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Comité del Codex sobre Especias y Hierbas Culinarias
21/01/2019 - 25/01/2019 | Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India


The 4th Session of the Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs will be held at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala - India, from January 21st-25th. The opening session will start at 9:30 am on Monday, January 21 2019.

Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English, French and Spanish during the meeting.

Wi-Fi will be available at the meeting venue so working documents and other information can also be downloaded during the meeting.


All participants should provide their information (names and addresses) through the online registration system by accessing the link below, latest by 20th December 2018.

Login and password for the online registration have been provided to all Codex Contact Points and Contact Point of Observers Organizations. If the login and password have not been received, please contact [email protected].


The documents for the session are available in English, French and Spanish. There will be no distribution of working documents (including the report of the session) through the Codex mailing list (Codex-L) except for circular letters. All working documents, including conference room documents, information for delegates and other relevant materials, will be published on the Codex website as they become available. We kindly remind you to obtain all documentation from the Codex website prior to the meeting as not printed documents will be made available at the session.

Documentos relacionados

TemaDescripciónFecha de carga
Documento de referencia
3.1Anteproyecto de norma para el orégano29/06/2018
CX/SCH 19/4/3
7.1Anteproyecto de norma para la nuez moscada29/08/2018
CX/SCH 19/4/8
8.1Anteproyecto de norma para el clavo de olor seco29/08/2018
CX/SCH 19/4/9
1Programa provisional 20/07/2018
CX/SCH 19/4/1
4.1Anteproyecto de norma para raíces secas, rizomas y bulbos: requisitos específicos para el jengibre seco o deshidratado30/08/2018
CX/SCH 19/4/4
6.1Anteproyecto de norma de grupo para las hojas culinarias secas: Requisitos específicos para la albahaca seca 01/10/2018
CX/SCH 19/4/7
4.2Informe del grupo de trabajo por medios electrónicos sobre el anteproyecto de norma para el ajo seco y deshidratado01/10/2018
CX/SCH 19/4/5
9Propuestas de nuevos trabajos12/10/2018
CX/SCH 19/4/11
2Cuestiones remitidas por la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius y sus órganos auxiliares 29/10/2018
CX/SCH 19/4/2
3.11Observaciones en el trámite 3 en respuesta a la CL 2018/54/OCS-SCH 16/11/2018
CX/ SCH 19/4/3 Add.1
4.21Observaciones en el trámite 3 en respuesta a la CL 2018/56/OCS-SCH19/11/2018
CX/SCH 19/4/5 Add.1
4.11Observaciones en el trámite 3 en respuesta a la CL 2018/55/OCS-SCH19/11/2018
CX/ SCH 19/4/4 Add.1
6.11Observaciones en el trámite 3 en respuesta a la CL 2018/58/OCS-SCH 20/11/2018
CX/SCH 19/4/7 Add.1
7.11Observaciones en el trámite 3 en respuesta a la CL 2018/59/OCS-SCH20/11/2018
CX/ SCH 19/4/8 Add.1
8.11Observaciones en el trámite 3 en respuesta a la CL 2018/60/OCS-SCH 20/11/2018
CX/ SCH 19/4/9 Add.1
8.2Anteproyecto de norma para el azafrán 29/11/2018
CX/SCH 19/4/10
13Template for the Standard layout 22/11/2018
SCH/4 INF/01
5.11Observations à l'étape 3 en réponse à la CL 2018/57/OCS-SCH30/11/2018
CX/SCH 19/4/6 Add.1
5.1Informe del grupo de trabajo electrónico sobre el anteproyecto de norma para el chile y pimentón seco y deshidratado12/12/2018
CX/SCH 19/4/6 Rev
8.21Observaciones en el trámite 3 en respuesta a la CL 2018/61/OCS-SCH03/01/2019
CX/SCH 19/4/10 Add.1
2.1Cuestiones adicionales09/01/2019
CX/ SCH 19/4/2 Add.1
20División de las Competencias entre la Unión Europea y sus Estados miembros14/01/2019
14Información sobre las actividades de organizaciones internacionales pertinentes para la labor del CCSCH 29/11/2018
SCH/4 INF/02
Informe de la quarta reunión del CCSCH 12/03/2019
0.1Information for delegates09/08/2018
0.11Additional Information for delegates14/12/2018
22Grouping format for spices and culinary herbs – Example of Codex General Standard for Dried Fruits and Berries14/01/2019
3.12Additional comments17/01/2019
CX/ SCH 19/4/3 Add.2
4.12Additional comments17/01/2019
CX/SCH 19/4/4 Add.2
8.22Additional comments17/01/2019
CX/SCH 19/4/10 Add.2
7.12Additional comments17/01/2019
CX/ SCH 19/4/8 Add.2
6.12Additional comments17/01/2019
CX/SCH 19/4/7 Add.2
4.22Additional comments17/01/2019
CX/SCH 19/4/5 Add.2
5.12Additional comments17/01/2019
CX/SCH 19/4/6 Add.2
8.121Additional comments17/01/2019
CX/SCH 19/4/9 Add.2
23Comments from Mexico, and Morocco17/01/2019
24Comments from Nigeria, and Morocco17/01/2019
25Comments from Indonesia and Nigeria17/01/2019
26Comments from Indonesia, Nigeria and Morocco17/01/2019
28Comments from Morocco17/01/2019
27Comments from Nigeria17/01/2019
29Typing of Methods of Analysis - Comments of India17/01/2019
31Secretariat report of ISO/TC34/SC 717/01/2019
30Comments from Ghana 17/01/2019
21Report of the In-Session Working Group on Priorities and Group Standards23/01/2019
32Proposals for new work (Replies to CL 2017/67-SCH) - submitted by India and Iran09/12/2016
33All files zip collection