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Cartas circulares

Código Publicada Titulo Plazo EN FR ES AR ZH RU
CL 2010/01-GP12/09Review of the Risk Analysis Policies of Codex Committees30/03/2010
CL 2010/02-FL12/09Aligning class titles for food additives in the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods ( CODEX STAN 1-1985) with the list of functional classes in CAC/GL 36-198914/03/2010
CL 2010/03-PR12/09Request for comments at step 3 on the proposed revision of the guidelines on the estimation of uncertainty of results for the determination of pesticide residues14/03/2010
CL 2010/04-MMP01/10Distribution of the Report of the Ninth Session of the Codex committee on milk and milk products (ALINORM 10/33/11)29/04/2010
CL 2010/05-FICS02/10Distribution of the Report of the Eighteenth Session of the Codex Committee on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certificacion Systems (ALINORM 10/33/30)29/04/2010
CL 2010/06-MAS02/10Distribution of the Report of the 31st Session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling14/05/2010
CL 2010/07-FA02/10Distribution of the Report of the Forty-second Session of the Codex Committee on Food Additives (ALINORM 10/33/12) - Part B: Request for Comments and Information14/10/2010
CL 2010/08-CAC02/10Request for comments on the report of the electronic Working Group on Animal Feeding14/05/2010
CL 2010/09-FA03/10Request for information and comments on proposals for changes/addition to the INS list14/09/2010
CL 2010/10-FA03/10Request for information and comments on Priority list of compounds proposed for evaluation by JECFA 14/01/2011
CL 2010/11-GP03/10Distribution of the Report of the 26th Session of the Codex Committee on General Principles (ALINORM 10/33/33). Part B. Matters for comments29/11/2010
CL 2010/12-FH04/10Request for proposals for new work and/or revision of existing standards30/07/2010
CL 2010/13-CF04/10Distribution of the Report of the Fourth Session of the Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods - Part II No. 6: Priority list of Contaminants and Naturally Occurring Toxicants for Evaluation by JECFA 30/01/2011
CL 2010/14-ASIA04/10Request for comments and information on: (i) the Use of Codex standards at national and regional level; and (ii) Nutritional issues in the region 31/08/2010
CL 2010/15-FL04/10Distribution of the Report of the 38th session of the Codex Committee on Food Labelling (ALINORM 10/33/22) - Part A. MATTERS FOR ADOPTION BY THE 33rd SESSION OF THE CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION14/06/2010
CL 2010/16-PR04/10Distribution on the Report of the Forty-second Session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues. Part C- Request for Comments and Information 16/09/2010
CL 2010/17-ASIA04/10Request for comments and information on National food control systems and consumer participation in food standard setting31/08/2010
CL 2010/18-LAC05/10Request for comments and information on: Implementation of the Codex Strategic Plan 2008-2013; national food control systems14/09/2010
CL 2010/19-FL05/10Request for comments and information at Step 3 on the proposed draft recommendations for the Labelling of Foods and Food Ingredients obtained through certain techniques of genetic modification/genetic engineering31/10/2010
CL 2010/20-FL07/10Definition for nutrient reference values (NRVs) 30/11/2010
CL 2010/22-GP07/10Request for comments concerning the development of joint CODEX/OIE standards31/05/2010
CL 2010/23-EURO05/10Request for comments and information on: Implementation of the Codex Strategic Plan 2008-2013; national food control systems14/09/2010
CL 2010/24-PR05/10Request for comments on the OECD draft calculator and draft user guide07/08/2010
CL 2010/25-AMR06/10Request for Comments at Steps 6 of the Procedure on Draft Guidelines for Risk Analysis of Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance14/09/2010
CL 2010/26-FFP06/10Request for comments at Step 6 on the Draft Standard for Smoked Fish30/01/2011
CL 2010/27-NE07/10Request for comments on the Proposed Draft Regional Code of Practice for Street Vended Foods at Step 330/11/2010
CL 2010/28-NFSDU07/10Request for comments on the Proposed Draft General Principles for Establishing Nutrient Reference Values of Vitamins and Minerals for the General Population: Annex to the Codex Guidelines on Nutrition Labelling at Step 6 (ALINORM 10/33/26; Appendix III)16/09/2010
CL 2010/29-PR06/10Request for comments at Step 8 - Draft revision of the Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds: Tree nuts30/10/2010
CL 2010/30-PR07/10Request For Comments At Step 6 . Draft Principles and Guidance for the Selection of Representative Commodities for the Extrapolation of Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticides for Commodity Groups (Alinorm 10/33/2430/10/2010
CL 2010/31-FO07/10 Draft amendment to the Code of Practice for the Storage and Transport of Edible Fats and Oils in Bulk: Criteria to assess the acceptability of substances for inclusion in a list of acceptable previous cargoes. - Draft Amendement to the Standard for Named Vegetable Oils: Palm Kernel Olein and Palm Kernel Stearin14/11/2010
