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codexalimentarius > Actualités et événements

East African Community & Codex Trust Fund food safety workshop builds collaboration with food business operators

By Maryann Kindiki Codex Contact Point, Kenya (pictured left) The Codex Contact Point in Kenya in collaboration with the FAO Country Office held a national food safety workshop in Nairobi, Kenya on 20 July 2022 with the objective of building a solid collaboration between public and private sector towards achieving food safety at national level. The workshop was graced by the presence of FAO Country Representative for Kenya, Carla Mucavi (pictured second left). The engagements at the workshop were through panel discussions [...]
22 July 2022

CCEURO / Regional Meeting reviews achievements and looks to the future

On July 13, 2022, Nailya Karsybekova, Regional Coordinator for Europe, arranged a meeting with Codex contact persons of the post-Soviet countries - Central Asia, the Caucasus, Ukraine, and Russia. Those in attendance carried out an analysis of the work for the entire period of Kazakhstan’s coordination since August 2017 and discussed achievements, lessons learned, an arsenal of new tasks, and proposed solutions. Participating countries also discussed the current work of Codex at the national level, and the importance of countries taking an [...]
20 July 2022

Codex in Mauritius / Learning from others

By Shalini Neeliah Codex Contact Point, Mauritius In 2020, when we signed the project document for the Codex Trust Fund Assistance, we knew we were in for a deep dive.  As a developing country, we had a relatively new Codex structure, but we were very keen to improve it so that we fulfill all our obligations as a World Trade Organization member.  Participation in Codex meetings was still sporadic, depending largely on the funding of the Codex Trust Fund (CTF).  As a [...]
11 July 2022

CCPR / a significant influence on the development of national pesticide residue standards

Opening the 53rd session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues (CCPR), being held virtually from 4-8 July 2022 , Chief Veterinary Officer LI Jinxiang from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China, said: “The work of the CCPR not only has a significant influence on the development of national pesticide residue standards, but also plays an increasingly important role in strengthening the exchanges and cooperation in pesticide residue control.” He looked forward to a productive meeting where delegates [...]
05 July 2022

South-West Pacific region creates local hub in Canberra for CCEXEC82

The 82nd meeting of the Codex Executive Committee (CCEXEC) is being held virtually from 20 to 30 June 2022. However, representatives from the South West Pacific region met in person ahead of the meeting to prepare for and participate in the meeting from a single location. The Regional Coordinator for CCNASWP, Vinesh Kumar from Fiji, accompanied by Fiji’s Codex Contact Point, Susana Levula, travelled to Canberra, Australia, to join the Member for the South West Pacific, Tekon Timothy Tumukon of Vanuatu [...]
23 June 2022

Codex Executive Committee 82nd session underway

In opening remarks to the 82nd session of the Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, taking place virtually from 20-24 June 2022, Maria-Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General FAO recalled the vital role science-based analytical tools and normative work play in providing support to countries, especially in response to the worsening global food security situation due to the pandemic, disasters, conflict and climate change. Maria-Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General FAO “The work you oversee here in the Executive Committee is a key part of [...]
20 June 2022

SADC Member States trained on the use and application of Codex e-tools

By Hakim Mufumbiro Regional Coordinator for the African Region A total of 12 Member States within the SADC - Southern African Development Community (Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe) as well as the SADC Secretariat participated virtually in an online training on the Codex Electronic Working Group Platform and Online Commenting System from 25 to 27 May 2022, as one of the capacity building activities to enhance the skills and knowledge of stakeholders in [...]
19 June 2022

Les délégués de l’Union européenne au Codex Alimentarius se retrouvent en présentiel

Le 9 juin 2022, l’Union européenne (UE) a tenu un groupe de travail sur les questions agricoles et alimentaires internationales et le Codex Alimentarius. Cette réunion s’inscrit dans la continuité des conclusions du Conseil relatives à la participation de l’Union européenne au Codex Alimentarius adoptées par les ministres de l’agriculture de l’UE le 21 février 2022. Cette réunion a marqué le retour aux échanges en présentiel, à Bruxelles, entre délégués des Etats membres de l’UE, le Secrétariat général du Conseil et [...]
17 June 2022

Ahmed M. Elhelw 1985 - 2022

The Codex Secretariat has learned of the untimely passing of the former Codex Contact Point for Egypt, Ahmed M. Elhelw. The Regional Coordinator for the Near East (CCNE), Khalid S. Al Zhrani, Saudi Arabia said: “Ahmed was like an energy station of the CCNE family. With his presence, he would light us all up with positivity. His contribution to my life as a guide, and to the Codex family as an active Member will always be appreciated.” Ahmed held a bachelor degree [...]
04 June 2022

East African Community Codex Trust Fund group project launched, Nairobi, Kenya

By Hakim Mufumbiro, Regional Coordinator CCAFRICA On Tuesday, 3rd May 2022 at the Tribe Hotel in Nairobi, the Codex Contact Point (CCP) Officers from Burundi, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda met to formally launch the East African Community (EAC) Codex Trust Fund Project for the five countries to pave way for implementation of priority planned activities. The group project seeks to build solid and sustainable Codex systems within the EAC Partner States. The launch and regional workshop was held to mainly [...]
17 May 2022