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Comité Coordinador Regional del Codex para el Cercano Oriente (CCNE) - Coordinador regional:Arabia Saudita

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En 1999, durante el 23.º período de sesiones de la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius, se estableció el Comité Coordinador Regional para el Cercano Oriente, que reúne a los países de la región del Cercano Oriente (para la FAO) y de la región del Mediterráneo Oriental (para la OMS). El comité celebró su primera reunión en El Cairo (Egipto), en 2001.

El actual coordinador regional para el Cercano Oriente tiene su sede en la Autoridad de Alimentos y Medicamentos de Arabia Saudita, en Riad.

Son objetivos del coordinador, a la hora de liderar a la región en el Codex, potenciar el desarrollo y el fortalecimiento de los puntos de contacto del Codex y los comités nacionales del Codex, así como mejorar la comunicación y la coordinación entre los miembros del CCNE, con otras regiones y con la Secretaría del Codex.

Otro de sus objetivos es desarrollar el intercambio de conocimientos científicos y técnicos entre los países con más experiencia de la región y los que cuentan con menos experiencia.

El coordinador se propone fomentar el uso de las normas del Codex como base para la legislación y las normativas nacionales y continuar el trabajo de desarrollo y revisión de las normas del Codex teniendo en cuenta los intereses regionales.


Noticias de la región

WHO, FAO and Jordan national food authority record video for World Food Safety Day

In celebration of the World Food Safety Day 2022, the WHO country office in Jordan developed a video in collaboration with FAO Jordan and the Jordan Food and Drug Administration (national food authorities). The purpose of the video is to communicate concise and clear messages on key practices for food safety. The role of the national authorities to enhance food safety was highlighted. The video concluded with calls for action by Jordan representatives of WHO and FAO to support food [...]
13 June 2022

Saudi Airlines Catering Company celebrates World Food Safety Day

On the World Food Safety Day Saudi Airlines Catering Company conducted several workshops on food safety. These workshops cover the importance of food safety, best international practices to maintain food safety and quality and highlighted the WHO five keys to safer food. A video celebrating World Food Safety Day was recorded by company officials and food safety department to show how the company keeps its food safe and food safety part of the company culture. Read more
09 June 2022

Save the Children in Lebanon to livestream on Facebook for World Food Safety Day

Save the Children in Lebanon is inviting people to attend a Facebook live event for World Food Safety Day. The event will involve the organization’s food security and livelihood coordinator, Yara Sleiman, who will discuss food storage and food safety tips for families with children and pregnant and lactating mothers. Date & time: 7 June 13:00 (12:00 CEST) Join the event
07 June 2022

Saudi Arabia symposium on food safety planned for World Food Safety Day

A team of Food Professionals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has planned World Food Safety Day related symposium in the three cities, Jeddah, Riyadh and Dammam. This event will be the first of its kind in the Kingdom and attracting food professional from the industry, academia and local regulatory bodies. The event will be free of cost to enrol and attend. The symposia will start at 0900 hours and finish at 1600 hours as it is a full day event. There will be [...]
07 June 2022

Ahmed M. Elhelw 1985 - 2022

The Codex Secretariat has learned of the untimely passing of the former Codex Contact Point for Egypt, Ahmed M. Elhelw. The Regional Coordinator for the Near East (CCNE), Khalid S. Al Zhrani, Saudi Arabia said: “Ahmed was like an energy station of the CCNE family. With his presence, he would light us all up with positivity. His contribution to my life as a guide, and to the Codex family as an active Member will always be appreciated.” Ahmed held a bachelor degree [...]
04 June 2022

The Ministry of Public Health of Qatar organizes several World Food Safety Day activities

The Ministry of Public Health of Qatar marked World Food Safety Day, which falls on 7 June, under the theme “Safe food today for a healthy tomorrow", and slogan "Food Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility." On this occasion, the Ministry organized a number of activities and events, including: Virtual Workshops Three workshops targeting family-run businesses over three days on: Introduction to Food Safety -Types of food contamination and sources Types of bacteria and where they’re found in food (e.g. Salmonella, E. Coli , Staphylococcus, Listeria and [...]
12 August 2021

The United Arab Emirates’ food safety measures highlighted in World Food Safety Day event

The Dubai municipality hosted a virtual World Food Safety Day symposium on 7 June where national and local municipal efforts were showcased. The virtual event also brought together food safety professionals, food safety training providers and government officials from across the Emirates in a discussion on relevant topics, with speakers also from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI). For FAO, Senior Food Safety Officer, Catherine Bessy, gave a presentation [...]
02 July 2021

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Health tweets ‘five commandments’ of food safety

In a series of tweets, Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Health has joined in the World Food Safety Day celebrations, with some illustrative animations, tips on food safety and advice for the general public. The 7 June tweets start with general messages observing that the COVID-19 pandemic has meant “the world has been through great changes” and as a consequence, people are cooking at home a lot more than they would beforehand. The ministry was therefore offering some advice on how to [...]
17 June 2021

Saudi Food and Drug Authority celebrates World Food Safety Day 2021

The Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) participated in the celebration of World Food Safety Day through a series of events and activities under the theme “Safe food now for a healthy tomorrow.” In a video address, Dr Hisham Al-Jadhey, CEO of the SFDA, stated that “Foodborne diseases annually cause 420,000 deaths worldwide”. He emphasized “today the whole world celebrates the World Food Safety Day, because ensuring food safety along the food chain affects food safety, human health, increases economic prosperity, [...]
14 June 2021

Codex Near East region discusses World Food Safety Day activities

The Codex Committee for the Near East (CCNE) convened a meeting on 7 June to discuss World Food Safety Day, its importance and events being organized in Member Countries. The meeting was an initiative of CCNE coordinator, Saudi Arabia, who provided a presentation about food safety and World Food Safety Day. The session involved discussions about the importance of the role of food safety organizations around the world to keep food safe for a healthier future for all. Members shared their [...]
11 June 2021
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Coordinador de CCNE

Toda la información sobre el Codex es pública y gratuita.

Para consultas regionales, comuníquese con:

Secretaría de CCNE

Saudi Food & Drug Authority
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Tel: +966 11 2038222 Ext:3347

Correo electrónico: [email protected]