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codexalimentarius > Новости и события

Netherlands and Indonesia co-host Codex contaminants meeting

The Netherlands began hosting the Codex Committee on Contaminants in Food in 2007 and in the 13 sessions since then, five have been co-hosted abroad. When business gets underway on 29 April 2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesia will be the sixth foreign location. Cooperation with Indonesia … has been a joy When a country co-hosts they make a world-wide contribution to food safety. “The Netherlands and Codex have a long history together and co-hosting for us is a means to bring Codex and everything [...]
25 April 2019

Bridging differences on sweeteners

A 12-year long impasse started to gradually unravel during the 51st session of the Codex Committee on Food Additives (CCFA51) in March 2019, when Codex Members found a new compromise on how to mutually respect their regulatory differences while not preventing international harmonization. Among the standards that CCFA51 will send for adoption by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in July 2019 are revised provisions for the General Standard for Food Additives (GSFA) that concern the use of sweeteners in some food categories. [...]
16 April 2019

Codex Committee on Food Additives meets in Jinan, China

The Codex Committee on Food Additives (CCFA) began its 51st session on Monday in Jinan, China. Food additives are added to food to fulfil important technical functions related to the safety and quality of the products, but need to be used prudently in line with scientific risk assessments and maximum levels in order not to become a problem themselves. The Committee will look at a huge number of draft food additive provisions to be adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in [...]
25 March 2019

Capacity building for new Codex chairs

Bordeaux, France 16-17 March 2019 Chairing a Codex meeting requires a particular skill set. The experts chosen by host governments of committees need to be able to manage, lead, plan, negotiate and communicate effectively, all this in the intense environment of an international meeting attended by delegates from the 188 Codex Member countries and 229 observer organisations. The Codex Secretariat organises regular training courses for chairs and the 2019 session was particular timely as the current cycle of meetings will see eight [...]
21 March 2019

Bordeaux meeting a “laboratory of innovation” serving the entire Codex system

Codex Committee on General Principles (CCGP) Delegates from nearly 60 countries are meeting in Bordeaux, France from 11 to 15 March 2019 to discuss the procedural and general matters referred by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. “The effectiveness of Codex as a whole depends on how this committee covers these crucial issues”, said Sandrine Gaudin, Adviser for European Affairs, Prime Minister’s Private Office, France. The CCGP is a powerful, cross-cutting tool and “it must be a laboratory of innovation serving the entire working [...]
11 March 2019

Codex salutes outgoing chair of Fats and Oils

Following 10 years’ service to the Codex Committee on Fats and Oils as chairperson and after nearly 40 years working on Codex in the Malaysian Ministry of Health, Noraini Dato’ Mohd Othman used her closing remarks at CCFO26 in Kuala Lumpur to announce her retirement. Noraini Dato’ Mohd Othman, Chairperson Noraini also served as the Vice Chair of Codex Alimentarius Commission for three terms from 2005 to 2008 and spoke of the privilege her service had brought. Chairing the Fats and Oils [...]
05 March 2019

Experts meet to discuss fats and oils in Malaysia

Members and Observers of the Codex Alimentarius Commission are meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malyasia from 25 February to 1 March 2019 at the 26th session of the Codex Fats and Oils Committee. Discussions taking place include the addition of palm oil to the Codex Standard for Named Vegetable Oils; a proposed revision of the Standard for Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils; discussions on walnut oil, almond oil, hazelnut oil, pistachio oil, flaxseed oil and avocado oil, as well as [...]
25 February 2019

Workshop in Azerbaijan reveals ideal mix for National Codex Committee

Participants gathered in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 6 to 7 February 2019 for a workshop entitled “Improving National Codex Capacities”, jointly organized by FAO and the Food Safety Agency of Azerbaijan (AFSA). National food control systems in Azerbaijan are undergoing significant change including the establishment of AFSA and the finalization of a food law. “FAO is responding to the request of the Food Safety Agency of Azerbaijan for support to strengthen the food safety control system, and develop national Codex activities”, said [...]
20 February 2019

Regional workshop to strengthen Codex work in Near East

Thirty-eight participants from Yemen, Sudan and Egypt are currently meeting in Cairo for a three-day workshop on Codex Alimentarius and its procedures. Organized by the SAFE Codex Initiative with the support of FAO and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), this training is part of the planned activities under the Codex Expert Working Group work plan, aimed at helping countries in the Arabic region define priorities on food safety and Codex. “Effective coordination and raising the level of Arab participation [...]
28 January 2019

4th spices committee meeting underway in Kerala, India

Delegates from over 30 countries are meeting in Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala), India from 21 January 2019 to discuss draft Codex standards for selected spices and herbs that will eliminate trade barriers and strengthen food supply chains with safe food. Inaugurating the fourth session of the Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs, Hon’ble Governor of Kerala, Justice (retd) Shri P Sathasivam said that “cultivators of spices should be encouraged to think globally and make use of the latest farming technologies to succeed [...]
21 January 2019