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Lettres circulaires

Code Publié Titre Date limite EN FR ES AR ZH RU
CL 2019/01-PR02/19Revision of the Classification of Food and Feed (CXM 4-1989) Class C: Primary Animal Feed Commodities Request for comments at Step 320/03/2019
CL 2019/02-PR02/19Revision of the Classification of Food and Feed (CXM 4-1989) Class D: Processed Food Commodities of Plant Origin Request for comments at Step 320/03/2019
CL 2019/03-PR02/19Revision of the Classification of Food and Feed (CXM 4-1989) Proposed tables on examples of representative commodities for commodity groups in different types under Class C - Primary Animal Feed Commodities and Class D – Processed Food Commodities of Plant Origin (for inclusion in the Principles and Guidance for the Selection of Representative Commodities for the Extrapolation of Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticides to Commodity Groups (CXG 84-2012)) Request for comments at Step 320/03/2019
CL 2019/04-PR02/19Revision of the Classification of Food and Feed (CXM 4-1989) Miscellaneous commodities not meeting the criteria for crop grouping. Request for comments at Step 320/03/2019
CL 2019/05-PR02/19Revision of the Classification of Food and Feed (CXM 4-1989) Common definition of edible animal tissues for the establishment of maximum residue limits for compounds with dual uses as pesticides and veterinary drugs for use by the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues and the Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods Request for comments at Step 320/03/2019
CL 2019/11-CF01/19Request for comments on the Priority list of contaminants and naturally occurring toxicants for evaluation by JECFA31/03/2019
CL 2019/12-FA01/19Request for comments at Step 3 on the proposed changes and/or addition to the International Numbering System for Food Additives (CXG 36-1989)15/02/2019
CL 2019/13-FL01/19Request for comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft Guidance for the Labelling of Non-Retail Containers31/03/2019
CL 2019/06-PR01/19Establishment of priority lists of pesticides for evaluation by JMPR.01/03/2019
CL 2019/19-PR02/19Request for comments on the transfer of processed commodities from Class D to Class C of the Classification of Food and Feed20/03/2019
CL 2019/14/OCS-FL02/19Request for comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft Guidelines on Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labelling31/03/2019
CL 2019/20-CPL02/19Request for Comments: Analysis of Responses to CL 2018/68-CPL: draft two sections of the standard for quinoa15/03/2019
CL 2019/21/OCS-CAC02/19Demande d’observations sur la version révisée du projet de Plan stratégique du Codex pour 2020-202530/04/2019
CL 2019/22/OCS-SCH02/19Request for Comments at Step 5/8 on the proposed draft Standard for dried or dehydrated garlic31/05/2019
CL 2019/23/OCS-SCH02/19Request for Comments at Step 5 on the Proposed Draft Standard for dried Oregano31/05/2019
CL 2019/24/OCS-SCH02/19Request for Comments at Step 5 on the Proposed Draft Standard for dried roots, rhizomes and bulbs ̶ dried or dehydrated ginger31/05/2019
CL 2019/25/OCS-SCH02/19Request for Comments at Step 5 on the Proposed Draft Standard for dried leaves – dried basil31/05/2019
CL 2019/26/OCS-SCH02/19Request for Comments at Step 5 on the Proposed Draft Standard for dried floral parts – dried cloves31/05/2019
CL 2019/27/OCS-SCH02/19Request for Comments at Step 5 on the Proposed Draft Standard for Saffron31/05/2019
CL 2019/10-CF02/19Request for comments at Step 6 on the proposed draft Guidelines for Risk Analysis of Contaminants in Food where there is no Regulatory Level or Risk Management Framework Established 10/04/2019
CL 2019/09-CF03/19Request for comments at Step 6 on the Proposed draft code of practice for the reduction of 3-MCPDEs and GE in refined oils and food products made with refine oils15/04/2019
CL 2019/07-CF03/19Request for comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft maximum levels for lead in selected commodities in the General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food and Feed (CXS 193-1995)15/04/2019
CL 2019/28/OCS-FO03/19Proposed Revision to the Standard for olive oils and olive pomace oils (CXS 234-1999), Section 8. The methods of analysis and sampling (Replacement of obsolete methods).19/04/2019
CL 2019/16-MAS03/19Request for comments at Step 3 on the revision of the Guidelines on measurement uncertainty (CXG 54-2004)30/04/2019
CL 2019/15-MAS03/19Request for comments at Step 3 on the revision of the CXS 234-1999: preamble and structure30/04/2019
