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Comité du Codex sur les poissons et les produits de la pêche
19/10/2015 - 24/10/2015 | Ålesund, Norvège


The 34th Session of the Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products will be held from October 19th–24th2015 in Ålesund, Norway.
The Session will begin at 09:30, Monday, October 19th. The Session will be conducted in English, French and Spanish.

On Sunday there will be two working groups:
COP Scallops: 9:00–12:00
COP Sturgeon Caviar: 14:00 –17:00
There will be a seminar for first time delegates from 18:00-19:00.

In the registration form please indicate your partecipation to the above events.


All participants should provide their information (names and addresses) through the online registration system by accessing the link below, latest by 19th September 2015.

Login and password for the online registration have been provided to all Codex Contact Points and Codex Point of Observers Organizations. If the login and password have not been received, please contact [email protected]
Only in case of technical difficulty, the registration form should be sent directly to the CCFFP Secretariat [email protected]


The documents for the session are available in English, French and Spanish and will be placed on the Codex webside as soon as they are prepared. NB! We kindly remind you to obtain all documentation from the Codex website prior to the meeting.

More information are available in the Information for Delegates document in the table here below.

Documents apparentés

PointDescriptionDate de téléchargement
Référence du document
3Projet de Code d’usages pour le préparation de la sauce de poisson23/09/2015
8Code d'usages pour le poisson et les produits de la pêche (exigences facultatives du produit final / annexe sur la MAP)14/09/2015
2.1a) Questions soumises au Comité par la Commission du Codex Alimentarius et d’autres Comités du Codex24/09/2015
2.2Questions découlant des travaux de la FAO et de l’OMS24/09/2015
3.1Observations à l’étape 624/09/2015
4.1Observations à l’étape 314/09/2015
CX/FFP 15/34/5 Add.1
4Avant-projet de Code d’usages pour la transformation de produits frais et surgelés à base de coquilles Saint-Jacques ou de pétoncles crus14/09/2015
5.1Observations à l’étape 324/09/2015
CX/FFP 15/34/6 Add.1
5Avant-projet de Code d’usages pour les poissons et les produits de la pêche (section sur le caviar d’esturgeon)14/09/2015
6Projet de dispositions sur les additifs alimentaires dans les normes pour les poissons et les produits de la pêche 14/09/2015
7Document de discussion sur les coefficients d’azote (amendements de la section 7.4 de la Norme pour les bâtonnets, les portions et les filets de poisson surgelés – panés ou enrobés de pâte à frire (CODEX STAN 166-1989)23/09/2015
9Document de discussion sur l’histamine30/09/2015
CX/FFP 15/34/10
10.2Document de réflexion sur l’avenir du comité sur les poissons et les produits de la pêche09/10/2015
1Ordre du jour16/10/2015
CX/FFP 15/34/1
101Ordre du Jour Provisoire Annote Répartition des Compétences12/10/2015
CRD1 - Opening
3.4Projet de Code d’usages pour le préparation de la sauce de poisson16/10/2015
REP14/FFP Annexe IV
3.2Comments at Step 614/09/2015
CX/FFP 15/34/4 Add.1
4.2Comments at Step 324/09/2015
CX/FFP 15/34/5 Add.2
5.2Comments at Step 314/09/2015
CX/FFP 15/34/6 Add.2
CX/FFP 15/34/9 Add.1
0Guide to Delegates24/09/2015
103Revised Proposed Draft Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products (section on sturgeon caviar)09/10/2015
CRD3 -Agenda Item 5
106Revised Draft Code of Practice for Processing of Fish Sauce12/10/2015
CRD6 - Agenda Item 3
102Revised Draft Code of Practice on the Processing of Fresh and Quick Frozen Raw Scallop Products12/10/2015
CRD2 - Agenda Item 4
5.3Comments at Step 313/10/2015
CX/FFP 15/34/6 Add.3
CX/FFP 15/34/9 Add.2
3.3Comments at Step 613/10/2015
CX/FFP 15/34/4 Add.2
4.3Comments at Step313/10/2015
CX/FFp 15/34/5 Add.3
112Update of the FAO/WHO Histamine Sampling Tool14/10/2015
CRD12 - Agenda Item 9
116Comments of Thailand15/10/2015
CRD16 - Agenda Item 4
115Comments of Republic of Korea15/10/2015
CRD15 - Agenda Items 3, 4 and 5
114Comments of Japan15/10/2015
CRD14 - Agenda Item 5
113Comments of Kenya15/10/2015
CRD13 - Agenda Items 3, 4, 5 and 8
108Comments on Matters Referred to the Committee by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and Other Codex Committees15/10/2015
CRD8 - Agenda Item 2a
109Comments on Proposed Food Additive Provisions in Standards for Fish and Fishery Products15/10/2015
CRD9 - Agenda Item 6
110Comments onf Disuccsion Paper on Nitrogen Factors15/10/2015
CRD10 - Agenda Item 7
111Comments on Discussion Paper on Histamine15/10/2015
CRD11- Agenda Item 9
120Comments of Ghana17/10/2015
CRD20 - Agenda Items 6, 9
119Comments of Peru17/10/2015
CRD19 - Agenda Items 3,4,6
118Comments of Norway17/10/2015
CRD18 - Agenda Item 8
117Comments of Chile17/10/2015
CRD17 - Agenda 4
107Draft Reply of CCFFP34 to the Strategic Plan Implementation18/10/2015
CRD7 - Agenda Item 2a
122Comments of USA18/10/2015
CRD22 - Agenda Item 9
121Comments of Indonesia18/10/2015
CRD21 - Agenda 3,6
123Comments of USA19/10/2015
CRD23 - Agenda 6
104Report of Physical Working on Revised Draft Code of Practice on the Processing of Fresh and Quick Frozen Raw Scallop Products19/10/2015
CRD4 - Agenda Item 4
105Report of Physical Working Group on the Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products (Section on Sturgeon Caviar)19/10/2015
CRD5 - Agenda Item 5
124Report of In-Session Working Group on Food Additives20/10/2015
CRD24 - Agenda Item6
125Report of In-Session Working Group on Draft Code of Practice for Processing of Fresh and Quick Frozen Raw Scallop Products20/10/2015
CRD25 - Agenda Item 4