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Комитет Кодекса по загрязняющим примесям в пищевых продуктах
03/05/2021 - 13/05/2021 | Виртуальный,


Due to the COVID19 pandemic, the 14th Session of the Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods was postponed from May 2020 to May 2021.

CCCF14 will take place virtually on 3 – 7 May 2021 (13:00 – 16:00 CET) with report adoption on 13 May 2021 (13:00 – 16:00 CET).


The Codex Secretariat has prepared a guidance for Members and Observers to facilitate the smooth running of Codex virtual meetings. Codex members and observers participating in the upcoming virtual meeting of the Electronic Working Groups on the Code of Practice and the Guidelines for Monitoring and Surveillance are kindly invited to consult the Information for Delegates webpage and in particular to read the Guidance to participants of virtual meetings available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian.


webinar-programmeA tentative timetable is here available for advance notice of Codex members and observers attending the plenary meeting and adoption of the report and will be submitted for endorsement by the plenary session during the Adoption of the Provisional Agenda (Agenda Item 1). The timetable remains flexible to be adjusted according to the progress made on the different items of the Provisional Agenda and as such it remains as an advisory document to guide the discussion over the next week.


All participants should provide their information (names and addresses) through the Online Registration System by accessing the link below, latest by 48 hours in advance of the start of the plenary meeting i.e. 1 May 13:00 CET.

Login and password for the online registration have been provided to all Codex Contact Points of Member Countries and Observer Organizations. If the login and password have not been received, please contact [email protected].

No sessions of the working groups on priority list for evaluation by JECFA and follow-up to the outcomes of JECFA evaluations will be held in conjunction with CCCF14. See Agenda Item 20 for further information as to the approach and issues to be discussed in relation to both items in the virtual plenary.


webinar-programme17 March 2021 | 12:00-13:30 (CET)
Joint FAO/WHO Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) work on cadmium in chocolates and cocoa-derived products

A webinar to update Codex Members and Observers on the status of work on cadmium in Codex and related JECFA evaluations with a particular focus on JECFA91 (February 2021) was held on 17 March at 12:00 – 13:30 CET.
This webinar provided an opportunity for countries/organizations which would be attending CCCF14 (May 2021) to have an insight of Codex work on cadmium in chocolates and cocoa-derived products (i.e. cocoa powder) and to hear about the rationale for bringing cadmium to the agenda of JECFA91 and the findings of this evaluation.
This information aimed to assist the discussions on cadmium in the upcoming CCCF and to inform comments on the maximum levels for cadmium in the remaining chocolate categories for consideration by the Committee under Items 5 and 6 of the Provisional Agenda (See CX/CF 21/14/1).

Download the programme here. The presentations and recording of the event is available here.


Working documents made available during 2020 to aid the further work of electronic working groups are available here. Specific links will also be provided in the corresponding updated working documents as necessary.

Updated documents for consideration by CCCF14 will be published on this page as soon as they become available.

The list of circular letters relevant to CCCF14 is available from the "Related Circular Letters".

For Agenda Item 5 – Maximum level for cadmium in chocolates containing or declaring ‹30% total cocoa solids on a dry matter basis, Agenda Item 11 - Maximum level for total aflatoxins in ready-to-eat peanuts and associated sampling plans and Agenda Item 12 - Maximum levels for total aflatoxins and ochratoxin A in nutmeg, dried chili and paprika, ginger, pepper and turmeric and associated sampling plans the relevant reports of are available by clicking on REP18/CF, REP18/EXEC2-Rev.1 and REP19/CF. See provisional agenda CX/CF 21/14/1 for specific references to the aforesaid items in these reports.