CL 2019/29/OCS-FO03/19Request for comments on the proposed amendments to the Standard for Named Vegetable Oils (CXS 210 – 1999) - for adoption by CAC4231/05/2019
CL 2019/30/OCS-FO03/19Request for Comments (at Step 8) on the proposed revision to the Standard for Named Vegetable Oils (CXS 210-1999) – Addition of Palm oil with a higher Oleic acid (OxG)31/05/2019
CL 2019/31/OCS-FO03/19Request for Comments (at Step 5/8) on the proposed revision to the Standard for Named Vegetable Oils (CXS 210-1999) – Replacement of Acid Value with free fatty acids for Virgin Palm oil and inclusion of Free fatty Acids for Crude Palm Kernel Oils 31/05/2019
CL 2019/32/OCS-FO03/19Request for Comments (at Step 5/8) on the proposed revision to the Standard for Named Vegetable Oils (CXS 210-1999) – Inclusion of Almond oil, Hazelnut oil, Pistachio oil, Flaxseed oil, and Walnut oil 31/05/2019
CL 2019/33/OCS-FO03/19Request for Comments on the Proposed Amendments to the food additives provisions in the Standards for Fats and Oils - for adoption CAC 4231/05/2019
CL 2019/17-MAS04/19Request for comments: revision of the General Guidelines on Sampling (CXG 50 - 2004)30/04/2019
CL 2019/08-CF04/19Request for comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft maximum levels for cadmium in chocolates and cocoa-derived products 20/04/2019
CL 2019/34-CS04/19Request for Comments: Analysis of Responses to CL 2018/80-CS: draft Standard for panela and/or common or vernacular name as known in each country (non – centrifuged sugar)15/05/2019
CL 2019/35/OCS-FA04/19Request for comments on: i) draft and proposed draft food additive provisions of the General Standard for Food Additives at Steps 8 and 5/8; ii) the revised food additives provisions of the GSFA related to the alignment of 23 commodity standards and the relevant provisions for ASCORBYL ESTERS; (iii) the revised food additives provisions of the GSFA related to the replacement notes to Note 161; and iv) insertion of a footnote to the table entitled “References to Commodity Standards for GSFA Table 3 Additives” 31/05/2019
CL 2019/36/OCS-FA04/19Request for comments on: i) the proposed draft Specifications for the Identity and Purity of Food Additives at Step 5/8; and ii) the consequential amendment to the List of Codex Specifications for Food Additives (CXM 6)31/05/2019
CL 2019/37/OCS-FA04/19Request for comments on the proposed draft revision at Step 5/8 to the Class Names and the International Numbering System for Food Additives (CXG 36-1989)31/05/2019
CL 2019/38/OCS-FA04/19Request for comments on proposed revised food additive sections of various Codex commodity standards31/05/2019
CL 2019/39-FA04/19Request for proposals for change and/or addition to Section 3 of the Class Names and International Numbering System for Food Additives (CXG 36-1989)15/09/2019
CL 2019/40-FA04/19Request for proposals for new and/or revision of food additive provisions of the GSFA15/01/2020
CL 2019/41-FA04/19Request for information and comments on the priority list of substances proposed for evaluation by JECFA15/01/2020
CL 2019/42-CPL04/19Request for comments at Step 8 on the draft two sections in the standard for quinoa31/05/2019
CL 2019/49-FA05/19Request for general information on the availability of data related to nitrates and nitrites15/09/2019
CL 2019/43/OCS-PR05/19Request for comments on MRLs for pesticides in food and feed at Step 5/815/06/2019
CL 2019/44/OCS-PR05/19Request for comments on revision of the Classification of Food and Feed (CXM 4-1989): Miscellaneous commodities not meeting the criteria for crop grouping (Any Class, Single Type, One Group) at Step 5/815/06/2019
CL 2019/45/OCS-CF05/19Request for comments on proposed draft revised maximum levels for lead in selected commodities in the General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food and Feed (CXS 193-1995)15/06/2019
CL 2019/46/OCS-CF05/19Request for comments on a proposed draft maximum level for cadmium for chocolates containing or declaring <30% total cocoa solids on a dry matter basis at Step 5/815/06/2019
CL 2019/47/OCS-CF05/19Request for comments on a draft Code of practice for the reduction of 3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol esters (3-MCPDEs) and glycidyl esters (GEs) in refined oils and food products made with refined oils (at Step 8) 15/06/2019
CL 2019/48/OCS-CF05/19Request for comments on a draft Guidelines for rapid risk analysis following instances of detection of contaminants in food where there is no regulatory level (at Step 8)15/06/2019
CL 2019/50-FH05/19Request for proposals for new work and/or revision of existing standards01/09/2019
