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Comité del Codex sobre Pescado y Productos Pesqueros
20/09/2021 - 25/10/2021 | por correspondencia,


Adoption of the CCFFP35 report will take place virtually on Monday 25 October 2021 starting at 12 pm (noon) CET.
A registration link for the zoom meeting has been shared with all participants .
Please contact [email protected] in case of any questions.

In agreement with the host country of CCFFP, Norway, the 35th Session of CCFFP will be convened during the period 20 September-25 October 2021 working by correspondence.
Discussions will take place during the period 20 September – 20 October 2021 while the adoption of the report will take place virtually on Monday 25 October 2021 using Zoom.
The Session will be conducted in English, French and Spanish.


CAC43 (2020) approved the proposal that CCFFP be reactivated to work by correspondence in accordance with the “Procedure for the Inclusion of Additional Species in Codex Standards for Fish and Fishery Products” (Procedural Manual Section II (adopted 2013)) to evaluate if the Standard for Canned Sardines and Sardine-Type Products (CXS 94-1981) could be amended to include the fish species S. lemuru (Bali Sardinella) in the list of Sardinella species under section 2.1.

In December 2020, a Circular Letter (CL 2020/61/OCS REV-FFP) was issued requesting comments on the establishment of an Electronic Working Group (EWG) to evaluate a proposed amendment of the Standard for Canned Sardines and Sardine-Type Products (CXS 94-1981). Seventeen Member countries and the European Union provided comments in response to the Circular Letter. While the comments were generally positive to the establishment of the EWG, some requested further considerations regarding the chairing of the EWG, the Terms of Reference for the EWG, and selection of sardine species for sensory evaluation.


The Provisional Agenda has been published and is available below.
Further documents will be published below as soon as they are available.

Please note the a proposed amendment to the Procedural Manual with Guidance for Committees Working by Correspondence is being presented to CAC44 for adoption. For further information, please see CX/CAC 21/44/2 available at the CAC44 webpage.

Conference Room Documents (CRDs) can be sent to the Codex Secretariat at [email protected] by no later than 22 September 2021, 23:59 CET


Registration to the Session has been extended to 10 September 2021 via the online registration system (ORS) that can be accessed through the following link: A username and password for the online registration has been provided to all Codex Members and Observers. If the username and password have not been received, please contact [email protected].

The work will take place electronically in the CCFFP forum on the Codex online platform. The user group is CCFFP35. This platform is also used for electronic working groups (EWG). All delegates will need to
(1) register on the forum platform and
(2) request to join the new user group CCFFP35 once they have registered.
  • Previous users of the Codex online forum can log into the system with their existing forum username and password. In addition, they will need to request to become a member of the new CCFFP35 user group.

  • New users of the online forum will need to register on the forum to obtain a username (See online guide, video tutorial) and then request to become a member of the CCFFP35 user group.

To request to join the CCFFP35 user group, a participant must be registered for CCFFP35 via the ORS by their country Codex Contact Point (CCP), or, for representatives of International Organizations with observer status with the Codex Alimentarius Commission, by their organization.
For all technical assistance regarding the platform, please contact the platform administrator (Codex Secretariat) using the Contact link on the platform homepage or via [email protected].


working-group-programmeThe tentative timetable indicates when individual agenda items will be open for comments on the Codex forum.

Download the timetable: English


CCFFP Chairperson Vigdis Veum Møllersen, Norway, explains how she sees the committee working.

Documentos relacionados

TemaDescripciónFecha de carga
Documento de referencia
4Proyecto de enmienda de la Norma para las sardinas y productos análogos en conserva (CXS 94 1981)22/07/2021
CX/FFP 21/35/4
3.1Información sobre las actividades de la FAO y la OMS pertinentes para la labor del Comité del Codex sobre Pescado y Productos Pesqueros16/08/2021
CX/FFP 21 35 3
4.1Propuesta de enmienda a la Norma para las sardinas y productos análogos en conserva (CXS 94-1981)18/08/2021
CX/FFP 21/35/4 Add.1
2Asuntos planteados por la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius y otros órganos auxiliares 20/08/2021
CX/FFP 21/35/2
101División de las Competencias entre la UE y sus Estados miembros 17/09/2021
1Programa provisional04/10/2021
CX/FFP 21/35/1
0.1Informe de la 35.ª reunión del CCFFP17/11/2021
4.3Proposed amendment of the Standard for Canned Sardines and Sardine-Type Products (CXS 94-1981) (Comments in reply to CL 2021/67-FFP)14/09/2021
CX/FFP 21/35/4 Add.3
4.2Additional comments on the proposed amendment of the Standard for Canned Sardines and Sardine-Type Products (CXS 94-1981)16/09/2021
CX/FFP 21/35/4 Add.2-Rev.1
102Comments of the Philippines on Agenda Item 317/09/2021
103Opening speeches22/09/2021
104Comments of Morocco on Agenda Item 427/09/2021
105All files zip collection