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codexalimentarius > Noticias y Eventos

World Food Safety Day/ Portuguese beverages company opens doors to students

The Portuguese food and beverages company, Sumol Compal, celebrated World Food Safety Day for the third consecutive year this year. This celebration at Sumol Compal took place during the month of June across three sites on three separate days, opening its doors to students and recent graduates to raise awareness about the importance of preventing food safety incidents. Following a visit to production sites, participants were challenged to get involved in a case study simulating a supplier alert for a potential physical [...]
05 July 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Papua New Guinea Minister opens national event

In Papua New Guinea, World Food Safety Day was celebrated at a conference attended by FAO and WHO representatives, with an opening speech given on behalf of the Minister for Agriculture and Livestock, Hon. John Boito, Coffee Minister, Livestock Minister and Oil Palm Minister. The Minister’s speech started with a background to Papua New Guinea’s membership of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and thanks to the Directors General of FAO and WHO for the “excellent work done by FAO, WHO and Codex [...]
05 July 2024

DMIA/ Empresa mexicana involucra a toda su cadena de suministro en la inocuidad alimentaria

El 7 de junio, OMEX Alimentaria, una empresa mexicana en carnes frías y lácteos celebró por segundo año consecutivo el Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos. Este año, participaron 2 plantas de producción y 8 centros de distribución en el país, con más de 1 000 colaboradores. El evento se convirtió en una jornada de aprendizaje y diversión, centrada en la importancia de mantener altos estándares de inocuidad en toda la cadena de producción, distribución y venta. Durante la celebración, se [...]
05 July 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Sushi in the spotlight in Portugal event

World Food Safety Day was celebrated in an event at the Lusófona de Lisboa University in Portugal, where the risk of parasites in sushi was discussed. Two lectures were presented by two of the researchers/teachers who have the most contact with parasitology. They explained the concern of the existence of parasites in fish that is destined for raw consumption, how they spread among marine inhabitants and how they reach humans. In the laboratory, participants learned how to find various nematodes essentially in [...]
05 July 2024

DMIA/ La actividad física es clave para promover la inocuidad alimentaria en El Salvador

El Organismo Salvadoreño de Reglamentación Técnica (OSARTEC), miembro del Consejo Nacional de Calidad (CNC), celebró el Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos del Codex Alimentarius con el apoyo del Organismo Internacional Regional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (OIRSA) con el lema “Preparémonos para lo imprevisto”. El OSARTEC, es el organismo responsable de concientizar la importancia de la participación en la elaboración y utilización de las Normas del Codex Alimentarius, que permite proteger la salud de los consumidores y la aplicación [...]
05 July 2024

CCLAC celebra el Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos 2024

Por cuarto año consecutivo, este 2024, la Oficina Regional de la Organización de las Naciones Unidad para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO RLC), el Centro Panamericano de Fiebre Aftosa y Salud Pública Veterinaria de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (PANAFTOSA/SPV-OPS/OMS), el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), el Organismo Internacional Regional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (OIRSA) y Ecuador como Presidente del Comité Coordinador FAO/OMS para América Latina y El Caribe (CCLAC), coordinaron en conjunto el evento regional [...]
04 July 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Activities in Ukraine

On 7 June 2024, WHO Ukraine in cooperation with FAO Ukraine, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Public Health Center of Ukraine and the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection held a webinar on food safety for the students of public health, veterinary studies, food safety, food technology faculties, as well as for general public. Over 821 registered to take part and 480 attended the two-hour online gathering to learn from national and international food safety experts as [...]
02 July 2024

CCEXEC86/ "Respond to the emerging challenges while leaving no one behind"

In opening remarks to the 86th session of the Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CCEXEC86), taking place at FAO Headquarters 1-5 July 2024, Maria-Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General, FAO, recalled "the longstanding statutory purpose of Codex to protect consumer health and facilitate fair practices in the food trade", and that this "remains the valid and noble purpose of the Codex Alimentarius". Noting the work of CCEXEC which includes discussions on the new Codex Strategic Plan for 2026-2031 she added that [...]
01 July 2024

CCEXEC86/ Steve Wearne "Collaboration key to making progress"

With the 86th Session of the Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CCEXEC86) starting next week at FAO HQ, Rome, the Codex Secretariat sat down with the Chairperson, Steve Wearne (United Kingdom), to talk about the Committee, its current and future work and the status of the new Codex Strategic Plan. Steve, thanks for your time. Let’s start from the basics. Can you explain to our general audience, what is the role of CCEXEC? CCEXEC is a work management committee. It supports [...]
28 June 2024

Risk ranking workshops take place across Asia and Africa under the One Health Food Safety project

Throughout the month of June, risk ranking workshops have been taking place in Mongolia, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania and Viet Nam, under the One Health and Food Safety (1HFS) project, which is supported by the Republic of Korea. The workshops are the first part of a series of planned events in the four countries under the 1HFS project, which are designed to help address the complexities of our agrifood systems from a One Health approach. This requires the involvement [...]
27 June 2024