CL 2010/32-ASIA07/10Request for comments on matters referred from the 64th session of the Executive Committee and the 33rd Session of the Commission - i) Strategic Plan 2008-2013; ii) Private standards; iii) Processed Cheese14/10/2010
CL 2010/33-NASWP07/10Request for comments on matters referred from the 64th session of the Executive Committee and the 33rd Session of the Commission 14/09/2010
CL 2010/34-LAC07/10Request for comments on matters referred from the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the Executive Committee 29/09/2010
CL 2010/35-FFV08/10Request for comments on the need for an International Standard for Fresh Fungus .CHANTERELLE.30/12/2010
CL 2010/36-EURO07/10Request for comments on matters referred from the 64th session of the Executive Committee and the 33rd Session of the Commission - i) Strategic Plan 2008-2013; ii) Private standards; iii) Processed Cheese02/09/2010
CL 2010/37-NE08/10Request for comments on matters referred from the 64th session of the Executive Committee and the 33rd Session of the Commission29/11/2010
CL 2010/38-NE08/10Request for comments and information on: National food control systems07/08/2010
CL 2010/39-FA07/10Request for comments/proposals on uses and use levels of cycloteraglucose and cyclotetragucose syrup14/10/2010
CL 2010/40-FL07/10Request for Comments at Step 6 on the draft revision of the Guidelines on Nutrition Labelling (CAC/GL 2-1985) concerning the list of nutrients that are always declared on a voluntary or mandatory basis 30/01/2011
CL 2010/41-NASWP07/10Request for comments on matters referred from the 64th session of the Executive Committee and the 33rd Session of the Commission on: 1) Preparation of the revised Strategic Plan for 2013-2018;2) Strategic approaches to be followed for the future work of the Codex Trust Fund (CTF)14/09/2010
CL 2010/42-ASIA07/10Request for comments on matters referred from the 64th session of the Executive Committee and the 33rd Session of the Commission on: 1) Preparation of the revised Strategic Plan for 2013-2018;2) Strategic approaches to be followed for the future work of the Codex Trust Fund (CTF)14/10/2010
CL 2010/43-AFRICA08/10Request for comments on matters referred from the 64th session of the Executive Committee and the 33rd Session of the Commission29/11/2010
CL 2010/44-EURO08/10Request for comments on matters referred from the 64th session of the Executive Committee and the 33rd Session of the Commission on: 1-Preparation of the revised Strategic Plan for 2013-2018; 2- Strategic approaches to be followed for the future work of the Codex Trust Fund (CTF)19/09/2010
CL 2010/45-AFRICA08/10Request for comments and information on: Implementation of the CCAFRICA Strategic Plan; National Food Control Systems19/11/2010
CL 2010/46-LAC08/10Request for comments on matters referred from the 64th session of the Executive Committee and the 33rd Session of the Commission on:(1) Preparation of the revised Strategic Plan for 2013-2018; (2) Strategic approaches to be followed for the future work of the Codex Trust Fund (CTF)14/10/2010
CL 2010/47-RVDF08/10Distribution of the Report of the Nineteenth Session of the Codex Committee on: PART C . REQUEST FOR COMMENTS29/11/2011
CL 2010/48-FFP08/10Request for Comments on list of matters specific to fish and fishery products in the Model Certificate for Fish and Fishery Products that could be incorporated into the Generic Model Certificate14/02/2011
CL 2010/49-MAS08/10Draft Revised Guidelines on Measurement Uncertainty (at Step 6)29/12/2010
CL 2010/50-RVDF08/10Request for comments/information on Priority List of Veterinary Drugs Requiring Evaluation or Reevaluation14/12/2011
CL 2010/51-AMR08/10Request for comments/information on priority list of veterinary drugs requiring evaluation or reevaluation14/12/2011
CL 2010/52-PFV10/10Distribution of the Report of the 25th Session of the Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables (REP11/PFV) - PART II: REQUEST FOR COMMENTS AND INFORMATION29/04/2011
CL 2010/53-NFSDU10/10Distribution of the Report of the 32nd Session of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Use (REP11/NFSDU) - PART B. REQUEST FOR COMMENTS AND INFORMATION14/03/2011
CL 2010/55-PR01/11Request for comments on the recommendations of the 2010 joint FAO/WHO meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR)[1] and Pesticide MRLs at step 3 of the procedure28/02/2011
CL 2010/56-ASIA11/10Distribution of the Report of the Seventeenth Session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Asia14/03/2011
CL 2010/57-FH11/10Distribution of the report of the Forty-second Session of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (REP11/FH) -MATTERS FOR ADOPTION BY THE CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION -REQUEST FOR COMMENTS30/03/2011
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