Связанные документы

ПунктOписаниеДата загрузки
1Provisional Agenda05/03/2021
CX/CF 21/14/1
20.2Comments in reply to CL 2020/24-CF (prority list)13/03/2021
CX/CF 21/14/18-Add.1
2.1Matters referred to CCCF by CAC and/or its subsidiary bodies16/03/2021
CX/CF 21/14/2
3Matters of interest arising from FAO/WHO/JECFA16/03/2021
CX/CF 21/14/3
9.1Revision of the CoP for the prevention and reduction of lead contamination in foods (CXC 56-2004) 17/03/2021
CX/CF 21/14/9
6.1MLs for cadmium in chocolates containing or declaring ≥30% to <50% total cocoa solids on a dry matter basis and cocoa powder (100% total cocoa solids on a dry matter basis)18/03/2021
CX/CF 21/14/6
8.1MLs for lead in certain food categories18/03/2021
CX/CF 21/14/8
10.1MLs for AFT in certain cereals and cereal-based products including foods for infants and young children 18/03/2021
CX/CF 21/14/10
7.1Code of practice for the prevention and reduction of cadmium contamination in cocoa beans19/03/2021
CX/CF 21/14/7
20.1JECFA Evaluations: Priority list of contaminants for evaluation by JECFA and follow-up to the outcomes of JECFA evaluations23/03/2021
CX/CF 21/14/18
15.1Cadmium and lead in quinoa22/03/2021
CX/CF 21/14/13
13Methylmercury in fish24/03/2021
CX/CF 21/14/11
5.1Comments at Step 6 in reply to CL 2019/81/OCS-CF (ML for cadmium in chocolates containing or declaring <30% total cocoa solids on a dry matter basis26/03/2021
CX/CF 21/14/5
5.2Comments in reply to CL 2020/50/OCS-CF (ML for cadmium in chocolates containing or declaring <30% total cocoa solids on a dry matter basis26/03/2021
CX/CF 21/14/5-Add.1
2.2Matters referred to CCCF by CCNASWP: Request for a safety evaluation of scopoletin in fermented noni juice 30/03/2021
CX/CF 21/14/2-Add.1
14Hydrocyanic acid and mycotoxin contamination in cassava and cassava-based products 05/04/2021
CX/CF 21/14/12
18Implementation of a structured approach to identify the need for review of Codex standards and related texts for contaminants in foods 06/04/2021
CX/CF 21/14/16
4Matters of interest arising from the Joint FAO/IAEA Centre of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture07/04/2021
CX/CF 21/14/4
10.3Sampling plans and performance criteria for AFT in certain cereals and cereal-based products including foods for infants and young children09/04/2021
CX/CF 21/14/10-Part II
101Division of Competence between the European Union and its Member States15/04/2021
0Report of CCCF1412/05/2021
Draft Appendix V
10.4Comments in reply to CL 2020/60/OCS-CF (sampling plans and performance criteria for AFT in certain cereals and cereal-based products including foods for infants and young children)26/03/2021
CX/CF 21/14/10-Add.2
15.2Comments in reply to CL 2021/22/OCS-CF (Cadmium and lead in quinoa)27/04/2021
CX/CF 21/14/13-Add.1
10.2Comments in reply to CL 2021/15/OCS-CF (MLs for AFT in certain cereals and cereal-based products including food for infants and young children) 27/04/2021
CX/CF 21/14/10-Add.1
9.2Comments in reply to CL 2021/14/OCS-CF (revision of the COP for the prevention/reduction of lead contamination in foods, CXC 56-2004) Comments in reply to CL 2020/60/OCS-CF (sampling plans and performance criteria for AFT in certain cereals and cereal-based products including foods for infants and young children)27/04/2021
CX/CF 21/14/9-Add.1
8.2Comments in reply to CL 2021/13/OCS-CF (MLs for lead in certain food categories)27/04/2021
CX/CF 21/14/8-Add.1
7.2Comments received in response to CL 2021/12/OCS-CF (CoP for the prevention/reduction of cadmium contamination in cocoa beans) 27/04/2021
CX/CF 21/14/7-Add.1
6.2Comments in reply to CL 2021/11/OCS-CF (MLs for chocolates containing/declaring ≥30% to <50% total cocoa solids on a dry matter basis and cocoa powder with 100% total cocoa solids on a dry matter basis) 27/04/2021
CX/CF 21/14/6-Add.1
16Radioactivity in food and feed (including drinking water) in non-emergency situations 23/04/2021
CX/CF 21/14/14
19.1Review of staple food-contaminant combinations for future work of CCCF26/04/2021
CX/CF 21/14/17
100Working document for information and use in discussions related to contaminants in the General Standard for Contaminants in Food and Feed (CXS193-1995) 28/04/2021
102Comments of Tanzania12/04/2021
103Comments of European Union15/04/2021
104Comments of Nigeria23/04/2021
105Comments of the International Confectionery Association26/04/2021
106Comments of Uganda28/04/2021
107Comments of Japan28/04/2021
108Comments of Thailand28/04/2021
109Comments of India29/04/2021
110Comments of Republic of Korea30/04/2021
111Comments of the United States of America30/04/2021
112Comments of Indonesia30/04/2021
113Comments of Dominican Republic30/04/2021
114Comments of El Salvador01/05/2021
17Guidance on data analysis for development of MLs and for improved data collection 30/04/2021
CX/CF 21/14/15
115Comments of the African Union (AU)02/05/2021
116Comments of Senegal03/05/2021
117Comments of China03/05/2021
118Comments of Ecuador04/05/2021
119Comments of Turkey04/05/2021
120Comments of Mali05/05/2021
121Comments of WFP05/05/2021
122Revision of the Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Lead Contamination in Foods (CXC 56-2004)14/05/2021
123All files zip collection