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Code Issued Title Deadline EN FR ES AR ZH RU
CL 2014/01-PR12/13Request for Comments on the Establishment of the Codex Schedules and Priority Lists of Pesticides28/02/2014
CL 2014/02-PR01/14Request for Comments on the Recommendations of the 2013 Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR)06/04/2014
CL 2014/03-RVDF12/13Request for Comments/Information on Priority List of Veterinary Drugs for Evaluation or Reevaluation by JECFA14/12/2014
CL 2014/09-RVDF02/14Request for Revision/Information to the Database on Countries' Needs for MRLs29/06/2014
CL 2014/12-FA03/14Request for information and comments on proposals for change and/or addition to the INS list14/09/2014
CL 2014/13-FA03/14Request for information and comments on Priority list of substances proposed for evaluation by JECFA14/01/2015
CL 2014/14-FA03/14Request for information on the availability of data to re-evaluate the six priority food colours14/01/2015
CL 2014/15-FA03/14Request for proposals for new and/or revision of adopted food additives provisions in the GSFA14/01/2015
CL 2014/17-PFV05/14Request for Comments and Information on Food Additive Provisions Certain Processed Fruits and Vegetables30/07/2014
CL 2014/18-PFV05/14Request for Comments and Information on Packing Media for Pickled Vegetables30/07/2014
CL 2014/19-NASWP04/14Request for comments and information on (i) national food control systems; (ii) Codex at national level; and (iii) Codex standards national priorities and interest (13th Session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for North America and the South West Pacific, Kokopo, Papua New Guinea, 23-26 September 2014)29/08/2014
CL 2014/20-EURO05/14Request for comments and information on (i) national food control systems; (ii) Codex at national level; and (iii) Codex standards national priorities and interest (29th Session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Europe30/07/2014
CL 2014/21-ASIA05/14Request for comments and information on (i) national food control systems; (ii) Codex at national level; and (iii) Codex standards national priorities and interest (19th Session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Asia14/09/2014
CL 2014/22-FH06/14Request for proposals for new work and/or revision of existing standards31/08/2014
CL 2014/23-LAC05/14Request for comments and information on (i) national food control systems; (ii) Codex at national level; and (iii) Codex standards national priorities and interest (19th Session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean29/09/2014
CL 2014/24-FA05/14Request for information on commercial use of potassium diacetate (INS 261(ii)) in food14/01/2015
CL 2014/25-FFP05/14Request for Comments at Step 6 Draft Code of Practice for Processing of Fish Sauce30/04/2015
CL 2014/26-FH05/14Request for Comments at Step 6 on the draft Guidelines for the Control of Trichinella spp. in Meat of Suidae09/10/2014
CL 2014/27-NFSDU06/14Request for Comments at Step 6 on the Draft Revision of the General Principles for the Addition of Essential Nutrients to Foods (CAC/GL 9-1987)23/09/2014
CL 2014/29-AFRICA10/14Request for comments and information on (i) national food control systems; (ii) Codex at national level; and (iii) Codex standards national priorities and interests (21st Session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Africa, Yaoundé, Cameroon, 27 - 30 January 2015)29/11/2015
CL 2014/36-PR12/14Request for comments on the recommendations of the 2014 Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on pesticide residues (JMPR) 27/02/2015
CL 2014/35-CS12/14Request for comments on the draft Standard for Non-Centrifugated Dehydrated Sugar Cane Juice30/01/2015
CL 2014/30-FL11/14Distribution of the Report of the 42nd Session of the Codex Committee on Food Labelling (REP15/FL)30/09/2015
Circular Letters archive
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