CL 2019/51/OCS-FO05/19Request for proposals for amendments to Appendix 2: List of Acceptable Previous Cargoes of CAC/RCP 36-198715/12/2019
CL 2019/55/OCS-FL06/19Request for Comments at Step 5 on the proposed draft Guidance for the labelling of non-retail containers30/06/2019
CL 2019/56/OCS-AFRICA06/19Request for Comments at Step 3 on the Proposed draft Standard for dried meat31/07/2019
CL 2019/59/OCS-MAS06/19Request for Comments methods of analysis for inclusion in the General Standard for Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CXS 234 – 1999)30/06/2019
CL 2019/60/OCS-MAS06/19Request for Comments at Step 5/8 on proposed draft preamble and document structure of the General Standard for Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CXS 234 – 1999)30/06/2019
CL 2019/61/OCS-MAS06/19Request for Comments at Step 5 on proposed draft revision of the Guidelines on Measurement Uncertainty (CXG 54 – 2004)30/06/2019
CL 2019/57/OCS-AFRICA06/19Request for Comments at Step 6 on the draft Standard for fermented cooked cassava based products31/07/2019
Cl 2019/58/OCS-AFRICA06/19Request for Comments at Step 6 on the draft regional Standard for Gnetum Spp02/08/2019
CL 2019/62/OCS-FFV07/19Request for comments at Step 6 on the draft Standard for Garlic30/09/2019
CL 2019/63/OCS-FFV07/19Request for comments at Step 6 on the draft Standard for Ware Potatoes30/09/2019
CL 2019/64/OCS-FFV07/19Request for comments at Step 3 on the Proposed draft Standard for Fresh Dates30/09/2019
CL 2019/65/OCS-FFV06/19Request for comments at Step 3 on the Proposed draft Standard for Yam30/09/2019
CL 2019/66/OCS-FFV07/19Request for comments at Step 3 on the Proposed draft Standard for Onions and Shallots30/09/2019
CL 2019/67/OCS-FFV07/19Request for comments at Step 3 on the Proposed draft Standard for Berry fruits30/09/2019
CL 2019/68/OCS-NASWP06/19Request for Comments at Step 3 on the Proposed draft regional standard for fermented noni juice 12/08/2019
CL 2019/73-PR07/19Request for bulking or blending information in the framework of the review of the IESTI equations10/11/2019
CL 2019/74-CF07/19Request for mitigation measures for mycotoxin contamination in cassava and cassava products10/11/2019
CL 2019/52-FO07/19Request for data and information on the characteristics and origins of avocado oil (part of the fruit from which the oil is derived)29/11/2019
CL 2019/54-FO07/19Request for proposals for new work and or amendments to existing Codex Standards 18/12/2020
CL 2019/53-FO07/19Request for data and information on refractive index, saponification value, iodine values and relative density for sunflowerseed oil 27/03/2020
CL 2019/76-NASWP07/19Proposed Draft regional standard for kava as a beverage when mixed with cold water19/08/2019
CL 2019/69-FH07/19Request for comments at Step 6 on the draft Code of practice on food allergen management for food business operators20/09/2019
CL 2019/77-NFSDU07/19Request for comments at Step 6 on the review of the Standard for follow-up formula: draft scope, description and labelling for FUF for older infants30/09/2019
CL 2019/82-FL07/19Request for information on innovation and technology in food labelling31/01/2020
CL 2019/80/OCS-MAS07/19Request for comments at Step 6 on the draft revised Guidelines on Measurement Uncertainty31/01/2020
CL 2019/81-CF08/19Request for comments at Step 6 on the draft maximum level for cadmium in chocolates containing or declaring <30% total cocoa solids on a dry matter basis.10/11/2019
CL 2019/70/OCS-FH08/19Request for Comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft revision of the General Principles of Food Hygiene (CXC 1-1969) and its HACCP Annex18/10/2019
CL 2019/71/OCS-FH08/19Request for Comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft Guidance on the management of biological foodborne outbreaks18/10/2019
CL 2019/72/OCS-FH09/19Request for comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft Guidelines for the control of shiga toxin-producing E.coli (STEC) in beef meet, leafy greens, raw milk and cheese produced from raw milk, and sprouts18/10/2019
CL 2019/78-NFSDU09/19Review of the Standard for Follow-up Formula: request for comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft follow-up formula for older infants and [product] for young children22/10/2019
CL 2019/85/OCS-FL09/19Request for comments at Step 6 on the draft guidance for the labelling of non-retail containers15/09/2020
CL 2019/92-CPL09/19Request for comments at step 6 on the provision for grain size in the standard for quinoa01/12/2019
CL 2019/79-NFSDU10/19Request for comments at Step 3 on section 5.2.2 (food additives) and section 6.2 (proteins): proposed draft Guidelines for RUTF31/10/2019
