Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics

Ghana delivers training of enumerators for farm losses and pilot survey


Under the framework of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS), Ghana conducted a training on Farm Agricultural Losses Pilot Survey. The training was held from December 7th to the 9th, 2022. 

The conduction of this pilot survey aims to test the data collection approach proposed for on-farm losses, following the findings of the previous research, and testing from the GSARS Phase I (2013-2018).

The 2022 Ghana On-Farm Agricultural Losses Pilot Survey is a farm sample survey restricted to the Birim Central Municipal District and designed to provide information on absolute and relative levels of agricultural losses, their causes and main determining factors, their methods/techniques of loss prevention, and other information that will be helpful to policymakers, administrators, researchers, and the public at large in the field of loss prevention and reduction.

A general introduction was given by training facilitators (MOFA, GSS, and FAO) and a welcome speech was given by the District Director (MoFA/GSS), Mr. Isaac Mann.

Three participants out of 23 were women. The training went well overall. All the enumerators were very diligent throughout the three days of training. An updated version of the questionnaire was drafted with comments during the training of enumerators.