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How Codex standards are amended when Codex subsidiary bodies have been abolished or dissolved?

Where Codex subsidiary bodies have been abolished or dissolved, or Codex committees have been adjourned sine die, the Secretariat keeps under review all Codex standards and related texts elaborated by these bodies and determines the need for any amendments, in particular those arising from decisions of the Commission.

  • If the need for amendments of an editorial nature is identified then the Secretariat should prepare proposed amendments for consideration and adoption by the Commission.

  • If the need for amendments of a substantive nature is identified, the Secretariat, in cooperation with the national secretariat of the adjourned Committee if applicable, should prepare a working paper containing the reasons for proposing amendments and the wording of such amendments as appropriate, and request comments from members of the Commission.

Development of standards

Proposals for new work usually originate at the Committee level, and are transmitted to the Commission by means of a project document, which is first examined by the Executive Committee, [...]

Development of standards

The normal elaboration process follows eight distinct steps, involving two rounds of comments by members and observers. A decision may be taken at step 5 to omit the second round [...]

Development of standards

Before a decision is made to undertake the development of a new standard or other text, a project proposal is prepared and discussed at Committee level. The procedure to approve [...]

Development of standards

Where Codex subsidiary bodies have been abolished or dissolved, or Codex committees have been adjourned sine die, the Secretariat keeps under review all Codex standards and related texts elaborated by [...]

Development of standards

The Codex Alimentarius has addressed several food safety related challenges over these years and the membership has also found solutions on a timely basis to meet these challenges. Codex stepped [...]