CL 2019/94/OCS-SCH10/19Request for Comments at Step 6 on the Draft Standard for Saffron31/03/2020
CL 2019/95/OCS-SCH10/19Request for Comments at Step 6 on the Draft Standard for dried floral parts – dried cloves31/03/2020
CL 2019/96/OCS-SCH10/19Request for Comments at Step 6 on the Draft Standard for dried leaves – dried basil31/03/2020
CL 2019/97/OCS-SCH10/19Request for Comments at Step 6 on the Draft Standard for dried roots, rhizomes and bulbs ̶ dried or dehydrated ginger31/03/2020
CL 2019/98/OCS-SCH10/19Request for Comments at Step 6 on the Draft Standard for dried Oregano31/03/2020
CL 2019/93/OCS-FICS10/19Request for Comments at Step 6 on the Draft Principles and Guidelines for the assessment and use of voluntary Third-Party Assurance (vTPA) programmes 31/12/2019
CL 2019/87/OCS-PFV10/19Request for comments on proposed draft standard for Gochujang (at Step 3)30/11/2019
CL 2019/88/OCS-PFV10/19Request for comments on proposed draft standard for Chili Sauce (at Step 3)30/11/2019
CL 2019/89/OCS-PFV10/19Request for comments on proposed draft standard for Mango Chutney (at Step 3)30/11/2019
CL 2019/90/OCS-PFV10/19Request for comments on proposed draft standard for Dried Fruits (at Step 3)30/11/2019
CL 2019/91/OCS-PFV10/19Request for comments on proposed draft standard for Canned Fruits Salads (at Step 3)30/11/2019
CL 2019/83/OCS-AMR10/19Request for comments on the proposed draft Guidelines on integrated monitoring and surveillance of foodborne antimicrobial resistance (at Step 3)25/11/2019
CL 2019/99/OCS-EXEC10/19Request for Input to the Development of Practical Guidance for Codex Subsidiary Bodies and their chairpersons on the operationalisation of the Statements of Principle Concerning the Role of Science30/11/2019
CL 2019/100-SCH10/19Request for proposals on new work for the Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs30/11/2020
CL 2019/84/OCS-AMR11/19Request for comments on the proposed draft revision of the Code of practice to minimize and contain foodborne antimicrobial resistance (CXC 61-2005) (at Step 3)25/11/2019
CL 2019/101/OCS-LAC11/19Request for Comments on CCLAC21 draft report 08/11/2019
CL 2019/102/OCS-AFRICA11/19Demande d’observations à l’étape 8 sur le projet de norme pour les préparations cuites à base de manioc fermenté30/04/2020
CL 2019/103/OCS-AFRICA11/19Demande d’observations à l’étape 8 sur le projet de norme pour les feuilles fraîches de gnetum spp. 30/04/2020
CL 2019/104/OCS-AFRICA11/19Demande d’observations à l’étape 5 sur l’avant-projet de norme pour la viande séchée30/04/2020
CL 2019/105/OCS-AFRICA11/19Demande d’observations sur les propositions d’amendements aux sections 3.2.2 et 3.4 de la norme régionale sur le beurre de karité (CXS 325R-2017)30/04/2020
CL 2019/106/OCS-FFV11/19Request for comments at Step 8 on the draft standard for kiwifruit30/04/2020
CL 2019/107/OCS-FFV11/19Request for comments at Step 8 on the draft standard for garlic30/04/2020
CL 2019/108/OCS-FFV11/19Request for comments at Step 8 on the draft standard for ware potatoes30/04/2020
CL 2019/109/OCS-FFV11/19Request for comments at Step 5/8 on the proposed draft standard for yam30/04/2020
CL 2019/110/OCS-FH12/19Request for comments at Step 8 on the Draft Code of Practice on Food Allergen Management for Food Business Operators30/04/2020
CL 2019/111/OCS-FH12/19Request for comments at Step 5/8 on the Proposed draft revision of the General Principles of Food Hygiene30/04/2020
CL 2019/112/OCS-FH12/19Request for comments at Step 5 on the Proposed Draft Guidance for the Management of Biological Foodborne Outbreaks30/04/2020
CL 2019/113/OCS-NFSDU12/19Request for comments at Step 5 on the review of the Standard for Follow-up Formula: Section B: proposed draft scope, description and labelling 30/04/2020
CL 2019/114/OCS-NFSDU12/19Request for comments at Step 5 on the proposed draft Guidelines for ready to use therapeutic foods30/04/2020
CL 2019/115/OCS-GP12/19Request for Comments on the Procedural guidance for committees working by correspondence16/02/2020
CL 2019/116/OCS-NFSDU12/19Request for comments on provisions for xanthum gum (INS 415) and pectins (INS 440)30/04/2020
CL 2019/117-FA12/19Request for comments at Step 3 on the proposed changes and/or addition to the International Numbering System for Food Additives (CXG 36-1989)31/01/2020
CL 2019/118/OCS-FA12/19Request for Comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft Specifications for the Identity and Purity of Food Additives arising from the 87th JECFA Meeting15/02/2020
CL 2019/86-FL12/19Request for comments on labelling of alcoholic beverages31/08/2020
Circular Letters archive
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