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Электронные рабочие группы

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Title (click for details) Committee Lang Host Co-host(s) Reg. deadline Comments deadline Status Links Adm
Proposed  amendment  of  CXS  94‐1981  to  include  the  fish  species Sardinella lemuru (Bali Sardinella) CCFFP35 EN,FR,ES PHL EUR 31/01/2022 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed Draft Standard for Fresh Curry Leaves CCFFV22 EN IND 10/10/2022 31/08/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed Draft Standard for Vanilla CCSCH6 EN USA IND,MDG,MEX 15/01/2023 30/07/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Implementation of the Codex Strategic Plan for 2020-2025 of the Latin American and Caribbean Region CCLAC22 EN,ES ECU 13/03/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed Harmonized Probiotic Guidelines for Use in Foods and Food Supplements CCNFSDU43 EN,ES ARG CHN,MYS 30/05/2023 31/03/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Draft Regional Codex Standard for Lulo de Castilla (Naranjilla) CCLAC23 EN,ES COL MEX 09/05/2023 31/03/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Establishing NRVs-R for persons aged 6 to 36 months - 2023 CCNFSDU43 EN,ES IRL CRI,USA 31/05/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Alignment of the food additive provisions of commodity standards and relevant provisions of the GSFA CCFA53 EN CAN JPN,USA 05/06/2023 20/11/2023 Active Invitation
Regional Standard for Quick Frozen Dumpling CCASIA22 EN CHN 06/06/2023 28/06/2024 Active Invitation
Consolidation of guidance on Equivalence CCFICS26 EN NZL KEN,USA 28/07/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Optional Ingredients in the Infant Formula Standard CCNFSDU44 EN USA 31/07/2023 29/03/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed Draft Guidelines on the Provision of Food Information for Prepackaged Foods offered via E-commerce CCFL47 EN,ES GBR CHL,CHN,IND,JPN 31/07/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Guidelines on the use of technology to provide information on food CCFL47 EN CAN IND,NZL 01/09/2023 15/04/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Electronic Working Group for Revision of the Class Names and the International Numbering System for Food Additives (INS)(CXG36-1989) CCFA53 EN BEL 15/09/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Food Allergen Labelling CCFL47 EN AUS GBR,USA 18/08/2023 31/07/2024 Active Invitation Forum
CCFL Sustainability claims CCFL47 EN,ES NZL CRI,EUR,USA 01/09/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed Draft Revision of the Principles for Traceability/Product Tracing as a Tool Within a Food Inspection and Certification System (CXG 60-2006) CCFICS26 EN,ES USA GBR 10/08/2023 31/05/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed Draft Guidelines on the Prevention and Control of Food Fraud CCFICS26 EN USA CHN,EUR,IRN,GBR 01/09/2023 15/03/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Appropriate methods for assessing the sweetness of carbohydrate sources in “Product for young children” CCNFSDU43 EN EUR CHE 01/09/2023 Active Invitation Forum
CCNFSDU technological justification of food additives CCNFSDU43 EN EUR 08/09/2023 31/03/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Maximum level for total aflatoxins in ready-to-eat peanuts CCCF17 EN IND 25/08/2023 15/01/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Establishment of Action Levels for Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods CCRVDF27 EN AUS CAN 31/08/2023 30/08/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Extrapolation of maximum residue limits of veterinary drugs to one or more species CCRVDF27 EN EUR CRI 31/08/2023 30/08/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Application of Food Labelling Provisions in Emergencies CCFL47 EN USA 01/09/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Food labelling in food formats joint presentation and in multiple packages CCFL47 COL JAM 20/09/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Implementation of the Codex Strategic Plan for 2020-2025 for CCNE - Regional workplan for 2024 and 2025 CCNEA11 AR,EN SAU EGY 10/12/2023 17/03/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed amendment of Brix level for grape juice from Vitis labrusca or hybrids CAC47 EN,FR,ES BRA 15/02/2024 30/06/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Guidelines for the safe use and re-use of water in food production CCFH54 EN EUR HND,IND,MRT,MAR 31/05/2024 30/04/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed Draft Standard for Cinnamon under the group standard “Dried bark” CCSCH7 EN BRA IDN,IRN,MEX 15/06/2024 26/10/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Draft Standard for Sweet Marjoram CCSCH7 EN EGY 14/06/2024 15/10/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed Draft Standard for Large Cardamom CCSCH7 EN BTN IND,NPL 28/06/2024 30/10/2024 Active Invitation Forum
General Standard for Food Additives (GSFA) to the 55th CCFA CCFA54 EN USA 28/06/2024 17/05/2024 Active Invitation
Alignment of the food additive provisions of commodity standards and relevant provisions of the GSFA. CCFA54 EN CAN JPN,USA 10/06/2024 Active Invitation
