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Комитет Кодекса по маркировке пищевых продуктов
09/05/2016 - 13/05/2016 | Оттава, Канада

The 43rd session of the Codex Committee on Food Labelling will be held at the Shaw Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada at the kind invitation of the Government of Canada.
The Session will begin at 09:30 on Monday 9 May 2016. Registration facilities will be open on Monday 9 May from 8:30 - 12:00 at the Registration Desk in the Rideau Canal Atrium.

The Physical Working Group on the revision of the Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods: Organic Aquaculture will meet on Saturday, 7 May from 9:30 to 17:00, at the same location.
Registration facilities will be open on Saturday 7 May from 8:30 - 12:00 at the Registration Desk also located in the Rideau Canal Atrium.

The Session is being convened under the authority of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, and is open to Member Nations and Associate Members of both Organizations, and to observers. Member Nations and Associate Members of both Organizations which are not Members of the Codex Alimentarius Commission may attend as observers. Expenses incurred in connection with attendance at sessions of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies and travel of delegations of the Members of the Commission and of the observers, shall be borne by the governments or organizations concerned.

The Session, including the working group, will be conducted in English, French and Spanish.

Связанные документы

ПунктOписаниеДата загрузки
1Adoption of the Agenda21/09/2015
CX/FL 16/43/1
4.1Comments at Step 3 on Organic Aquaculture (Proposed Draft Revision of the Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods) 03/12/2015
CX/FL 16/43/4
2Matters arising from the Codex Alimentarius Commission and other Codex Committees20/10/2015
CX/FL 16/43/2
8Proposal to revise the General Guidelines for the Use of the Term "Halal"(CAC/GL 24-1997)08/02/2016
CX/FL 16/43/8
0Information for delegates08/03/2016
5Date marking (Proposed Draft Revision of the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods)08/03/2016
REP15/FL, Appendix IV
5.1Comments at Step 3 on Date Marking (Proposed draft revision of the General Standard for the labelling of prepackaged foods) 08/03/2016
CX/FL 16/43/5
4Organic Aquaculture (Proposed Draft Revision of the Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods)16/03/2016
REP15/FL, Appendix III
3Consideration of labelling provisions in draft Codex Standards 01/04/2016
CX/FL 16/43/3
6Discussion paper on labelling of non-retail containers01/04/2016
CX/FL 16/43/6
2.1Matters Referred to the Committee by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and Other Subsidiary Bodies20/10/2015
101Division of Competence26/04/2016
CRD1 - Opening
106Comments from Costa Rica supported by Dominican Republic and Uruguay06/05/2016
CRD6 - Agenda 9 (EN, ES only)
7Issues related to internet sales of food (Not available)27/04/2016
CX/FL 16/43/7
102Revised Guidelines for consideration by the PWG on Organic Aquaculture26/04/2016
CRD2 - Agenda 4
0.1PWG agenda on Organic Aquaculture 26/04/2016
5.2Comments at Step 3 on Date Marking (Proposed draft revision of the General Standard for the labelling of prepackaged foods) 28/04/2016
CX/FL 16/43/5 Add.1
4.2Comments at Step 3 on Organic Aquaculture (Proposed Draft Revision of the Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods) 28/04/2016
CX/FL 16/43/4 Add.1
0.2Side event agenda on CCFL – future directions04/05/2016
109Prepared by Codex Secretariat06/05/2016
CRD9 - Agenda 2
108Comments from Egypt06/05/2016
CRD8 - Agenda 1, 2, 6, 7, 8
107Commets from Ecuador06/05/2016
CRD7 - Agenda 3, 6
105Comments from Kenya06/05/2016
CRD5 - Agenda 2, 3, 6
104Comments from EU06/05/2016
CRD4 - Agenda 2, 3, 6
112Comments from Thailand06/05/2016
CRD12 - Agenda 4, 5, 6, 8
111Comments from Philippines06/05/2016
CRD11 - Agenda 4, 5, 6
110Comments from Nigeria06/05/2016
CRD10 - Agenda 6
117Comments from IACFO07/05/2016
CRD17 - Agenda 9
116Comments from Chile07/05/2016
CRD16 - Agenda 8
115Comments from Argentina07/05/2016
CRD15 - Agenda 5
114Comments from Turkey07/05/2016
CRD14 - Agenda 8
113Comments from Indonesia07/05/2016
CRD13 - Agenda 5, 6, 8
118Prepared by FAO/WHO07/05/2016
CRD18 - Agenda 3
119Comments from the Republic of Korea07/05/2015
CRD19 - Agenda 5
103Outcome of the PWG on Organic Aquaculture08/05/2015
CRD3 - Agenda 4
121Comments from Senegal08/05/2016
CRD21 - Agenda 5 and 8
120Project document on Front of Pack Nutrition Labelling from Costa Rica and New Zealand08/05/2016
CRD20 - Agenda 9
123Comments from Egypt10/05/2016
CRD23 - Agenda 8
122Comments from Costa Rica10/05/2016
CRD22 - Agenda 5