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Comité Ejecutivo de la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius
13/07/2020 - 20/07/2020 | Virtual,


The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has made it impossible to convene physical meetings and therefore severely impacted the Codex calendar of sessions in 2020.

This has also affected CCEXEC79 which will NOT meet physically at the dates originally announced.
Following a proposal that CCEXEC79 meet virtually and the subsequent endorsement of this proposal by the CCEXEC Members, the session will now take place as a virtual meeting on 13, 14, 17 and 20 July 2020.

CCEXEC79 will meet for four three-hour sessions, one session per day on 13, 14, and 17 July to discuss the items on the agenda, and of a fourth session on 20 July to adopt the report.

The Session will begin at midday (CET) on Monday 13th July 2020. The Session will be conducted in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Russian.


Please note that there will be no distribution of working documents through the Codex mailing list (Codex-L). Only the invitation and the provisional agenda will be distributed to members. All working documents, and any subsequent new documents not referenced on this Provisional Agenda, including any other information for delegates, will be published on the Codex website as they become available.

In preparation for the meeting, as well as the documents available below please refer to the relevant documents prepared for CAC43:

CAC43 meeting webpage

These include the overview of Codex texts for final adoption, for adoption at step 5, or for revocation as well as proposals for new work, discontinuation of work and Amendments to Codex Standards and Related Texts.


Registration for CCEXEC79 is available here.
After registration further instructions will follow.

Documentos relacionados

TemaDescripciónFecha de carga
Documento de referencia
2Examen crítico Parte I01/06/2020
CX/EXEC 20/79/2
1Programa provisional23/06/2020
CX/EXEC 20/79/1 Rev.1
5El Codex y la pandemia – desafíos y oportunidades estratégicos08/07/2020
EXEC/79 CRD/01
2.1Examen crítico – parte ii10/07/2020
CX/EXEC 20/79/2 Add.1
3Solicitudes de concesión de la calidad de observador en el Codex presentadas por organizaciones internacionales no gubernamentales17/07/2020
CX/EXEC 20/79/3
4Asuntos presupuestarios y financieros del Codex: informe correspondiente a 2018-19 y progresos en 2020-2116/07/2020
CX/EXEC 20/79/4
Informe de la 79a reunión dell'EXEC11/08/2020
6All files zip collection