenda item 11a
103Comments of Ecuador, Union, European, Kenya, Mali, African Union and ISDI21/11/2015
CRD3-Agenda item 2
104Comments of Colombia, European Union, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Philippines and IFMA21/11/2015
CRD4-Agenda item 4
105Comments of Colombia, Ecuador, European Union, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Vietnam and IBFAN21/11/2015
CRD5-Agenda item 5
106Comments of Colombia, India, Kenya, Malaysia and Thailand21/11/2015
CRD6-Agenda item 6
107Comments of Colombia, Thailand and IFMA21/11/2015
CRD7-Agenda item 7
108Comments of Colombia, India, Kenya, Philippines, Thailand, African Union and IBFAN21/11/2015
CRD8-Agenda item 8
109Comments of Colombia, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand21/11/2015
CRD9-Agenda item 10
110Comments of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, European Union, Indonesia, Mali, Mexico, Morocco and African Union 21/11/2015
CRD10-Agenda item 11a
113Comments of El Salvador23/11/2015
CRD13-Agenda item 4
114Comments of NHF23/11/2015
CRD14-Agenda item 4
115Comments of Thailand, ELC and IFT23/11/2015
CRD15-Agenda item 5
116Comments of Republic of Korea 23/11/2015
CRD16-Agenda item 8
117Comments of Republic of Korea and Sudan 23/11/2015
CRD17-Agenda item 10
118Comments of Thailand23/11/2015
CRD18-Agenda item 11a