Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics

GSARS Third Global Steering Committee Recognizes Key Achievements and Endorses Future Plans


The 3rd meeting of the Global Steering Committee (GSC), held on January 16, 2024, marked a significant milestone in the continued support and development of agricultural and rural statistics in Africa. The meeting, chaired by Oliver Chinganya, convened key international stakeholders and committee members virtually, reaffirming their commitment to advancing the programme's objectives. 

During the meeting, the GSC started with an inspiring presentation focused on communicating the impact and achievements of the programme in 2023. This presentation was informative and engaging, featuring testimonials from participants who have directly benefited from the programme. It highlighted the remarkable strides made in enhancing data quality, capacity building, and implementing innovative statistical methods. This approach in presenting these successes played a pivotal role in underscoring the year's accomplishments while emphasizing the importance of mentorship, diversity, and women's involvement in the field. 

The GSC also endorsed the Annual Report 2023, a comprehensive document detailing the year's accomplishments, budget utilization, and impact on member countries. This endorsement reflects the committee's satisfaction with the progress made and the effective use of resources. 

Furthermore, the GSC approved the Work Plan 2024. The plan outlines a series of activities and initiatives for the upcoming year. The endorsement of this plan signifies the committee's confidence in the programme's direction and its potential to bring about significant improvements in agricultural and rural statistics. 

Discussions on extending this crucial support to countries commenced, focusing on the next phase of the programme. The GSC explored potential adjustments and enhancements to ensure that the programme remains responsive to the evolving needs of member countries and continues to make a tangible impact in the field of agricultural statistics. 

The meeting concluded with plans for the next GSC meeting and steps forward, including preparations for a final conference and regional workshops in 2024. The 3rd GSC meeting is a testament to the ongoing dedication and collaboration among international stakeholders in agricultural and rural statistics. The committee's recognition of past achievements and endorsement of future plans pave the way for sustained progress and innovation in this critical field.