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Координационный комитет Кодекса по Африке (CCAFRICA), региональный координатор –Уганда

Координационный комитет по Африке был учрежден Комиссией “Кодекс Алиментариус” в 1972 году и отвечал за “общую координацию разработки стандартов, связанных с африканским регионом”. В первом заседании Комитета в ФАО, состоявшемся в 1974 году, приняли участие 19 стран.

После вступления в должность нового регионального координатора все более очевидной становится потребность в создании эффективной и действенной системы регулирования санитарных и фитосанитарных мер согласно вступившему в силу в 2020 году Соглашению об Африканской континентальной зоне свободной торговли (АКЗСТ). В частности, это касается мер обеспечения безопасности пищевых продуктов по всему континенту, открывшему свои границы для торговли.

В качестве штаб-квартиры регионального координатора было выбрано Национальное бюро стандартов Уганды – утвержденный законодательством орган при Министерстве торговли, промышленности и кооперативов, который в рамках своих полномочий отвечает за пропаганду и применение стандартов.

В качестве регионального координатора Уганда намерена тесно сотрудничать с остальными странами в рамках исследований, вебинаров и семинаров, нацеленных на выявление потребностей и намечающихся проблем и привлечение внимания к приоритетным вопросам безопасности пищевых продуктов и стандартам Кодекса. В целях более подробного изучения ситуации в сфере безопасности пищевых продуктов в регионе, планируется провести пилотное исследование. Благодаря укреплению сотрудничества с такими региональными организациями, как Африканский союз, Африканская организация по стандартизации и Секретариат Африканской континентальной зоны свободной торговли, Уганда сможет расширить просветительскую работу в регионе.


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Ensuring food safety across national borders in the African region … for a healthy tomorrow

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) are to host a 2-hour webinar for World Food Safety Day, in conjunction with the Codex Alimentarius Secretariat and the Codex Committee for Africa (CCAFRICA). The event is entitled “Acting across national borders in the region for ensuring safe food for a healthier tomorrow.” The 8 June event will concentrate on countries’ need to invest in strengthening national food control [...]
08 June 2021

Kenya join the world in marking World Food Safety Day

On June 7, 2021, Kenya joined the rest of the world in celebrating the 3rd World Food Safety Day. The theme of this year being ‘Safe Food Today, for a Healthy Tomorrow,’ the country organized an online webinar to raise awareness and inspire action on the importance of food safety in the country and the African region at large. The National Planning Committee Coordinated by the Ministry of Health held a 5-hour webinar which included panelists from various stakeholders of food [...]
07 June 2021

Food safety authority in Cabo Verde to hold a live discussion for World Food Safety Day

In Cape Verde, the Independent Regulatory Authority for Health (Entidade Reguladora Independente da Saúde), ERIS, has joined the celebration of World Food Safety Day with an online event under the theme of the year "Safe Food Now for a Healthy Tomorrow. In this context, the Independent Regulatory Authority for Health plans to launch the "Manual of Good Hygiene Practices for Food Establishments".   The opening address will be given by Dr. Eduardo Tavares, Chairman of the Board of ERIS Administration. The first panel will see Raul Garcia [...]
07 June 2021

Morocco faculty to host World Food Safety Day conference

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07 June 2021

Ghana cooking event to promote safe and healthy food

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07 June 2021

The Republic of Chad plans comprehensive national World Food Safety Day effort

Chadian authorities are planning a national event to celebrate World Food Safety Day. A full-day conference and broader media campaign are planned for 7 June, which event organizers, Cabinet d’Expertise Six Sigma, hope will connect with agri-food sector actors and with consumers on the importance of food safety. “This day will be an opportunity to raise public awareness and encourage people to take action to prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks,” they said. The N'Djamena-based conference will discuss a number of [...]
07 June 2021

Kenya will host radio and TV shows, podcasts and webinar for World Food Safety Day

Kenya has pulled together a multi-stakeholder committee to organize a series of media events for World Food Safety Day this year. The committee, which includes relevant ministry representatives as well as representatives from the private sector and consumer organizations, has put together a series of events “carrying messages on key food safety aspects, which includes antimicrobial resistance, food contaminants, pesticide residues and residues of veterinary drugs in food,” according to the Codex Contact Point, Maryann Kindiki. “The level of safety of [...]
05 June 2021

Nigerian students plan food safety awareness raising on safe meat production

In Nigeria’s state of Lagos, students are taking part in a project about training in food safety and good handling practices. They will celebrate World Food Safety Day as part of their training programme and plan activities at a local abattoir. They will have an interview session with meat sellers and consumers and have prepared information placards for the event. They will also give a presentation covering key aspects of safe meat production and handling and have modelled their messaging around [...]
05 June 2021

SAAFoST will hold a ‘Celebration Webinar’ for World Food Safety Day

The South African Association for Food Science and Technology is planning a webinar to celebrate World Food Safety Day. The event will take place on 2 June at noon local time (10:00 GMT) with an exciting line up of speakers, including Professor Lucia Anelich, of Anelich Consulting food safety solutions, Susan Featherstone, CEO of SAAFoST and Jane Nock, Chief Technical Food Science Officer for in2food, South Africa. SAAFoST includes scientists, technologists and other professionals serving the food and allied industries in [...]
02 June 2021

Codex team in Burkina Faso taking the lead on World Food Safety Day preparations

A team in Burkina Faso dedicated to organizing activities for World Food Safety Day, met in Ouagadougou on 7 May 2021 to set out a plan for the 7 June celebration and the key messages to disseminate nationally. Some of the major food safety concerns in the country include the misuse of pesticides in agriculture on fruits, vegetables and cereals and the use of veterinary drugs. Sales of street food without adequate food safety checks are also on the rise, as [...]
11 May 2021

CCAFRICA Kоординатор

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CCAFRICA Secretariat

Национальное бюро стандартов Уганды

Plot 2 - 12, Bypass Link, Industrial & Business park, Kyaliwajala road,
P.O Box 6329 Kampala, Uganda
Тел: +256 (041) 7333250 / 0417333251 / 0417333252
Электронное письмо: [email protected]