Revision of the Code of practice for the prevention and reduction of aflatoxin contamination in peanuts (CXC 55-2004) CCCF17 EN BRA IND 30/06/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Development of a code of practice for the prevention and reduction of cadmium contamination in foods CCCF17 EN USA 30/06/2024 20/03/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Review of the Code of practice for the reduction of aflatoxin B1 in raw materials and supplemental feeding stuffs for milk-producing animals (CXC 45-1997) CCCF17 EN CAN SAU 30/06/2024 25/03/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Review of methods of analysis in CXS 234 -workable package – review of the Fruit Juices Workable Package CCMAS43 EN DEU 01/07/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Information Document - General Guidelines on Sampling (CXG 50-2004) CCMAS43 EN NZL DEU 31/08/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Testing methods: precautionary allergen labelling CCMAS43 EN USA GBR 31/07/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Testing methods: nitrates and nitrites in certain food matrices CCMAS43 EN USA AUS 31/07/2024 Active Invitation Forum
CCFA EWG on the Alignment of the food additive provisions of commodity standards and relevant provisions of the GSFA. CCFA54 EN CAN USA 10/06/2024 Active Invitation
Development of a Standard for Microbial Omega-3 Oils CCFO28 EN USA CHN 02/08/2024 10/06/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Sampling plans for certain mycotoxins in selected spices CCCF17 EN IND 15/07/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Draft Standard for Vanilla at Step 6/7 CCSCH7 EN USA IND,MDG,MEX 30/08/2024 30/03/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Collection and submission of scientific data and information on olive oil CCFO28 ITA AUS,CAN,SAU,USA 13/09/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Revision of the guidelines on the application of General Principles of Food Hygiene to the control of viruses in food (CXG 79-2012) CCFH54 EN CAN NLD 16/09/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Revision of the guidelines on the application of general principles of food hygiene to the control of listeria monocytogenes in foods (cxg 61-2007) CCFH54 EN USA CAN,CHN,FRA 01/08/2024 05/07/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Review of Methods of Analysis in CXS 234 – Cocoa and Chocolate Products CCMAS43 EN SRB USA 31/07/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Revision of the Guidelines for the Control of Campylobacter and Salmonella in Chicken Meat (CXG 78-2011) CCFH54 EN USA AUS,BRA,DNK,HND,IND 01/08/2024 05/07/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed Draft Revisions to Codex Standards on Fats and Oils to limit industrially produced Trans-Fatty Acids CCFO28 CAN SAU 16/09/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Development of a standard for baker’s yeast CCFA54 EN CHN FRA,TUR 03/08/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Harmonization of names and format for principles identified in CXS 234 CCMAS43 EN BRA CHL 26/07/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Regional standard for Maamoul (adopted at Step 5) CCNEA11 AR,EN SAU LBN 15/08/2024 02/01/2025 Active Invitation Forum
CCEURO development of Dietary Guidelines CCEURO33 EN,RU,ES DEU KAZ,ESP,TUR 30/09/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Alignment of Codex texts with the revised general principles of food hygiene (CXC 1-1969) CCFH54 EN CHN EUR,GBR 20/08/2024 30/04/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed Draft Standard for dried seeds-Coriander CCSCH7 EN IND IRN 31/08/2024 31/12/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Development of a code of practice for the prevention and reduction of tropane alkaloids in foods CCCF17 EN CHN SAU 30/09/2024 13/08/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Maximum level for total aflatoxins in ready-to-eat peanuts CCCF17 EN IND USA 30/09/2024 01/03/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Maximum levels for lead in certain food categories CCCF17 EN BRA 30/09/2024 01/03/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Review of the Code of Practice for the Reduction of Acrylamide in Foods (CXC 67-2009) CCCF18 EN IND SAU 30/09/2024 01/03/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Review of the Code of practice for the prevention and reduction of pyrrolizidine alkaloids contamination in food and feed (CXC 74-2014) CCCF18 EN TUR NLD,GBR 15/09/2024 01/03/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Review of the existing FFV standards CCFFV22 EN DEU 13/09/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Revision of the Class Names and the International Numbering System for Food Additives (INS) (CXG36-1989) CCFA54 EN BEL IRN 15/09/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Enhancement of work between CCPR and JMPR CCPR55 EN,ES USA CRI,UGA 10/10/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Establishment of CCPR schedules and priority lists for the evaluation of pesticides by JMPR CCPR55 EN AUS 13/10/2024 15/04/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Management of unsupported compounds without public health concerns scheduled for periodic review by JMPR and the national registration database CCPR55 EN CHL AUS,ECU,IND,KEN 10/10/2024 10/03/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Guidelines for monitoring the stability and purity of reference materials and related stock solutions of pesticides during prolonged storage CCPR55 IND CAN,IRN,SGP 10/10/2024 10/03/2025 Active Invitation Forum