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Comité del Codex sobre Sistemas de Inspección y Certificación de Importaciones y Exportaciones de Alimentos
22/10/2018 - 26/10/2018 | Brisbane, Australia


The 24th Session of the Codex Committee on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems will be held from 22nd to 26th October at the Sofitel, Brisbane Central Hotel, Brisbane, at the kind invitation of the Government of Australia. The Session will begin at 9.30 on Monday 22 October 2018. Registration facilities will be open on Sunday 21 October 2018 from 14.00 to 17.00 and on Monday 22 October from 8:00 at the same venue.

The Session will be conducted in English, French and Spanish.


Seminar for first time delegates will be held Sunday 21 October from 2:00 to 3:00 PM. Please find here the invitation and the information documents.

Monday 22 October 09:30 - 12:30; 14:30 - 18:30
Tuesday 23 October 09:00 - 12:30; 14:30 - 18:00
Wednesday 24 October 09:00 - 12:30; 14:30 - 18:00
Friday 26 October 09:30 onwards (adoption of the report)

- Monday 22 October 13:30 - 14:15 – Electronic Certification (Slides are here available: Presentation 1 - Presentation 2)
- Tuesday 23 October 13:30 - 14:15 – Third Party Assurance (Slides are here available: Presentation 1 - Presentation 2)
- Wednesday 24 October 13:30 - 14:15 - Food Integrity and Food Authenticity (Slides are here available: Presentation)

Monday 22 October Soiree Deck, Sofitel Brisbane Central Hotel 18:30 - 20:30


All participants should provide their information (names and addresses) through the online registration system by accessing the link below, latest by 22nd September 2018.

Login and password for the online registration have been provided to all Codex Contact Points and Contact Point of Observers Organizations. If the login and password have not been received, please contact [email protected].


It is important that you lodge your visa application as soon as possible and at least six weeks before your intended travel to allow sufficient time for processing. Codex Australia will not be able to provide individual invitation letters to facilitate visa applications. Anyone who is not an Australian citizen needs a valid visa to enter and spend time in Australia. There are different visas for tourists, business people, sports people, students and others.

All visas must be obtained before travelling. Visitors can apply for Australian visas at Australian government missions overseas or electronically through travel agents and airlines in many parts of the world. For more information please visit:


The documents for the session are available in English, French and Spanish. They will be published on the Codex website as soon as they are prepared. NB! We kindly remind you to obtain all documentation from the Codex website prior to the meeting.

For more information please check the Information for Delegates document in the list here below.

Documentos relacionados

TemaDescripciónFecha de carga
Documento de referencia
2Asuntos remitidos al Comité por la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius y sus órganos auxiliares 13/06/2018
CX/FICS 18/24/2
4Anteproyecto de Directrices sobre el uso de la equivalencia de sistemas16/08/2018
CX/FICS 18/24/4
7Documento de debate sobre la integridad y la autenticidad de los alimentos17/08/2018
CX/FICS 18/24/7
8Documento de debate para la consideración de temas emergentes y futuras orientaciones relativas a la labor del CCFICS17/08/2018
CX/FICS 18/24/8
6Anteproyecto de Directrices sobre los enfoques reglamentarios para los sistemas de aseguramiento por parte de terceros en materia deinocuidad alimentaria y prácticas leales en el comercio de alimentos13/09/2018
CX/FICS 18/24/6
1Programa provisional 23/08/2018
CX/FICS 18/24/1
9Evaluación del enfoque experimental para los grupos de trabajo presenciales realizados entre las reuniones10/08/2018
CX/FICS 18/24/9
3Información sobre las actividades de la FAO y OMS y de otras organizaciones internacionales pertinentes para el trabajo del Comité del Codex sobre Sistemas de Inspección y Certificación de Importaciones y Exportaciones de Alimentos (CCFICS)21/09/2018
CX/FICS 18/24/3
2.1Cuestiones remitidas al Comité por la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius y otros órganos auxiliares del codex 12/09/2018
CX/FICS 18/24/2 Add.1
3.1Informe sobre las actividades de la FAO, la OMS, y otras organizaciones internacionales, pertinentes a la labor del CCFICS03/10/2018
CX/FICS 18/24/3 Add.1
3.2Información sobre las actividades de la FAO y OMS y de otras organizaciones internacionales pertinentes para el trabajo del CCFICS- Contribución de la OIE21/09/2018
CX/FICS 18/24/3-Add.2
5Anteproyecto de Directrices sobre el uso de certificados electrónicos, sin papel (revisión de las Directrices para el diseño, elaboración, expedición y uso de certificados oficiales genéricos – CXG 38-2001)16/08/2018
CX/FICS 18/24/5
6.1Anteproyecto de principios y directrices para la evaluación y el uso de programas voluntarios de aseguramiento por parte de terceros: Observaciones en el Trámite 3 (respuestas a CL 2018/53/OCS-CCFICS 12/10/2018
CX/FICS 18/24/6 Add.1
4.1Anteproyecto de Directrices sobre el uso de la equivalencia de sistemas: Observaciones en el Trámite 3 (respuestas a CL 2018/51/OCS-CCFICS)12/10/2018
CX/FICS 18/24/4 Add.1
10.1Documento de debate en el que se propone consolidar y modernizar las Directrices sobre el uso de la equivalencia04/09/2018
CX/FICS 18/24/10
101Division of Competence between the European Union and its Member States15/10/2018
5.1Anteproyecto de orientaciones sobre el uso de certificados electrónicos sin papel: Observaciones en el Trámite 3 (Respuestas a CL 2018/52/OCS-FICS) 12/10/2018
CX/FICS 18/24/5 Add.1
0.1Information for Delegates13/06/2018
102Comments of Cuba, European Union, Philippines, Thailand, African Union, IFAAO and WCO on item 716/10/2018
103Comments of Philippines and African Union on item 816/10/2018
104Comments of African Union on item 916/10/2018
105Comments of Philippines and African Union on item 10.116/10/2018
6.2Proposed draft principles and guidelines for the assessment and use of voluntary third-party assurance programme: Comments at Step 316/10/2018
CX/FICS 18/24/6 Add.2
5.2Proposed draft Guidance on Paperless use of Electronic Certificates: Comments at Step 316/10/2018
CX/FICS 18/24/5 Add.2
4.2Proposed draft guidance on use of systems equivalence: Comments at Step 3 16/10/2018
CX/FICS 18/24/4 Add.2
109Comments of India on items 2, 4, 5, 6, 721/10/2018
108Comments of Nigeria on items 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 921/10/2018
107Comments of Papua New Guinea on items 4, 5, 6, 7, 821/10/2018
106Comments of El Salvador on items 4, 5, 7, 10.121/10/2018
110Comments of Nicaragua on item 621/10/2018
111Comments of Australia on items 5, 621/10/2018
112Item 4 - Amendment to Project Document for New Work on Guidance on the Use of Systems Equivalence22/10/2018
113Comments of Thailand on items 4, 622/10/2018
115Comments of Canada on items 4, 5, 622/10/2018
116Comments of Ghana on items 4, 5, 623/10/2018
117Opening remarks of the CCFICS Chairperson31/10/2018
118All files zip collection