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Région du Comité FAO/OMS de coordination pour AFRICA (CCAFRICA) - Coordonnateur régional: UGANDA

Le Comité de coordination pour l’Afrique a été créé par la Commission du Codex Alimentarius en 1972, avec pour mandat «la mise en application d’une coordination générale dans l’élaboration de normes liées à la région de l’Afrique». Le Comité a organisé sa première réunion à la FAO en 1974: 19 pays étaient présents.

Alors que le nouveau coordonnateur régional entamait son mandat, l’Accord portant création de la zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECAf), entré en vigueur au mois de mai 2020, a souligné le besoin d’un système efficace de gestion des mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires, notamment dans le domaine de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments, sur tout le continent alors que ses frontières sont ouvertes au commerce.

Le coordonnateur régional opère au sein du Bureau national de normalisation d’Ouganda, établissement public placé sous l’égide du Ministère du commerce, de l’industrie et des coopératives, qui surveille, dans le cadre de son mandat, la promotion et l’utilisation des normes.

En tant que coordonnateur régional, l’Ouganda souhaite s’impliquer davantage auprès des pays, notamment au travers d’enquêtes, de séminaires web et d’ateliers, afin d’identifier les besoins et les problématiques émergentes, mais aussi sensibiliser aux questions prioritaires de sécurité sanitaire des aliments et aux normes du Codex. Par ailleurs, une étude pilote s’intéressera plus largement à l’état de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments dans la région. En renforçant son engagement auprès d’organismes régionaux tels que l’Union africaine, l’Organisation régionale africaine de normalisation et le secrétariat de la zone de libre-échange continentale africaine, l’Ouganda vise aussi à améliorer le travail de plaidoyer dans la région.


Actualités de la région

World Food Safety Day/ African Union Commission agencies organize webinar

The African Union Commission's African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD) and the Partnership for Aflatoxin Control in Africa (PACA) are organizing a webinar to celebrate World Food Safety Day, with the support of the EU-AU Partnership for Resilient, Inclusive and Safe food systems for Everyone (UP-RISE) and Food Safety for Africa (FS4Africa) projects. The webinar is on the subject of “Bridging Gaps in the Informal Sector” Date: 27 June 2024 Time: 14:00 CESTRegister here Read more on UP-RISE Read more World Food Safety Day website World [...]
27 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Nigerian Institute takes food safety to the street markets and media

The Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST), Lagos Chapter, commemorated the 2024 World Food Safety Day with a plethora of advocacy events. The Lagos Chapter of the Institute held week-long events, which commenced with members representing the institute in various media outlets, including TV, radio and podcasts, on food safety advocacy on this year's theme: "Preparing for the unexpected". In collaboration with government agencies, including the Lagos State Ministry of Health, the Safety Commission and the Environmental Protection Agency [...]
12 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Eritrea debates ways to improve national food control systems

Eritrea has celebrated World Food Safety Day for the second consecutive year, this year. The Eritrean Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) organized a commemorative observance with the participation of representatives from ministries, regional administrations, national associations, higher educational institutions, the country offices of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), stakeholders of development programmes, agriculture experts and food processors. The ceremony took place on 7 June at the National Confederation of Eritrean Workers’ [...]
12 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Africa region event

A webinar will be held to commemorate World Food Safety Day in Africa under the theme: "Preparing for Food Safety Emergencies in the African Region". The event is convened through collaboration by the Regional Offices for FAO and WHO, the World Food Programme, the African Union - InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources and the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Africa. The main objective of the regional webinar is to create awareness amongst stakeholders in the region in order to generate discussions and ideas [...]
12 June 2024

Journée internationale de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments/ Redynamisation du Réseau INFOSAN au Niger

By KEMBOU Etienne, Technical Officer Food Safety and Nutrition, WHO Multi-Country Assignment Teams (MCAT) ; Dr LAOUALI ABDOU Aissatou and RABO Souleymane, Food Safety and Nutrition Team  WHO Country Office Niger;  DIOFFO Salou, Codex Contact Point, Ministry of Public Health, Population and Social Affairs Niger En prélude à la commémoration de la Journée internationale de sécurité sanitaire des aliments (JISSA),édition 2024,trente 30 personnes (représentants des secteurs administratifs, Organisations de la Société Civile, Partenaires techniques et financiers, universitaires) ont été capacités sur l’organisation [...]
05 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Kenya’s preparations are under way

By: Maryann Kindiki- CCP, Kenya Kenya is in top gear in its preparations for World Food Safety Day 2024. On 30 April the national planning committee convened to engage media for a briefing on the theme of this year’s World Food Safety Day commemoration. This is aimed at guiding the media on the theme to ensure informed reporting. The planning committee is chaired by the Ministry of Health and comprises government agencies, academia and research, private sector alliances and associations, media and [...]
28 May 2024

Eswatini takes a bold step forward to establish a strong food safety control system and culture

By Funwako Dlamini, CCP for Eswatini, Milagrosa Mondlane, SWASA, Hakim Mufumbiro, Regional Coordinator CCAFRICA and John Oppong-Otoo, AU-IBAR A training session has taken place 3–5 April 2024 in Ezulwini, Eswatini, to equip national stakeholders with improved capacities as part of the country’s efforts to establish and strengthen engagement in Codex. The training was attended by 25 trainees drawn from different state and non-state actors who are part of the National Codex Committee (NCC) and who have responsibility for food safety along the [...]
03 May 2024

CCFA54/ Kenya blazes a trail for fellow CCAFRICA Members in CCFA as new Chair of WG on Priorities

In a Codex Committee on Food Additives (CCFA) first for the CCAFRICA region, Kenya has become Chair to the CCFA in-session working group (WG) on priorities. This is the group that establishes priority lists of food additives for risk assessment by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). We asked the new in-session WG Chairperson, Mr Peter Mutua, about why Kenya wanted to take on this role and what advice he has for fellow CCAFRICA Members, and the wider [...]
22 April 2024

National Codex Committee of Cabo Verde analyses progress

The National Codex Committee (CNCA) in Cabo Verde has been active in recent weeks, planning the year’s activities and unveiling the CNCA website. On 8 March, the 16th ordinary meeting of the CNCA was held, with the aim of analyzing the CNCA Activity Plan for 2024, focusing on the process of activating the national Codex subcommittees. At the meeting information was presented on the Cabo Verde Codex Trust Fund Project activities to be carried out in 2024, as well as on updates [...]
16 April 2024

“Africa has come together” - ready to partner with the rest of the world to prioritize global food safety

Over the last few years, food safety has been prioritized across the African continent, as evidenced by, for example, its new African Union (AU) Food Safety Strategy 2022-2036, which was launched on World Food Safety Day 2022, and now Kenya’s leadership in the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH) on new guidelines for food hygiene control measures in traditional markets for food. According to the African Union’s Food Safety Officer, John Oppong-Otoo, 70 percent of urban households in Africa rely [...]
26 March 2024
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Coordonnateur CCAFRICA

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Pour les questions régionales, contactez:

Secrétariat du CCAFRICA

Uganda National Bureau of Standards

Plot 2 - 12, Bypass Link, Industrial & Business park, Kyaliwajala road,
P.O Box 6329 Kampala, Uganda
Tél: +256 (041) 7333250 / 0417333251 / 0417333252
Courriel: [email protected]