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Région du Comité FAO/OMS de coordination pour AFRICA (CCAFRICA) - Coordonnateur régional: UGANDA

Le Comité de coordination pour l’Afrique a été créé par la Commission du Codex Alimentarius en 1972, avec pour mandat «la mise en application d’une coordination générale dans l’élaboration de normes liées à la région de l’Afrique». Le Comité a organisé sa première réunion à la FAO en 1974: 19 pays étaient présents.

Alors que le nouveau coordonnateur régional entamait son mandat, l’Accord portant création de la zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECAf), entré en vigueur au mois de mai 2020, a souligné le besoin d’un système efficace de gestion des mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires, notamment dans le domaine de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments, sur tout le continent alors que ses frontières sont ouvertes au commerce.

Le coordonnateur régional opère au sein du Bureau national de normalisation d’Ouganda, établissement public placé sous l’égide du Ministère du commerce, de l’industrie et des coopératives, qui surveille, dans le cadre de son mandat, la promotion et l’utilisation des normes.

En tant que coordonnateur régional, l’Ouganda souhaite s’impliquer davantage auprès des pays, notamment au travers d’enquêtes, de séminaires web et d’ateliers, afin d’identifier les besoins et les problématiques émergentes, mais aussi sensibiliser aux questions prioritaires de sécurité sanitaire des aliments et aux normes du Codex. Par ailleurs, une étude pilote s’intéressera plus largement à l’état de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments dans la région. En renforçant son engagement auprès d’organismes régionaux tels que l’Union africaine, l’Organisation régionale africaine de normalisation et le secrétariat de la zone de libre-échange continentale africaine, l’Ouganda vise aussi à améliorer le travail de plaidoyer dans la région.


Actualités de la région

Des experts nationaux contribuent efficacement aux activités du Codex Alimentarius au niveau national, régional et mondial

ParKEMBOU Etienne, Point focal Nutrition & Sécurité sanitaire des aliments dans l’équipe d’appui multi-pays (MCAT) Burkina Faso ; Mr Dominique Ouedraogo, Point de Contact du Codex, Burkina Faso Du 21 au 23 novembre 2023, au Burkina Faso, les capacités de trente-trois (33) experts nationaux ont été renforcées sur la génération de données de qualité utilisables par le Codex Alimentarius. Spécifiquement, les experts ont été formé sur cinq thématiques : les procédures d'élaboration des normes du Codex;  les principes et procédures de base pour l'évaluation [...]
26 November 2023

African region is working towards greater food safety awareness and improved participation in Codex

This year's edition of the CODEX magazine, titled "60 years of standards", is out now! Read some of our articles online and click on the link below to download the full publication. This article by Haklim Mufumbiro (Uganda), Regional Coordinator for CCAFRICAThe year 2023 marked the return to normalcy for mostactivities, following two years of uncertainty due to COVID-19 and several virtual engagements in all shapes and sizes. Most of the countries in the region continued, with impressive awareness events during [...]
26 November 2023

Celebrating the 60th anniversary of Codex in the African Region with a regional training event

By Ms Lusubilo Witson MWAMAKAMBA, Regional Food Safety Focal Point, WHO Regional Office for Africa and Hakim B. MUFUMBIRO, Regional Coordinator CCAFRICA As part of commemorations of the 60th anniversary of Codex in the African region, the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Africa in collaboration with the FAO/WHO Codex Coordinating Committee for Africa (CCAFRICA) conducted a two-and-a-half-day regional training workshop on enhancing participation in the work of Codex and preparation of robust applications for submission to the Codex Trust [...]
21 November 2023

National Codex Committee in Malawi trained on data generation

The Malawi National Codex Committee (NCC)  attended a three-day training session 15 to 17 November 2023 as part of the country’s Codex Trust Fund project. The training, which was about data generation for Codex Alimentarius, informed the Malawi NCC of the basic principles of toxicology, risk profile, exposure and consumption data and gave an overview of the FAO/WHO committees and the general Codex framework of risk analysis and risk assessment. Speaking at the opening function of the training, the Director-General of the [...]
21 November 2023

Mauritius organizes workshop on “Achieving leadership in the Codex process”

In 2020, Mauritius had a Codex Trust Fund application approved for a project that is geared towards building a stronger and more sustainable national Codex structure, with the ultimate aim of increasing the country’s participation in the work of Codex. As part of this project, a workshop was organized 21–25 August 2023 on “Achieving leadership in the Codex process,” which was organized by Codex Mauritius, Ministry of Agroindustry, in close collaboration with the WHO country office. The workshop was conducted by [...]
17 November 2023

Africa meeting highlights strong commitment of the region to food safety

The National Food Safety Authority of Egypt (NFSA) and the African Union Commission (AUC) convened a meeting for African Food Regulatory Authorities, to advance the regional food safety agenda, as a way to support the region’s food security and trade goals, and in particular to progress the Regional Food Safety Strategy and the creation of the African Food Safety Agency (AFSA). The meeting was held in Cairo from 11–13 October 2023 and brought together food regulatory professionals from 38 countries of [...]
18 October 2023

East African states agree on actions to strengthen food safety in the region

By Ms Sylvia Kirabo, Head of Public Relations and Marketing for UNBS and Hakim B. Mufumbiro, Regional Coordinator CCAFRICA Policy and decision makers on food safety and Codex activities of the East African Community (EAC) held a meeting on 1 September, hosted by the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS), which also serves as the national Codex Contact Point in Uganda, resolving to implement 11 actions to improve food safety control and Codex related systems in the region. The high-level participants from [...]
29 September 2023

Codex Trust Fund project training under way in Nigeria

Members of the National Codex Committee (NCC) of Nigeria are undergoing capacity development training on the scientific basis of Codex and food safety risk analysis. The training programme, which is funded by the Codex Trust Fund, will improve the technical capacities of NCC members and their knowledge on food safety risk assessment, the risk management framework, risk management activities and risk communication. The training will also improve Nigeria’s capacities to participate effectively in Codex and implement the revised NCC procedural manual. At [...]
21 September 2023

1st National Codex Committee for Somalia resolves to adopt over 80 Codex standards

by Mohamed Aden Hersi, Codex Contact Point (CCP) for Somalia and Hakim Mufumbiro, Regional Coordinator, CCAFRICA Wednesday 23 August 2023 marked a significant milestone for Somalia when the country’s 1st National Codex Committee (NCC) meeting was held, following two days of intensive capacity building sessions involving national stakeholders. The sessions, held on 21 and 22 August in Mogadishu, Somalia, provided training on Codex work management and were attended by 27 different state and non-state stakeholders who are members of the NCC. Somalia [...]
16 September 2023

The Codex Trust Fund project in Mauritius

To consolidate its national Codex structures and to increase its participation in international food standards drafting at the level of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, Mauritius has been filing for assistance from the Codex Trust Fund (CTF) since 2012. In 2020, Mauritius was successful in its application and was the sole country in the African region to benefit from CTF funding. Mauritius’ CTF project will run activities geared towards building a strong and sustainable national Codex structure, with the ultimate aim [...]
29 August 2023

Coordonnateur CCAFRICA

Toutes les informations relatives au Codex sont publiques et gratuites.

Pour les questions régionales, contactez:

Secrétariat du CCAFRICA

Uganda National Bureau of Standards

Plot 2 - 12, Bypass Link, Industrial & Business park, Kyaliwajala road,
P.O Box 6329 Kampala, Uganda
Tél: +256 (041) 7333250 / 0417333251 / 0417333252
Courriel: [email protected]