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codexalimentarius > Noticias y Eventos

ACT project launched in Nepal, 50 stakeholders agree on AMR priorities

As part of the “Action to support implementation of Codex AMR Texts (ACT)” project, FAO Nepal organized a one-day workshop on the implementation of Codex standards for foodborne antimicrobial resistance (AMR) on 5 December 2022.  50 participants from the government, various ministries, academia, and private sector (feed production, aquaculture, livestock production, food safety, laboratory testing) joined the event.  “We wanted to convene AMR stakeholders in Nepal to assess the level of implementation of the Codex standards on foodborne AMR. The participants [...]
22 December 2022

Codex approves over 500 new food safety standards at 45th Commission

The Codex Alimentarius Commission has adopted a series of new food safety standards at its 45th session which drew to a close on 13 December 2022. Eleven new texts include guidelines on ready-to-use therapeutic foods and on the management of biological foodborne outbreaks; a code of practice for the prevention and reduction of cadmium contamination in cocoa beans, and six new commodity standards. The Commission also established 476 new maximum residue limits for pesticides and 13 maximum levels for contaminants. For [...]
15 December 2022

Hygiene firm Diversey focuses on food safety in month-long World Food Safety Day celebrations

As a provider of food safety solutions, the global hygiene company, Diversey, organized month-long celebrations for World Food Safety Day 7–30 of June. Celebrations featured a food safety talk by the company’s Chief Revenue Officer, white papers and educational videos by company experts and scientists on various topics aligned with World Food Safety Day themes.  The company also leveraged its social media network in over 80 countries to educate and engage with their food industry customers and the general public. Diversey [...]
14 December 2022

Portugal’s Sumol+Campol organizes World Food Safety Day event to promote company-wide food safety awareness

Sumol+Compal, the Portuguese fruit and vegetable juice and snack company, promoted World Food Safety Day on 8 June with a webinar for all employees, which aimed to promote and consolidate the culture of quality and food safety within the organization. The webinar, which took place in collaboration with Sumol+Compal partners and official entities, addressed a number of food safety issues. The first presentation was from Filipa Melo de Vasconcelos, Sub-inspector General of the Portuguese Economic and Food Safety Authority (ASAE) and Portugal’s representative to [...]
12 December 2022

William Cole vineyard highlights good practices in Chile for World Food Safety Day

At William Cole (Tapihue) Wines’ Viña El Rosal in Chile this year, World Food Safety Day was observed in an event that included a talk and demonstrations about the culture of food safety within the company. By using microscopes and petri dishes with bacterial cultures in various stages of growth, the event holders graphically demonstrated the risks transmitted by poor hygienic practices and how to detect them. They talked about how everyone in the company has a role to play [...]
12 December 2022

Boston Sword & Tuna honours food safety staff

Boston Sword and Tuna in the United States of America celebrated World Food Safety Day at its facility. Management thanked food safety employees, who were treated to a celebratory cake, and discussed the role and importance of being food safety promoters. The company explained that it adheres to food safety and quality standards and has a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-registered facility which ensures conformance with codes of practice, industry standards, regulations and laws concerning production, processing, handling, labelling, distribution, and [...]
12 December 2022

CCFH53 / work completed on Escherichia coli and water in food production

The Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH) has agreed to send guidelines on the control of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and on the safe use and reuse of water in food production to the next Codex Alimentarius Commission for final adoption. Both proposed Codex texts are extensive documents and although the general sections and several commodity specific annexes are now finalized, the committee will continue to negotiate on specific areas of intervention for other foods. Over 120 delegates participated in [...]
09 December 2022

Webinar on Codex texts for the Latin American and the Caribbean region / 7 December 10.00 (GMT-5)

To strengthen national food safety systems and promote the application of Codex standards, there will be a webinar on basic Codex texts on 7 December 2022, 10.00–12.00 (GMT-5). This is part of the webinar series for capacity building in the Latin American and Caribbean region. “For more than five decades Codex texts have contributed immensely to the safety and quality of the food we eat. Codex standards are used as a benchmark in international trade agreements, ensuring that trade can flow globally but not [...]
05 December 2022

Codex never stops / at the food hygiene committee physical is imitating virtual

Virtual meetings have given us the possibility to hop, skip and jump from one continent and one subject to another just with the right link and the copy and paste of a passcode. So it must have come as a shock to some delegates at the current session of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH) when they had to pack their bags in Rome on Friday as the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) ended and be 10 000 km away, bright [...]
02 December 2022

Codex food hygiene meeting opens in San Diego

The 53rd session of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene, hosted by the United States of America opened in San Diego, California on 27 November 2022, with over 200 participants from 63 countries registered to take part. The keynote address was given by Linda J Harris, Professor of Cooperative Extension in Microbial Food Safety, Food Science and Technology at the University of California, Davis. Linking the realities of water scarcity and foodborne outbreaks in the United States to the work of [...]
30 November 2022