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WHO Director-General presents the report on WHO Global Strategy for Food Safety at the 77th World Health Assembly

The report on the implementation of the WHO Global Strategy for Food Safety was presented at WHA77 showing the progress made all over the world in the first two years after the adoption of the strategy. Different activities are ongoing with support from WHO to strengthen national food safety systems improving accountability from national authorities and protecting consumers health. Here are some highlights. WHO, together with partners, has made progress in assessing food control systems and developing implementation and advocacy tools [...]
01 June 2024

How new Codex guidelines will help food business operators address hazards in water

Earlier this month, the 46th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission agreed to adopt key new guidelines on the safe use and re-use of water in food production and processing. These guidelines provide a framework of general principles and examples for applying a risk-based approach to determine if the water to be sourced, used, and re-used by food business operators involved in food production and processing is fit for purpose from a microbiological safety perspective. “Access to potable water is not always [...]
14 December 2023

FAO releases a report on food safety implications of environmental inhibitors

FAO has published a report called Food safety implications from the use of environmental inhibitors in agrifood systems which offers an overview of substances that are used to reduce methane emissions from livestock and limit the loss of nitrogen from farmlands and pastures. The report focuses on their possible food safety-related concerns and gives examples of legal frameworks regulating these compounds at national and regional level. It also highlights regulatory needs and steps to move forward. This publication falls within the [...]
29 November 2023

World Food Forum / Two young experts share their vision on food safety

On the occasion of the World Food Forum, a youth-led movement and network to transform our agrifood systems, we had a chat with Espoir Agbohouto and Minh Nguyen, two young food safety experts currently working with FAO and the Codex Secretariat, respectively. In this interview, they explain how they developed a passion for food safety and how young generations can contribute to safer and more sustainable agrifood systems. Dear Espoir and Minh, thanks for your time. Why did you choose to study [...]
20 October 2023

Africa meeting highlights strong commitment of the region to food safety

The National Food Safety Authority of Egypt (NFSA) and the African Union Commission (AUC) convened a meeting for African Food Regulatory Authorities, to advance the regional food safety agenda, as a way to support the region’s food security and trade goals, and in particular to progress the Regional Food Safety Strategy and the creation of the African Food Safety Agency (AFSA). The meeting was held in Cairo from 11–13 October 2023 and brought together food regulatory professionals from 38 countries of [...]
18 October 2023

World Food Day 2023 / Codex work on water contributes to safer food

World Food Day 2023 is celebrated under the theme "Water is life, water is food. Leave no one behind". FAO is hosting a week-long series of events from Monday 16 to Friday 20 October welcoming world leaders, experts, changemakers, youth and indigenous activists to spark global action for water, climate action and sustainable agrifood systems. Water is essential for life and it is, indeed, food. But it is also essential in food production and processing. Ensuring that water coming into contact [...]
16 October 2023

Ivan Parkin award / Sarah Cahill calls for a food safety stocktaking moment

Sarah Cahill of the Codex Secretariat has received the Ivan Parkin award at the International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) Annual Meeting taking place from 16-19 July 2023 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Her lecture entitled “Anatomy of a Standard” emphasized how clarity, engagement, science, impact and patience were key to developing useful and successful standards. The Ivan Parkin Lecture was established by IAFP in 1986 to honor individuals who have had a significant impact on the field of food safety. Each [...]
18 July 2023

Critical role of JECFA expert risk assessment body reinforced as report on aspartame published

While the Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission was taking place from 10-14 July 2023 in Geneva, the work of one of the expert bodies that provide scientific advice to Codex was in the news when the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) presented its comprehensive updated risk assessment of aspartame, an artificial sweetener, used in many products including diet soft drinks. The update reaffirmed the existing acceptable daily intake (ADI) level for aspartame of 0-40 mg/kg [...]
14 July 2023

Ailan Li, WHO: governments must ensure that food meets safety standards

Dr Ailan Li, Assistant Director-General, WHO, opened the Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, taking place in Geneva, Switzerland from 10-14 July 2023, calling on governments to ensure that food meets safety standards to guarantee the basic human right of people to enjoy access to safe, nutritious and healthy food. Codex sets standards based on a rigorous and inclusive scientific process with the support of FAO and WHO. Li said: “Food standards save lives. When food standards are implemented, people [...]
10 July 2023

“I know I can make a difference” - Evelyne Mbandi is named new Chair of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has named Dr Evelyne Mbandi as the new Chairperson of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH) following confirmation by the United States Senate of former CCFH Chairperson, Emilio Esteban, as USDA Under Secretary for Food Safety. As she takes on her new role, much of the CCFH work that Mbandi will be picking up will be revisions of texts that need updating, in particular a number of guidelines on the application of the [...]
03 July 2023
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